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The Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR) and AVHRR/3 sensors have been carried on the US NOAA polar orbiting satellites since the 1980s. These data have been acquired via direct reception from the satellite by reception stations located in Australia. CSIRO has stitched together data received by different stations and agencies to compile a national high quality data set. The daylight satellite overpasses have been extracted from this data set for each day in the 30 year period commencing 1 April 1992. The data have been geolocated, and calibrated to produce imagery channels of solar reflectance and brightness temperature using community published methods. Satellite view and sun illumination angles for each pixel are provided, together with a preliminary cloud mask based on the CLAVR algorithm. The spatial resolution is ~1 km and temporal coverage is daily. The reprojected data set (in EPSG:4326, lon-lat) is available via the CSIRO EASI hub.
This dataset comprises spatially and temporally dynamic estimates of the monthly latent heat flux (λE) and sensible heat flux (H) for all of Australia. The available energy (A, being net radiation [Rn] less the gound heat flux [G]) can be obtained by adding the λE and H datasets provided. Energy variables have been provided as hydrological equivalent units of depth, normalised to daily rates (mm/d). TERN OzFlux Surface Energy Balance (SEB) data were used to scale MODIS-based covariates of surface temperature less air temperature (Ts – Ta) and Rn using a Spatial and Temporal General Linear Model (ST-GLM) to third order. The ST-GLM SEB model was implemented across all of Australia on a 0.005° spatial grid (~ 500 m) on a monthly timestep from March 2000 through June 2023. Coefficients of the model were determined from the OzFlux network of eddy covariance flux tower data. Three flux tower sites were used to independently validate the accuracy of the model, being Calperum, SA, Howard Springs, NT, and Tumbarumba, NSW. The mean absolute difference (MAD) for λE, H and A was estimated as: 0.37, 0.39 and 0.34 mm/d, respectively. The relative errors determined by the MAD percentage (MADP) for λE, H, and A were estimated to be: 16%, 26%, and 9%, respectively. This dataset represents a new pathway for operational regional- to global-scale estimation of dynamic SEB variables.
Tree demographic, tree biomass and shrub count data for two Ausplots adjacent to Credo Flux tower (Salmon Gum, SG100E and Gimlet, Gim100W). Floristic survey data and 1000 points of cover. Tree demographics was measured using a tape at 130cm for diameter and 2 different laser height finders. These gave consistently different measures and both are presented. Plot biomass was calculated from allometric regression published by Jonson and Freudenberger (2011). All shrubs with mature heights of over 0.5m were measured in ten, 10m wide by 100m transects to ensure all shrubs in the one hectare plots were counted. Floristic survey was undertaken and 1000 point intercepts recorded along 10 lines (5 north-south, 5 east-west with one point per meter) for SG100W according to Ausplots methodology (Foulkes et al., 2011)
The data are herbage biomass (dry weight, gram per square metre) and density of trees and shrubs (number per transect) measured inside cattle-proof exclosures and on adjacent grazed areas on two sites of different soils at Kidman Springs, Northern Territory between 1973 and 2002.
This is Version 2 of the Australian Soil Bulk Density - Whole Earth product of the Soil and Landscape Grid of Australia.<br></br> It supersedes the Release 1 product that can be found at <a href="https://doi.org/10.4225/08/546EE212B0048">https://doi.org/10.4225/08/546EE212B0048</a><br></br> The map gives a modelled estimate of the spatial distribution of Bulk Density in soils across Australia.<br></br> <p>The Soil and Landscape Grid of Australia has produced a range of digital soil attribute products. Each product contains six digital soil attribute maps, and their upper and lower confidence limits, representing the soil attribute at six depths: 0-5 cm, 5-15 cm, 15-30 cm, 30-60 cm, 60-100 cm and 100-200 cm. These depths are consistent with the specifications of the GlobalSoilMap.net project - <a href="https://esoil.io/TERNLandscapes/Public/Pages/SLGA/Resources/GlobalSoilMap_specifications_december_2015_2.pdf">GlobalSoilMaps</a>. The digital soil attribute maps are in raster format at a resolution of 3 arc sec (~90 x 90 m pixels).<br></br> Detailed information about the Soil and Landscape Grid of Australia can be found at - <a href="https://esoil.io/TERNLandscapes/Public/Pages/SLGA/index.html">SLGA</a><br><br> <ul style="list-style-type: disc;"><li>Attribute Definition: Bulk Density of the whole soil (including coarse fragments) in mass per unit volume by a method equivalent to the core method;</li> <li>Units: g/cm3;</li> <li>Period (temporal coverage; approximately): 1950-2021;</li> <li>Spatial resolution: 3 arc seconds (approx 90 m);</li> <li>Total number of gridded maps for this attribute: 18;</li> <li>Number of pixels with coverage per layer: 2007M (49200 * 40800);</li> <li>Data license : Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 (CC BY);</li> <li>Target data standard: GlobalSoilMap specifications;</li> <li>Format: Cloud Optimised GeoTIFF.</li></ul>
This terrestrial LiDAR dataset captures detailed vegetation structural information at the Calperum Mallee SuperSite on Calperum Station near Renmark, South Australia. The purpose of this data is to enhance understanding of vegetation dynamics and ecosystem function in the region. The dataset is part of a broader collection of Terrestrial LiDAR data acquired from all TERN SuperSites, aimed at achieving a standardised and highly detailed capture of 3D vegetation structure across Australia.
This terrestrial LiDAR dataset captures detailed vegetation structural information at the Wombat Stringybark Eucalypt SuperSite in the Wombat State Forest, near Ballarat, Victoria, Australia. The purpose of this data is to enhance understanding of vegetation dynamics and ecosystem function in the region. The dataset is part of a broader collection of Terrestrial LiDAR data acquired from all TERN SuperSites, aimed at achieving a standardized and highly detailed capture of 3D vegetation structure across Australia.
This terrestrial LiDAR dataset captures detailed vegetation structural information at the Great Western Woodlands SuperSite on Credo Station, Western Australia. The purpose of this data is to enhance understanding of vegetation dynamics and ecosystem function in the region. The dataset is part of a broader collection of Terrestrial LiDAR data acquired from all TERN SuperSites, aimed at achieving a standardized and highly detailed capture of 3D vegetation structure across Australia.
This terrestrial LiDAR dataset captures detailed vegetation structural information at the Robson Creek Tropical Rainforest SuperSite within Danbulla National Park, North Queensland, Australia. The purpose of this data is to enhance understanding of vegetation dynamics and ecosystem function in the region. The dataset is part of a broader collection of Terrestrial LiDAR data acquired from all TERN SuperSites, aimed at achieving a standardized and highly detailed capture of 3D vegetation structure across Australia.
This terrestrial LiDAR dataset captures detailed vegetation structural information at the Gingin Banksia Woodland SuperSite on the Swan Coastal Plain, approximately 80 km north of Perth, Western Australia. The purpose of this data is to enhance understanding of vegetation dynamics and ecosystem function in the region. The dataset is part of a broader collection of Terrestrial LiDAR data acquired from all TERN SuperSites, aimed at achieving a standardized and highly detailed capture of 3D vegetation structure across Australia.