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    <p>Soil is a huge carbon (C) reservoir, but where and how much extra C can be stored is unknown. Here, using 5089 observations, we estimated that the uppermost 30&nbsp;cm of Australian soil holds 13&nbsp;Gt (10–18&nbsp;Gt) of mineral-associated organic carbon (MAOC). Using a frontier line analyses, described in Viscarra Rossel et al. (2023), we estimated the maximum amounts of MAOC that Australian soils could store in their current environments, and calculated the MAOC deficit, or C sequestration potential. We propagated the uncertainties from the frontier fitting and mapped the estimates of these values over Australia using machine learning and kriging with external drift (KED). The maps show regions where the soil is more in MAOC deficit and has greater sequestration potential. The modelling shows that the variation over the whole continent is determined mainly by climate, linked to vegetation, and soil mineralogy. We find that the MAOC deficit in Australian soil is 40&nbsp;Gt (25–60&nbsp;Gt). The deficit in the vast rangelands is 20.84&nbsp;Gt (13.97–29.70&nbsp;Gt) and the deficit in cropping soil is 1.63&nbsp;Gt (1.12–2.32&nbsp;Gt). Our findings suggest that the C sequestration potential of Australian soil is limited by climate.

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    The map gives a modelled estimate (probability) of the spatial distribution of rock outcroppings across Australia.<br></br> This product was produced in the development of the updated soil thickness map of Australia, details of which are published in Malone and Searle (2020; This product is the output from Model 1 of aforementioned paper and uses the Rock Properties database provided by Geoscience Australia which gives the locations of sampled rock outcrops across Australia ( Filtering this dataset resulted in 14616 rock outcrop locations within areas where relief >300 m. A machine learning model was used to find relationships between observed data and associated environmental covariate data to inform the mapping of rock outcrop occurrence across Australia.<br></br> Detailed information about the Soil and Landscape Grid of Australia can be found at - <a href="">SLGA</a><br /><br /> <ul style="list-style-type: disc;"><li>Attribute Definition: Probability of rock outcrops;</li> <li>Units: 0-1;</li> <li>Period (temporal coverage; approximately): 1950-2021;</li> <li>Spatial resolution: 3 arc seconds (approx 90m);</li> <li>Total number of gridded maps for this attribute: 1;</li> <li>Number of pixels with coverage per layer: 2007M (49200 * 40800);</li> <li>Data license : Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 (CC BY);</li> <li>Target data standard: GlobalSoilMap specifications;</li> <li>Format: Cloud Optimised GeoTIFF;</li></ul>

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    This is Version 1 of the Australian pH (Water) product of the Soil and Landscape Grid of Australia.<br><br> The map gives a modelled estimate of the spatial distribution of soil pH (1:5 soil water solution) in soils across Australia.<br><br> The Soil and Landscape Grid of Australia has produced a range of digital soil attribute products. Each product contains six digital soil attribute maps, and their upper and lower confidence limits, representing the soil attribute at six depths: 0-5&nbsp;cm, 5-15&nbsp;cm, 15-30&nbsp;cm, 30-60&nbsp;cm, 60-100&nbsp;cm and 100-200&nbsp;cm. These depths are consistent with the specifications of the <a href=""> project</a>. The digital soil attribute maps are in raster format at a resolution of 3 arc sec (~90 x 90&nbsp;m pixels).<br><br> Detailed information about the Soil and Landscape Grid of Australia can be found at - <a href="">SLGA</a>.<br><br> <ul style="list-style-type: disc;"> <li>Attribute Definition: pH of a 1:5 soil water solution;</li> <li>Units: None;</li> <li>Period (temporal coverage; approximately): 1950-2021;</li> <li>Spatial resolution: 3 arc seconds (approx 90&nbsp;m);</li> <li>Total number of gridded maps for this attribute: 18;</li> <li>Number of pixels with coverage per layer: 2007M (49200 * 40800);</li> <li>Data license : Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 (CC BY);</li> <li>Target data standard: GlobalSoilMap specifications;</li> <li>Format: Cloud Optimised GeoTIFF;</li></ul>

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    This is Version 1 of the Australian Soil Effective Cation Exchange Capacity product of the Soil and Landscape Grid of Australia.<br><br> The Soil and Landscape Grid of Australia has produced a range of digital soil attribute products. Each product contains six digital soil attribute maps, and their upper and lower confidence limits, representing the soil attribute at six depths: 0-5&nbsp;cm, 5-15&nbsp;cm, 15-30&nbsp;cm, 30-60&nbsp;cm, 60-100&nbsp;cm and 100-200&nbsp;cm. These depths are consistent with the specifications of the project ( The digital soil attribute maps are in raster format at a resolution of 3 arc sec (~90 x 90&nbsp;m pixels).<br><br> These maps are generated by combining the best available Digital Soil Mapping (DSM) products available across Australia.<br><br> <ul style="list-style-type: disc;"><li>Attribute Definition: Cations extracted using barium chloride (BaCl2) plus exchangeable H + Al;</li> <li>Units: meq/100g;</li> <li>Period (temporal coverage; approximately): 1950-2013;</li> <li>Spatial resolution: 3 arc seconds (approx 90&nbsp;m);</li> <li>Total number of gridded maps for this attribute: 18;</li> <li>Number of pixels with coverage per layer: 2007M (49200 * 40800);</li> <li>Data license : Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 (CC BY);</li> <li>Target data standard: GlobalSoilMap specifications;</li> <li>Format: Cloud Optimised GeoTIFF;</li></ul>

