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The record contains information on the number of aphids and chemical footprints of two aphid species. The data was collected in field and laboratory trials, we first examined how plant microsites alter fitness by measuring the fecundity of each species. Next, we tested whether intra- and interspecific pre-inhabitation modify habitat selection in two aphid species. Then we conducted laboratory trials showed that <i>R. maidis</i> displaced <i>R. padi</i>. Through gas chromatography-mass spectrometry analysis and bioassays testing the effects of aphid density and footprint extracts, we found a density-dependent response, with <i>R. padi</i> avoiding locations previously inhabited by <i>R. maidis</i>. Chemical analysis of footprint crude extracts showed a highly abundant compound, 1-hexacosanol, and when presented as the synthetic form also elicited <i>R. padi</i> displacement.
This dataset contains global dryland literature abstracts from over the last 75 years (8218 articles) to identify areas in arid ecology that are well studied and topics that are emerging.
The qualities of these data include: (i) sound experimental design to detect a change between confounding factors, (ii) large sample size, (iii) microchipped animals, (iv) validated heamatological processing on the wild Australian lizard Tiliqua rugosa involving a collaboration between wildlife ecologists and veterinary scientists. Its reuse potential may involve a comparative analysis of body size, haematological parameters with other long-lived, medium-sized lizards, ectoparasite studies (Aponomma hydrosauri, Amblyomma libatum) for different host populations, and background justification for ecotoxicological (pesticide) studies in farmland. Using a using a multivariate, one-way nested Type I PERMANCOVA (analysis of covariance) design, body size, blood samples and ectoparasite presence was collected on a total of 119 animals from two different populations in southern Australia. One population was from an intensively managed cropping environment and one was from an adjacent a less intensively managed grazing environment. This study took place in extensive rangelands and the fragmented landscapes of the South Australian Murray Mallee cereal cropland in southern Australia. Adult and juvenile T. rugosa were captured for sampling at one rangeland (baseline) site and three severely modified (severe) landscape-scaled sites (LS1, LS2, LS3) over a large area (68 km × 84 km or 571,200 ha) across the croplands. Two animal sampling designs were used to collect data on physiological health (Design 1: Baseline vs Severe and Design 2 - Severe only). Data collected: Record No., Animal No., Treatment, Habitat Type, Landscape No., Connectivity Class, Age Class, Linear Body Size Index (LBSI), Heterophil (H) Field of View, Heterophil per microlitre, Total White Blood Cell Count, Absolute Heterophil Count, % Heterophil Count, Absolute Lymphocyte (L) Count, % Lymphocytes, H:L Ratio (Absolute), H:L Ratio (%), Absolute Monocytes, % Monocytes , Absolute Other Granulocytes , % Other Granulocytes, % Polychromasia, Snout-Vent Length (mm), Total No. Ectoparasites per Animal.
This data contains ant abundance and incidence collected in the core 1 ha plot within the Warra Tall Eucalypt site.
This data contains ant abundance and incidence collected in the core 1 ha plot within the Robson Creek Rainforest site.
This data contains ant abundance and incidence collected in the core 1 ha plot within the Calperum Malee site.
This data contains ant abundance and incidence collected in the core 1 ha plot within the Alice Mulga site.
This data contains ant abundance and incidence collected in the Tumbarumba Wet Eucalypt site.
This data contains ant abundance and incidence collected within the Fletcherview Tropical Rangelands site.
This data contains ant abundance and incidence collected at two time points (1996 - 1997 and 2012 - 2013) along the Northern Australian Tropical Transect (NATT).