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The record contains images of elevation profile of the Tumbarumba Wet Eucalypt Site obtained from Airborne full waveform lidar and hyperspectral data in the VNIR bands using the a research aircraft of Flinders University – Airborne Research Australia (ARA).
The record contains information on the Digital Elevation Model of the Alice Mulga site. Information an Airborne full waveform lidar and hyperspectral data in the VNIR bands was collected using the research aircraft of Flinders University – Airborne Research Australia (ARA).
RSMA measures change in the relative contributions of photosynthetic vegetation (PV, or GV green vegetation), non-photosynthetic vegetation (NPV) and soil reflectance compared to a baseline date. These spectral changes correspond to changes in fractional cover relative to the baseline date. Full details on the RSMA method are presented in Okin (2007). One of the key advantages of the RSMA, its insensitivity to changes in soil spectra, is a result of the fact that it does not require us to know the soil reflectance profile for a region. This strength is also the cause of a major weakness in RSMA. Since the measure is relative to a baseline date, and the absolute cover levels for every pixel are unknown at the baseline, the RSMA does not convey the absolute cover levels at any other point in time. However, if the absolute cover levels are known at any point in time, it is theoretically possible to convert the RSMA to absolute relative spectral mixture analysis (ARSMA).<br> As with all products derived from passive remote sensing imagery, this product represents the world as seen from above. Therefore, the cover recorded by this product represent what would be observed from a bird's-eye-view. Therefore, dense canopy may prevent observation of significant soil exposure.
The record contains information on rainfall data recorded between 1995-2011 from 17 rain gauges across the Calperum Mallee Site, Calperum Station, South Australia. Data on mean monthly and annual rainfall and standard deviation is provided for each site, along with annual rainfall totals.
The MODIS Land Condition Index (LCI) is an index of total vegetation cover (green and non-photosynthetic vegetation ), and so is also an index of soil exposure. The LCI is a normalised difference index based on MODIS bands in the mid-infrared portion of the spectrum. The index is produced from 500-m MODIS nadir BRDF adjusted reflectance (NBAR) data. As with all products derived from passive remote sensing imagery, this product represents the world as seen from above. Therefore, the cover recorded by this product represent what would be observed from a birds-eye-view. Therefore, dense canopy may prevent observation of significant soil exposure.
The Australian Phenology Product is a continental data set that allows the quantitative analysis of Australia’s phenology derived from MODIS Enhanced Vegetation Index (EVI) data using an algorithm designed to accommodate Australian conditions, described in Xie et al. 2023. The product can be used to characterize phenological cycles of greening and browning and quantify the cycles’ inter and intra annual variability from 2003 to 2018 across Australia. Phenological cycles are defined as a period of EVI-measured greening and browning that may occur at any time of the year, extend across the end of a year, skip a year (not occur for one or multiple years) or occur more than once a year. Multiple phenological cycles within a year can occur in the form of double cropping in agricultural areas or be caused by a-seasonal rain events in water limited environments. Based on per-pixel greenness trajectories measured by MODIS EVI, phenological cycle curves were modelled and their key properties in the form of phenological curve metrics were derived including: the first and second minimum point, peak, start and end of cycle; length of cycle, and; the amplitude of the cycle. Integrated EVI under the curve between the start and end of the cycle time of each cycle is calculated as a proxy of productivity.
This is the base geographical data for the Robson creek 25 ha plot. The data sets contain the 100 m grid, 20 m grid, 100 m points, 20 m points, major tracks and creeks. Data format is both Google earth KML and ESRI shapefile.
This dataset contains bird occurrence data collected at the Cumberland Plain site from 2015 - 2017.
This dataset contains bird occurrence data collected at the Litchfield Savanna site in 2015.
This dataset contains bird occurrence data collected at the Robson Creek Rainforest site from 2010 - 2018.