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    This is Version 1 of the Australian Soil Cation Exchange Capacity product of the Soil and Landscape Grid of Australia.<br></br> The map gives a modelled estimate of the spatial distribution of cation exchange capacity in soils across Australia.<br></br> <p>The Soil and Landscape Grid of Australia has produced a range of digital soil attribute products. Each product contains six digital soil attribute maps, and their upper and lower confidence limits, representing the soil attribute at six depths: 0-5&nbsp;cm, 5-15&nbsp;cm, 15-30&nbsp;cm, 30-60&nbsp;cm, 60-100&nbsp;cm and 100-200&nbsp;cm. These depths are consistent with the specifications of the project - <a href="">GlobalSoilMaps</a>. The digital soil attribute maps are in raster format at a resolution of 3 arc sec (~90 x 90&nbsp;m pixels).</p> Detailed information about the Soil and Landscape Grid of Australia can be found at - <a href="">SLGA</a><br /><br /> <ul style="list-style-type: disc;"><li>Attribute Definition: Cation Exchange Capacity (Units: meq/100g);</li> <li>Period (temporal coverage; approximately): 1970-2022;</li> <li>Spatial resolution: 3 arc seconds (approx 90&nbsp;m);</li> <li>Total number of gridded maps for this attribute: 18;</li> <li>Number of pixels with coverage per layer: 2007M (49200 * 40800);</li> <li>Target data standard: GlobalSoilMap specifications;</li> <li>Format: Cloud Optimised GeoTIFF.</li>

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    This is Version 2 of the Australian Soil Sand Content product of the Soil and Landscape Grid of Australia. It supersedes the Release 1 product that can be found at The map gives a modelled estimate of the spatial distribution of sand in soils across Australia. The Soil and Landscape Grid of Australia has produced a range of digital soil attribute products. Each product contains six digital soil attribute maps, and their upper and lower confidence limits, representing the soil attribute at six depths: 0-5&nbsp;cm, 5-15&nbsp;cm, 15-30&nbsp;cm, 30-60&nbsp;cm, 60-100&nbsp;cm and 100-200&nbsp;cm. These depths are consistent with the specifications of the project ( The digital soil attribute maps are in raster format at a resolution of 3 arc sec (~90 x 90&nbsp;m pixels). Detailed information about the Soil and Landscape Grid of Australia can be found at - <ul style="list-style-type: disc;"><li>Attribute Definition: 20&nbsp;um - 2&nbsp;mm mass fraction of the < 2&nbsp;mm soil material determined using the pipette method;</li> <li>Units: %;</li> <li>Period (temporal coverage; approximately): 1950-2021;</li> <li>Spatial resolution: 3 arc seconds (approx 90&nbsp;m);</li> <li>Total number of gridded maps for this attribute: 18;</li> <li>Number of pixels with coverage per layer: 2007M (49200 * 40800);</li> <li>Data license : Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 (CC BY);</li> <li>Target data standard: GlobalSoilMap specifications;</li></ul>

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    This dataset consists of bare earth covariates designed to indicate the presence of iron oxides, ferrous minerals, quartz/carbonate and hydroxyl minerals, to support soil and lithological modelling across Australia. <br> Bare earth layers (bands) represent the weighted geometric median of pixel values derived from a 30 year time-series of Landsat 5, 7 and 8 imagery converted to at-surface-reflectance, using the latest techniques to reduce the influence of vegetation (see Publications: Roberts, Wilford & Ghattas 2019). Bare earth layers are (BLUE (0.452 - 0.512), GREEN (0.533 - 0.590), RED, (0.636 - 0.673) NIR (0.851 - 0.879), SWIR1 (1.566 - 1.651) and SWIR2 (2.107 - 2.294) wavelength regions. <br> Covariates are then derived from principal components analysis and ratios of specific bare earth layers to target identification of elements of surface geochemistry. Layers are available as mosaics or tiles in 30 or 90 metre resolution.<br>

