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    <br>The aim of this project is to compile land use and management practices and their observed and measured impacts and effects on vegetation condition. The results provide land managers and researchers with a tool for reporting and monitoring spatial and temporal transformations of Australia’s native vegetated landscapes due to changes in land use and management practices. Following are the details about Belconnen Naval Transmitter Station in ACT, Australia. </br><br> Pre-European benchmark-analogue vegetation: the original vegetation for the site Belconnen Naval Transmitter Station was a temperate grassland in an ecological community dominated by native species of perennial tussock grasses. </br><br> Brief chronology of changes in land use and management:<ul style="list-style-type: disc;"> <li>Up to late 1820s the area was managed by indigenous Ngunnawal people</li> <li>1830s: Area first grazed by sheep and cattle with the aid of shepherds</li> <li>1860: Fences were established and continuous stocking commenced</li> <li>1900: Patches of woodland areas on higher ground were partly cleared</li> <li>1900-39: High likelihood of moderate to heavy grazing pressure due to sheep and cattle</li> <li>1940-1993: Area managed as a naval transmission station</li> <li>1940-92: Area managed for sheep grazing under continuous grazing</li> <li>1970: Secure people and kangaroo proof fence established</li> <li>1993: Sheep removed from the site</li> <li>1995: mowers used to manage the grass</li> <li>1997-2008: Kangaroo population increased to unacceptable levels</li> <li>2006: Naval transmission towers demolished, area continued to have a secure people proof fence</li> <li>2008: Kangaroo population culled to reduce grazing pressure</li> <li>2011: Site managed for nature conservation values.</li></ul></br>

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    The SLATS star transect field dataset has been compiled as a record of vegetative and non-vegetative fractional cover as recorded in situ according to the method described in <a href="">Muir et al (2011)</a>. The datasets are a combination of vegetation fractions collected in three strata - non-woody vegetation including vegetative litter near the soil surface, woody vegetation less than 2 metres, and woody vegetation greater than 2 metres - at homogeneous areas of approximately 1 hectare. This dataset is compiled from a variety of sources, including available sites from the ABARES ground cover reference sites database.

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    This dataset consists of bare earth covariates designed to indicate the presence of iron oxides, ferrous minerals, quartz/carbonate and hydroxyl minerals, to support soil and lithological modelling across Australia. <br> Bare earth layers (bands) represent the weighted geometric median of pixel values derived from a 30 year time-series of Landsat 5, 7 and 8 imagery converted to at-surface-reflectance, using the latest techniques to reduce the influence of vegetation (see Publications: Roberts, Wilford & Ghattas 2019). Bare earth layers are (BLUE (0.452 - 0.512), GREEN (0.533 - 0.590), RED, (0.636 - 0.673) NIR (0.851 - 0.879), SWIR1 (1.566 - 1.651) and SWIR2 (2.107 - 2.294) wavelength regions. <br> Covariates are then derived from principal components analysis and ratios of specific bare earth layers to target identification of elements of surface geochemistry. Layers are available as mosaics or tiles in 30 or 90 metre resolution.<br>

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    This dataset lists soil profile observations described in the rangeland sites across Australia by the TERN Surveillance Monitoring team, using standardised AusPlots methodologies.<br> Soil profile characteristics are observed and collected at each site as part of the AusPlots Soil and Landscapes methods. For each soil profile sampled, soil horizon's colour, electrical conductivity, effervescence, soil ped characteristics, soil pH, texture and coarse fragments characteristics are described as part of the AusPlots Soil characterisation to 1&nbsp;m+ method. Soil specimens for the soil horizons are also collected for preservation.<br>

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    This data contains a once-off general structural description according to the National Vegetation Information System (NVIS) level 5 for the core 1 hectare plot in the Daintree Rainforest, Cape Tribulation site in 2014. Dominant growth form, cover, height and species (up to 5 species in order of dominance) for up to 3 sub-stratum per traditional strata (Ground, Mid and Upper).

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    This data contains a once-off general structural description according to the National Vegetation Information System (NVIS) level 5 for the core 1 hectare plot in the Calperum Mallee site in 2012. Dominant growth form, cover, height and species (up to 5 species in order of dominance) for up to 3 sub-stratum per traditional strata (Ground, Mid and Upper).

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    This data contains a once-off general structural description according to the National Vegetation Information System (NVIS) levels 5 and 6 for the core 1 hectare plot in the Robson Creek Rainforest site in 2014. Dominant growth form, cover, height and species (up to 5 species in order of dominance) for up to 3 sub-stratum per traditional strata (Ground, Mid and Upper).

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    This data contains a once-off general structural description according to the National Vegetation Information System (NVIS) level 5 for the core 1 hectare plot in the Mitchell Grass Rangeland site in 2018. Dominant growth form, cover, height and species (up to 5 species in order of dominance) for up to 3 sub-stratum per traditional strata (Ground, Mid and Upper).

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    This data contains a once-off general structural description according to the National Vegetation Information System (NVIS) level 5 for the core 1 hectare plot in the Samford Peri-Urban site in 2012. Dominant growth form, cover, height and species (up to 5 species in order of dominance) for up to 3 sub-stratum per traditional strata (Ground, Mid and Upper).

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    This data contains a once-off general structural description according to the National Vegetation Information System (NVIS) level 5 for the core 1 hectare plot in the Alice Mulga site in 2012. Dominant growth form, cover, height and species (up to 5 species in order of dominance) for up to 3 sub-stratum per traditional strata (Ground, Mid and Upper).