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    <p> This data set provides the photosynthetic pathways for 4832 species recorded across plots surveyed by Australia’s Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Network (TERN) between 2011 and May 2022 (inclusive). TERN survey plots are 1&nbsp;ha (100 x 100&nbsp;m) permanently established sites located in a homogeneous area of terrestrial vegetation. At each plot, TERN survey teams record vegetation composition and structural characteristics and collect a range of plant samples using a point-intercept method. Species were assigned a photosynthetic pathway using literature and carbon stable isotope analysis of bulk tissue collected by TERN at the survey plots. </p><p>The data set is comprised of one data table that contains a list of each species and its photosynthetic pathway, and one metadata file which provides a data descriptor that defines data values and a list of all the peer-reviewed sources used to create this data set. </p> Version 1 (2020) included the photosynthetic pathways of 2428 species recorded across TERN plots surveyed between 2011 and 2017 (inclusive) and was originally published in 2020. Key updates in version 2 (2024) include an expanded species list and updated taxonomy were applicable </p>

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    <br>This dataset lists the plant communities from Rangeland sites across Australia described by the TERN Surveillance Monitoring team, using standardised AusPlots methodologies. <br /> <br> For each plant community, vegetation condition as well as the spatial extent of the community, are described using AusPlots Plot and physical descriptions, and Structural summary and homogeneity methods.<br /> Plant specimen, soil, basal area and structural information are also assessed at each site and form part of the TERN Surveillance Monitoring Program data collection.<br />

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    <br>This dataset lists observations on soil samples collected in rangeland sites across Australia by the TERN Surveillance Monitoring team, using standardised AusPlots methodologies. <br/> <br>Soil samples are collected at each site as part of the AusPlots Soil Samples method. For each soil sample fine earth bulk density, gravel bulk density, wet and dry weight are estimated and coarse fragments lithology, abundance, size and shape observed as part of the AusPlots Soil Samples and Soil Bulk Density method.<br/>

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    The dataset contains information from the first initial trial of the AusPlots Fauna Protocol conducted at Calperum Station, Renmark, South Australia. Selected proposed methodologies and fauna survey techniques were trialled for logistical purposes. After the field trials, the proposed methodologies and techniques were refined. The dataset contains species information on fauna species captures, observations, and specimen collections from the April-May 2015 field trials. The data can be used to review the outcomes of the survey methodologies, presence data of the species recorded, morphological details of the animals recorded, and relate field data to the whole specimen and tissue specimens collected. The Enhancing Long-term Surveillance Monitoring Across Australia Programme will enhance the breadth and depth of Australia's terrestrial ecosystem condition monitoring and reporting at national and regional scales through building on the Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Network (TERN) AusPlots Facility. Specifically, this will be achieved by increasing the range and type of AusPlots field sites and monitoring, and through providing guidelines, protocols manuals or standards that will enhance environmental data quality.

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    <p>Images are taken at sites across Australia by the TERN Ecosystem Surveillance team, using standardized AusPlots methodologies.<p /> <p> High-quality digital images are captured using a digital SLR camera at each rangeland vegetation plot. Three photopoints are established configured in an equilateral triangle (2.5&nbsp;m sides) with the center marked with a star dropper at the center of the plot, and the three photopoints recorded with GNSS/DGPS. At each photopoint a 360° panorama photographic sequence is taken, with up to 40 photographs with a minimum 50% overlap between consecutive photographs. The panoramic photopoint method may be most informative in open forests/woodlands and rangelands. <p /> <p>See AusPlots Rangelands Photo-panoramas for more information on this method.<p />

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    <br>This dataset lists the parameters associated with disturbance from Rangeland sites across Australia described by the TERN Surveillance Monitoring team, using standardised AusPlots methodologies. <br /> <br> For each site, the disturbance parameters such as erosion type, state of erosion, extent of erosion is studied following the AusPlots Plot Description protocol and becomes an important part of understanding the site disturbance in the AusPlots Rangelands.<br />

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    <br>This dataset lists the occurrence of fungi and their abundance identified at rangeland sites across Australia by the TERN Surveillance Monitoring team, using standardised AusPlots methodologies. <br /> <br>Fungi occurrences (i.e. a sample of a fungi at a particular point and time) are methodically identified at each site as part of the AusPlots Point intercept method. Fungi occurrences data can be aggregated across the site to calculate relative abundance, fungi ground cover.<br />

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    This dataset lists the Vegetation Strata and the three most dominant species in each stratum identified at rangeland sites across Australia by the TERN Surveillance Monitoring team, using standardised AusPlots methodologies. <br /> Vegetation strata are methodically identified at each site as part of the AusPlots Structural summary and homogeneity method. The information provided includes the type of strata found and the three most dominant species on each stratum.<br />

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    <p> TERN Ecosystem Surveillance is a plot-based field monitoring platform that tracks the direction and magnitude of change in Australia’s environments. Information on soils and vegetation is collected according to standardized, widely endorsed and consistent protocols across all plots, and includes the collection of soil and vegetation samples for subsequent analysis.</p> <p>Data collected by TERN is stratified across the entire continent to ensure adequate coverage of major Australian ecosystems, and measures are repeated at least once a decade, with the aim to establish replicate plots throughout the ecosystem types existing within Australia’s Major Vegetation Groups (MVG’s). Additional plots located in key environmental transition zones will be re-measured every five years.</p> <p>TERN users include researchers, land managers and policy-makers who require access to terrestrial ecosystem attributes collected over time from continental scale to field sites at hundreds of representative locations. TERN provides model-ready data that enables users to detect and interpret changes in ecosystems. In addition, TERN curates The TERN Australia Soil and Herbarium Collection with over 150,000 vegetation and soil samples (and associated contextual environmental data) freely available to loan on request.</p> <p>TERN’s world-class surveillance monitoring infrastructure will support long-term ecological inventory, environmental monitoring, environmental prediction, reporting and assessment, and underpin decisions about our greatest environmental challenges.</p> <p>Occurrence records can be accessed through the <a href="">Atlas of Living Australia</a>.</p>

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    This dataset lists land surface characteristics observed in Rangeland sites across Australia by the TERN Ecosystem Surveillance team, using standardised AusPlots methodologies. <br /> Land surface observations are collected at each site as part of the AusPlots method. At each site, observations on ground cover, lithology, erosion (state, extent, and human accelerated), surface drainage, microrelief, aspect and angle are recorded as part of the Ausplots Ground cover and Plot description methods.<br />