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    This is Version 2 of the Australian Soil Clay Content product of the Soil and Landscape Grid of Australia.<br><br> It supersedes the Release 1 product that can be found at <a href=""></a>.<br></br> The map gives a modelled estimate of the spatial distribution of clay in soils across Australia.<br></br> <p>The Soil and Landscape Grid of Australia has produced a range of digital soil attribute products. Each product contains six digital soil attribute maps, and their upper and lower confidence limits, representing the soil attribute at six depths: 0-5&nbsp;cm, 5-15&nbsp;cm, 15-30&nbsp;cm, 30-60&nbsp;cm, 60-100&nbsp;cm and 100-200&nbsp;cm. These depths are consistent with the specifications of the project - <a href="">GlobalSoilMaps</a>. The digital soil attribute maps are in raster format at a resolution of 3 arc sec (~90 x 90&nbsp;m pixels).<br> Detailed information about the Soil and Landscape Grid of Australia can be found at - <a href="">SLGA</a><br /><br /> <ul style="list-style-type: disc;"><li>Attribute Definition: 2&nbsp;μm mass fraction of the less than 2&nbsp;mm soil material determined using the pipette method;</li> <li>Units: %;</li> <li>Period (temporal coverage; approximately): 1950-2021;</li> <li>Spatial resolution: 3 arc seconds (approx 90&nbsp;m);</li> <li>Total number of gridded maps for this attribute: 18;</li> <li>Number of pixels with coverage per layer: 2007M (49200 * 40800);</li> <li>Data license : Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 (CC BY);</li> <li>Target data standard: GlobalSoilMap specifications;</li> <li>Format: Cloud Optimised GeoTIFF.</li></ul>

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    This is Version 2 of the Australian Total Soil Phosphorus product of the Soil and Landscape Grid of Australia.<br></br> It supersedes the Release 1 product that can be found at<br></br> The map gives a modelled estimate of the spatial distribution of total phosphorus in soils across Australia.<br></br> The Soil and Landscape Grid of Australia has produced a range of digital soil attribute products. Each product contains six digital soil attribute maps, and their upper and lower confidence limits, representing the soil attribute at six depths: 0-5&nbsp;cm, 5-15&nbsp;cm, 15-30&nbsp;cm, 30-60&nbsp;cm, 60-100&nbsp;cm and 100-200&nbsp;cm. These depths are consistent with the specifications of the project ( The digital soil attribute maps are in raster format at a resolution of 3 arc sec (~90 x 90&nbsp;m pixels). An additional measure of model reliability is through assessment of model extrapolation risk. This measure provides users a spatial depiction where model estimates are made within the domain of the observed data or not.<br></br> Detailed information about the Soil and Landscape Grid of Australia can be found at - <a href="">SLGA</a><br /><br /> <ul style="list-style-type: disc;"><li>Attribute Definition: Total soil phosphorus;</li> <li>Units: % (percentage of fine soil mass);</li> <li>Period (temporal coverage; approximately): 1950-2021;</li> <li>Spatial resolution: 3 arc seconds (approx 90m);</li> <li>Total number of gridded maps for this attribute: 24;</li> <li>Number of pixels with coverage per layer: 2007M (49200 * 40800);</li> <li>Data license : Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 (CC BY);</li> <li>Target data standard: GlobalSoilMap specifications;</li> <li>Format: Cloud Optimised GeoTIFF;</li></ul>

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    This is Version 1 of the Australian 15 Bar Lower Limit Volumetric Water Content (L15) product of the Soil and Landscape Grid of Australia.<br><br> The map gives a modelled estimate of the spatial distribution of 15 Bar Lower Limit Volumetric Water Content in soils across Australia.<br><br> The Soil and Landscape Grid of Australia has produced a range of digital soil attribute products. Each product contains six digital soil attribute maps, and their upper and lower confidence limits, representing the soil attribute at six depths: 0-5&nbsp;cm, 5-15&nbsp;cm, 15-30&nbsp;cm, 30-60&nbsp;cm, 60-100&nbsp;cm and 100-200&nbsp;cm. These depths are consistent with the specifications of the <a href=""> project</a>. The digital soil attribute maps are in raster format at a resolution of 3 arc sec (~90 x 90&nbsp;m pixels).<br><br> Detailed information about the Soil and Landscape Grid of Australia can be found at - <a href="">SLGA</a>.<br><br> <ul style="list-style-type: disc;"> <li>Attribute Definition: 15 Bar Lower Limit Volumetric Water Content;</li> <li>Units: percent;</li> <li>Period (temporal coverage; approximately): 1950-2021;</li> <li>Spatial resolution: 3 arc seconds (approx 90&nbsp;m);</li> <li>Total number of gridded maps for this attribute: 18;</li> <li>Number of pixels with coverage per layer: 2007M (49200 * 40800);</li> <li>Data license : Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 (CC BY);</li> <li>Target data standard: GlobalSoilMap specifications;</li> <li>Format: Cloud Optimised GeoTIFF;</li></ul>