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The data set contains information on Camera Trap Fauna Survey conducted in the Samford Peri-urban Site in 2017. Information on the camera trap site location, height, observation time, species identification and related field remarks have been presented in this data set.
The dataset contains records of Robber Crab (<i>Birgus latro</i>) mortality across Christmas Island, including location co-ordinates and details of sex and thoracic length. To manage the impact of road mortality on the species, this monitoring project is designed to assess spatial variation in road mortality. Basic data are collected at the site (sex, size, date, coordinates).
This dataset contains a series of spatial outputs describing probabilistic species predictive occupancy (Species Occupancy Models, or SOM) & habitat suitability (Maximum Entropy, or Maxent) surfaces, the underlying data used to calculate these models & model projections predicting the impact of climate change on flora Maxent surfaces. <br> Model outputs are combination outputs dependent on known species occurrence in the landscape, the species relationship with environmental variables (covariates) such as temperature, rainfall and topography; and its predicted occurrence based on covariate analysis. Maxent models do not predict actual occupancy, but rather habitat suitability, while SOMs predict actual occupancy. confounding factors such as inter-species competition, geographical barriers and disturbance events play a significant role in species occurrence, and are not considered in Maxent or SOM. Flora Maxent climate change projections used NSW and Australian Regional Climate Modelling (NARCliM) variables to predict habitat suitability for a baseline year 2000 and projections for 2030 and 2070. <br> Covariates, Fauna & Flora survey records used to create the models are included. <br> More detailed information regarding each model, its processes and outputs are included in the dataset. <br> A web mapping application on the NSW Spatial Collaboration Portal depicts Maxent & SOM of a selected group of vulnerable Flora & Fauna from this dataset. Access the webapp through the link below: <br> https://portal.spatial.nsw.gov.au/portal/home/item.html?id=78e6ae3d34aa45d2b8118fd0308d6459
This is a data set on the prescence of Salmonella and the exposure of flavivirus in the Australian White Ibis. The data is presented in an excel file that lists, band numbers, sample dates, age, sex, bill lengths, presence of Salmonella in gut samples, and evidence of exposure to flavivirus for 72 birds sampled in the years 2002, 2003 and 2015 in Sydney, Australia. Detailed results listed in our open accessible manuscript published in the Journal of Urban Ecology in 2019. <em> https://academic.oup.com/jue/article/5/1/juz006/5506280</em>.
The dataset contains a record of coastal dolphin- Australian Snubfin (<em>Orcaella heinsohni</em>) and Indo-Pacific Humpback (<em>Sousa chinensis</em>)) species sighted, total number of individuals, and group/school size in Kakadu National Park rivers between March 2007 to August 2011.
This dataset contains radio-tracking information on the long-haired rats (<i>Rattus villosissimus</i>). Data was collected between October 2011 and December 2012. It contains the data from enclosure in which a radio-collared rat was released and tracked (Enclosure = 1 or 2), the treatment (Cats = yes or no), the exact date (Date) for when a rat was released with a collar (collared_released), the last time it was recorded (last-time-rec), the time period in months over which the collar frequency was detected (time-collar-detected), the fate of the animal (Fate = unknown, dead or alive), the last location change detected (last_loc_change), based on the latter, the estimated time a rat was assumed alive (estimated_time_alive), the last time a signal was detected from the collar (last_signal detected), the date of the last time an animal was trapped (last_trapped), whether dead remains were found (dead_remains_found = na, yes, or no) and whether the collar was found (collar_found = na, yes, or no).
The dataset contains distribution data for the Yellow Crazy Ant (<i>Anoplolepis gracilipes</i>) and scale insects (eg <i>Parasaissetia nigra</i>, ,i>Dysmicoccus finitimus</i>), collected during the Waypoint Survey component of the Pulu Keeling National Park Island-wide Survey (IWS). The aim of the Waypoint Survey is to monitor densities of the invasive Yellow Crazy Ant (<i>Anoplolepis gracilipes</i>) and to detect establishment of any new scale insect species. The other components of the IWS (Transit Survey and Ink Card and Nocturnal Survey) are recorded in separate submissions.
This dataset comprises of new, high precision radiocarbon dates for 20 mainland thylacines and 24 mainland devils. Metadata includes museum accession numbers and origin of specimens. We envision that this dataset could be used in studies of paleo-ecological reconstructions and for estimating extinction time for both devils and thylacines on mainland Australia. This dataset includes the youngest reliable fossil ages for both species on mainland Australia as per the criteria set out in Rodriguez-Rey at al (2015). <i>"Criteria for assessing the quality of Middle Pleistocene to Holocene vertebrate fossil ages."</i> Quaternary Geochronology 30 (2015): 69-79.
FosSahul is the first database compiling the ages of nonhuman vertebrate fossils from the Middle Pleistocene to the present in the Sahul region. It includes comprehensive metadata with ratings of reliability allocated to each fossil age. Because ecological and evolutionary phenomena are time-dependent, the entire range of archaeological and palaeontological research disciplines benefit from the availability of this data.
Data is provided from three survey types: nocturnal drive-by monitoring; ground counts; and exit counts. The nocturnal drive-by monitoring dataset provides information on species presence/absence at 124 sites across Christmas Island. The ground count dataset provides information on numbers of bats observed roosting in trees at known camp sites; while the exit count dataset records counts of bats exiting from the respective camp sites.