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    <br>This release consists of flux tower measurements of the exchange of energy and mass between the surface and the atmospheric boundary-layer using eddy covariance techniques. Data were processed using PyFluxPro (v3.4.17) as described by Isaac et al. (2017). PyFluxPro produces a final, gap-filled product with Net Ecosystem Exchange (NEE) partitioned into Gross Primary Productivity (GPP) and Ecosystem Respiration (ER).</br><br> The site is woodland savanna with an overstory co-dominated by tree species <em>Eucalyptus tetrodonta</em>, <em>Corymbia latifolia</em>, <em>Terminalia grandiflora</em>, <em>Sorghum sp.</em> and <em>Heteropogon triticeus</em>. Average canopy height measures 16.4&nbsp;m. Elevation of the site is close to 110&nbsp; m and mean annual precipitation at a nearby Bureau of Meteorology site is 1,170&nbsp;mm. Maximum temperatures range from 31.2 &nbsp;°C (in June) to 37.5&nbsp;°C (in October), while minimum temperatures range from 12.6&nbsp;°C (in July) to 23.8&nbsp;°C (in January). Maximum temperatures range seasonally by 6.3&nbsp;°C and minimum temperatures by 11.2&nbsp;°C. <br /><br />The instrument mast is 23&nbsp;m tall. Heat, water vapour and carbon dioxide measurements are taken using the open-path eddy flux technique. Temperature, humidity, wind speed, wind direction, rainfall, incoming and reflected shortwave radiation and net radiation are measured above the canopy.<br /><br>Ancillary measurements taken at the site include LAI, leaf-scale physiological properties (gas exchange, leaf isotope ratios, nitrogen and chlorophyll concentrations), vegetation optical properties and soil physical properties. Airborne based remote sensing (Lidar and hyperspectral measurements) was carried out across the site in September 2008. <br /><br />

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    This data release consists of flux tower measurements of the exchange of energy and mass between the surface and the atmospheric boundary-layer in semi-arid eucalypt woodland using eddy covariance techniques. It been processed using PyFluxPro (v3.3.0) as described in Isaac et al. (2017), <a href="https://doi.org/10.5194/bg-14-2903-2017">https://doi.org/10.5194/bg-14-2903-2017</a>. PyFluxPro takes data recorded at the flux tower and process this data to a final, gap-filled product with Net Ecosystem Exchange (NEE) partitioned into Gross Primary Productivity (GPP) and Ecosystem Respiration (ER). For more information about the processing levels, see <a href="https://github.com/OzFlux/PyFluxPro/wiki">https://github.com/OzFlux/PyFluxPro/wiki</a>. <br /> <br /> The ecosystem was dominated by <em>Eucalyptus tectifica</em> and <em>Planchonia careya </em>.<br /> <br /> Elevation of the site was close to 90m and mean annual precipitation at a nearby Bureau of Meteorology site was 1730mm. Maximum temperatures ranged from 31.4°C (in June) to 36.8°C (in October) while minimum temperatures range from 16.2°C (in July) to 25.1°C (in December). Maximum temperature varied seasonally by approximately 5.4°C and minimum temperatures varied by approximately 8.9°C.The instrument mast was 15 meters tall. Heat, water vapour and carbon dioxide measurements were taken using the open-path eddy flux technique. Temperature, humidity, wind speed, wind direction, rainfall, incoming and reflected shortwave radiation and net radiation were measured above the canopy. Soil heat fluxes are measured and soil moisture content was gathered using time domain reflectometry. <br /><br />

