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    Elevation, aspect and slope of 33 one-hectare plots in Karawatha Peri-Urban site in 2007.

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    The data set contains count data of amphibians from surveys of grazing properties in the Central and Southern Tablelands of NSW, Australia. Amphibians were surveyed using pitfall and funnel trapping along transects. Twelve properties were surveyed for the data set. Each property was surveyed 5 times for five trap nights on each survey between 2014 and 2015. A total of 2378 amphibians were captured from 11 different species during the surveys. All species captured were from one of three families: Limnodynastidae (three species), Myobatrachidae (four species) and Hylidae (four species).

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    This data set contains the count data of reptiles captured through pitfall and funnel trapping in surveys of grazing agricultural properties in the Central Tablelands of NSW, Australia. Experimental treatments were examined and additional environmental variables were recorded. Each of the 12 sites (farms) was surveyed five times, once between January and March 2014 and four times between October 2014 and March 2015. Each survey consisted of five trap nights. In total 5,040 traps were surveyed giving a combined total of 25,200 trapping nights. 1,242 captures were recorded from 28 species of reptiles. The majority of the species (19) were from the family Scincidae.

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    The AEKOS Australian Vegetation sPlot dataset consists of high quality, well-described plot-based data extracted from the AEKOS ( on 11/11/2014. The data includes vegetation records for the following datasets: Australian Ground Cover Reference Sites Database, Biological Survey of South Australia - Vegetation Survey - Biological Database of South Australia, Atlas of NSW database: VIS flora survey module, Queensland CORVEG Database, TERN AusPlots Rangelands, Transect for Environmental Monitoring and Decision Making (TREND), AusCover Supersites SLATS Star Transects, Biological Survey of the Ravensthorpe Range (Western Australia).The portal's vegetation plot data was extracted using the portal's download feature to obtain the full extent of available data for the all datasets. In addition, an average cover value was calculated for each site using a slight modification of the ingestion scripts normally used to ingest the source data into AEKOS. The altitude values derived from a map layer using the site coordinates were obtained from the AEKOS index. Finally, land use and vegetation type were derived from map layers using the site coordinates. These data were loaded in different tables of a PostgreSQL database. Subsequently, two SQL queries were built to centralise the available data in two tables: table r_site containing the site specific data and table r_speciesobservations containing the individual data on observed specimen. A PostgreSQL backup file containing these two table was then built using the pg_dump tool. The dataset can be reused for contintental-wide or global synthesis of the cover of Australian vegetation.

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    Soil collection and analysis of chemical and physical attributes was carried out at the Alice Mulga site to provide contextual data for the Biomes of Australian Soil Environments (BASE) soil microbial diversity project.

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    The dataset consists of spatial data showing locations of channel incision points (CIP) and sediment deposition in burned study sites in the Tumut and Tuross Catchment study regions.<br> This dataset includes aerial imagery captured 1-2 years after the 2019/20 bushfires of the study regions from which the locations of CIPs and sediment deposits were determined, and gridded landscape attribute information used to test the spatial association between landscape attributes and CIP density.<br> Refer to the following NRC report 'Post fire debris flow mapping - Coastal IFOA monitoring program - June 2023', which is included in the dataset, for background and further detail.

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    Soil collection and analysis of chemical and physical attributes was carried out at the Wombat Stringybark Eucalypt site to provide contextual data for the Biomes of Australian Soil Environments (BASE) soil microbial diversity project.

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    Soil collection and analysis of chemical and physical attributes was carried out at the Samford Peri-Urban site to provide contextual data for the Biomes of Australian Soil Environments (BASE) soil microbial diversity project.

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    Soil collection and analysis of chemical and physical attributes was carried out at the Warra Tall Eucalypt site to provide contextual data for the Biomes of Australian Soil Environments (BASE) soil microbial diversity project.

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    The TREND (PSRF)- Terrestrial Ecosystems project initiated a landscape-scale monitoring transect along the Adelaide Geosyncline region in southern Australia, initially spanning approximately 550 km. The aim was to examine spatial drivers of species composition and to isolate the influence of climate on whole vegetation community composition and therefore inform on-going monitoring of the impact of climate change. Specific questions were: 1. What are the most important spatial drivers of species and phylogenetic composition along landscape-scale environmental gradients? 2. Can the answer to Question 1. inform selection of suitable spatial analogues for climate change? 3. How can a framework for assessing spatial drivers be used to monitor and interpret shifts in species composition due to climate change? The dataset consists of site and species records (see attachments) for plots established along the Adelaide Geosyncline for the TREND project. Data consist of vascular plant species composition (presence-abundance/absence) within 900m<sup>2</sup> plots plus site data, including aspect and soil properties. Data have been used to analyze changes in composition with geographic and environmental differences and as a baseline for monitoring.