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    This data release consists of flux tower measurements of the exchange of energy and mass between the surface and the atmospheric boundary-layer in semi-arid eucalypt woodland using eddy covariance techniques. It been processed using PyFluxPro (v3.3.3) as described in Isaac et al. (2017), <a href="https://doi.org/10.5194/bg-14-2903-2017">https://doi.org/10.5194/bg-14-2903-2017</a>. PyFluxPro takes data recorded at the flux tower and process this data to a final, gap-filled product with Net Ecosystem Exchange (NEE) partitioned into Gross Primary Productivity (GPP) and Ecosystem Respiration (ER). For more information about the processing levels, see <a href="https://github.com/OzFlux/PyFluxPro/wiki">https://github.com/OzFlux/PyFluxPro/wiki</a>. <br /> <br /> The site is classified as an open woodland savanna. The overstory is co-dominated by tree species <em>Eucalyptus miniata</em> and <em>Eucalyptus tentrodonata</em>, and average tree height is 14–16m. Elevation of the site is close to 64m and mean annual precipitation is 1750mm. Maximum temperatures range from 30.4°C (in July) to 33.2°C (in November), while minimum temperatures range from 19.3°C (in July) to 25.4°C (in November). Therefore, the maximum and minimum range varies from 7°C (wet season) to 11°C (dry season). <br /><br /> The instrument mast is 23m tall. Heat, water vapour and carbon dioxide measurements are taken using the open-path eddy flux technique. Temperature, humidity, wind speed, wind direction, rainfall, incoming and reflected shortwave radiation and net radiation are measured above the canopy. Soil heat fluxes are measured and soil moisture content is gathered using time domain reflectometry.<br /><br />

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    This data set is the result of the investigation on the response of littoral and floodplain vegetation and soil moisture flux to weir pool raising in 2015. The data was collected over 18 months between August 2015 and December 2016- before, during and after the weir pool levels were raised. The data set contains information on Tree Condition including crown extent and density, bark form, epicormic growth and state, reproduction, crown growth, leaf die off and damage, and mistletoe. Leaf Water Potential, taken predawn and in the middle of the day. Plant Area Index/Canopy Cover measurements using hemispherical photos. Soil Chemistry measurements- total soil moisture (gravimetric water content; %), soil suction (or soil matric potential), Electrical Conductivity and soil pH.

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    <br>This release consists of flux tower measurements of the exchange of energy and mass between the surface and the atmospheric boundary-layer using eddy covariance techniques. Data were processed using PyFluxPro (v3.4.15) as described by Isaac et al. (2017). PyFluxPro produces a final, gap-filled product with Net Ecosystem Exchange (NEE) partitioned into Gross Primary Productivity (GPP) and Ecosystem Respiration (ER).</br><br> Yarramundi Control Paddock site is located near Richmond, NSW (GPS coordinates -33.613469, 150.734864). The site is about 1&nbsp;km east of the Cumberland Plain Woodland flux tower. The climate is warm-temperate, with annual rainfall averaging 728&nbsp;mm, mean maximum temperature in January of 30.4&deg;C and mean minimum temperature in July of 3.6&deg;C (BOM station 067105). The elevation of the site is about 20&nbsp;m asl and the topography is flat. The soil is sandy loam in texture, organic carbon content is <1% nutrient availability is very low in the top 10&nbsp;cm; iron concretions below 50&nbsp;cm indicate poor drainage at times. The vegetation canopy is less than 1&nbsp;m tall, and the plant community is dominated by exotic herbaceous perennials, including <em>Conyza sumatrensis</em>, <em>Setaria parviflora</em>, <em>Cynodon dactylon</em>, <em>Commelina cyanea</em>, <em>Senecio madagascariensis</em>, and <em>Eragrostis curvula</em>. <br /> <br> Fluxes of water vapour, carbon dioxide and heat are quantified with the open-path eddy flux technique from a 2.5&nbsp;m tall mast. Additional measurements above the canopy include temperature, humidity, rainfall and net radiation, and photographs are taken several times per day to track canopy greenness.</br>

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    This data set contains information on hydrology of small catchments at Warra Long-Term Ecological Research (LTER) Site also referred to as the Warra Tall Eucalypt site, Tasmania. Data on stream flow daily amounts and averages from three sites, Warra, Swanson and King Creek.

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    This data release consists of flux tower measurements of the exchange of energy and mass between the surface and the atmospheric boundary-layer in semi-arid eucalypt woodland using eddy covariance techniques. It been processed using PyFluxPro (v3.3.3) as described in Isaac et al. (2017), <a href="https://doi.org/10.5194/bg-14-2903-2017">https://doi.org/10.5194/bg-14-2903-2017</a>. PyFluxPro takes data recorded at the flux tower and process this data to a final, gap-filled product with Net Ecosystem Exchange (NEE) partitioned into Gross Primary Productivity (GPP) and Ecosystem Respiration (ER). For more information about the processing levels, see <a href="https://github.com/OzFlux/PyFluxPro/wiki">https://github.com/OzFlux/PyFluxPro/wiki</a>. <br /> <br /> The ecosystem was dominated by <em>Eucalyptus tectifica</em> and <em>Planchonia careya </em>.<br /> <br /> Elevation of the site was close to 90m and mean annual precipitation at a nearby Bureau of Meteorology site was 1730mm. Maximum temperatures ranged from 31.4°C (in June) to 36.8°C (in October) while minimum temperatures range from 16.2°C (in July) to 25.1°C (in December). Maximum temperature varied seasonally by approximately 5.4°C and minimum temperatures varied by approximately 8.9°C.The instrument mast was 15 meters tall. Heat, water vapour and carbon dioxide measurements were taken using the open-path eddy flux technique. Temperature, humidity, wind speed, wind direction, rainfall, incoming and reflected shortwave radiation and net radiation were measured above the canopy. Soil heat fluxes are measured and soil moisture content was gathered using time domain reflectometry. <br /><br />

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    The record contains information on the Digital Elevation Model of the Alice Mulga site. Information an Airborne full waveform lidar and hyperspectral data in the VNIR bands was collected using the research aircraft of Flinders University – Airborne Research Australia (ARA).

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    <br>This release consists of flux tower measurements of the exchange of energy and mass between the surface and the atmospheric boundary-layer using eddy covariance techniques. Data were processed using PyFluxPro (v3.4.17) as described by Isaac et al. (2017). PyFluxPro produces a final, gap-filled product with Net Ecosystem Exchange (NEE) partitioned into Gross Primary Productivity (GPP) and Ecosystem Respiration (ER).</br><br> The Digby Plantation flux station was installed in a recently planted blue gum (<em>Eucalyptus globulus</em>) plantation near the town of Digby in western Victoria, Australia. The plantatiopn was establlished in August 2017 with a tree density of approximately 1000 trees per hectare. The seedlings were about 30&nbsp;cm tall and the trees were about 11&nbsp;m tall in July 2021. The equipment was installed on an extendable tower that was moved from 5&nbsp;m at the beginning of the monitoring period to about 15&nbsp;m at the end of the experiment, following the growth of the trees.<br />

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    <br>This release consists of flux tower measurements of the exchange of energy and mass between the surface and the atmospheric boundary-layer using eddy covariance techniques. Data were processed using PyFluxPro (v3.4.17) as described by Isaac et al. (2017). PyFluxPro produces a final, gap-filled product with Net Ecosystem Exchange (NEE) partitioned into Gross Primary Productivity (GPP) and Ecosystem Respiration (ER).</br> <br>Robson Creek site is part of the Far North Queensland (FNQ) Rainforest Site along with affiliated monitoring sites at Cape Tribulation (Daintree Rainforest Observatory) and Cow Bay (Daintree Discovery Centre). The flux station is located at the foothills of the Lamb Range, part of the Wet Tropics World Heritage Area, and north-west of a 25&nbsp;ha census plot established by CSIRO in 2012.</br> <br>The forest is classified as Regional Ecosystem (RE) 7.3.36a, complex mesophyll vine forest (Queensland Government, 2006). There are 211 species in the adjacent 25&nbsp;ha plot, and average tree height is 28&nbsp;m, ranging from 23 to 44&nbsp;m. Elevation of the site is 711&nbsp;m and mean annual precipitation is 2000&nbsp;mm. The upland rainforests of the Atherton Tablelands are some of the most biodiverse and carbon dense forests in Australia. The landform of the 25&nbsp;ha plot which is in the dominant wind direction from the station is moderately inclined with a low relief, a 30&nbsp;m high ridge running north/south through the middle of the plot and a 40&nbsp;m high ridge running north/south on the eastern edge of the plot.</br> <br>The instruments are mounted on a free standing station at 40&nbsp;m. Fluxes of heat, water vapour and carbon dioxide are measured using the open-path eddy flux technique. Supplementary measurements above the canopy include temperature, humidity, windspeed, wind direction, rainfall, incoming and reflected shortwave radiation and net radiation.</br> <br>Note: Level 3 data for 2015 - 2018 were updated in 2018 correcting a rainfall issue in 2015 and a wind direction issue 2016 - 2018. A data gap from 2019-02-14 to 2019-02-21 was due to a major power supply failure.</br>