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The Victorian Alpine Plot Network vegetation data package contains vegetation data collected at a sub-set of the 481 long term monitoring plots which have been established in Australian Alps and in Tasmania. The sampling regime within the Victorian Network generally consists of multiple randomly positioned transects within sites, (rather than ‘plots’ sensu stricto), with each site, and/or transect geo-located. Point quadrats are taken at fixed intervals along each transect. The number of transects within sites, and sampling frequency varies from annual to decadal, depending on site and purpose. This general array of sampling transects, point quadrats along transects and floristic quadrats is consistent between grassland and snowpatch monitoring sites, although the number of transects and floristic quadrats needed to detect change in key variables (vegetation cover, bare ground, etc) at each site varies over time. There are also long-term monitoring sites in wetlands. This is part of a much larger dataset that spans from 1944, when plot were set up to document long-term changes in ecosystem composition and structure in relation to disturbance (see methods for more information). The Victorian Alpine Plot Network research plots are revisited on a 2-10 years basis. A synopsis of related data packages which have been collected as part of the Victorian Alpine Plot Network’s full program is provided at
The Desert Uplands Plot Network Bird Count Data contains bird fauna data for 1 of 50 permanent 1 hectare plots in Northern Queensland, Australia. This data publication refers specifically to observations made at Plot WOUR08. The CSIRO permanent plots are situated in Tropical Ironbark Woodlands, and extend across four leasehold cattle properties that lie within an area approximately 50km by 50km. The plots represent three vegetation management strategies, namely: 1) clearing (where all trees and shrubs are removed); 2) thinning (where ground and midstorey vegetation is removed); and 3) unmodified native woodlands where significant thinning or clearing has not occurred. Within each 1 ha site, eight five-minute diurnal bird counts are conducted over a four day period. Two counts are completed per day at each site: one count in the morning within three hours of sunrise and the other a minimum of three hours after this period and before sunset. This is part of a much larger dataset that spans from 2004 to 2014. Note that previous studies were undertaken at 60 permanent 1 hectare plots and that this data is accessible as a composite data package: Metcalfe, D; Vanderduys, E (2015): Desert Uplands Plot Network, Bird Count Data and Notes, Northern Queensland, Australia, 2014. Long Term Ecological Research Network. The spatial coordinates for this plot are provided in the following data publication: Metcalfe, D; Vanderduys, E (2014): Desert Uplands Plot Network: Plot Details - Spatial Coordinates, Northern Queensland, Australia. Long Term Ecological Research Network. The Desert Uplands research plots commenced in 2004, and have been revisited in 2005, 2006, 2008, 2013 and 2014. A synopsis of related data packages which have been collected as part of the Desert Uplands Plot Network’s full program is provided at
The Woodland Restoration Plot Network Vegetation Structure and Composition Data Package contains vegetation floristics and structure survey data for thirty-six 0.1 hectare sites which were established on retired farmland that includes a mosaic of restored vegetation (native plantings) of varying ages juxtaposed with patches of remnant vegetation and untreated, abandoned pasture. All sites were originally woodland prior to agricultural development about 200 years ago. The Woodland Restoration Plot Network research plots commenced in 1992 and have been revisited every 3-4 years since 2001. A synopsis of related data packages which have been collected as part of the Woodland Restoration Plot Network’s full program is provided at
The Victorian Alpine Plot Network Vegetation – Phenology Transect Package contains phenology data which are sampled on the same dates, three times a year at transects situated at an altitude of 1400 m to 1880 m. These transects were established as a natural experiment - to provide infrastructure to validate the findings from the ATEX manipulated, experimental plots. The aim is to describe the phonological responses of alpine plants to environmental variables and assess the usefulness of this measure to assess vulnerability to changing abiotic (e.g. climate) and biotic (e.g. invasive species) factors. This is part of a dataset that spans from during data collected in 2011 to document long-term effects directly through climate and indirectly through biotic interactions (see methods for more information). The Victorian Alpine Plot Network research plots are revisited 4 times per year. A synopsis of related data packages which have been collected as part of the Victorian Alpine Plot Network’s full program is provided at
The Desert Uplands Plot Network Bird Count Data contains bird fauna data for 1 of 50 permanent 1 hectare plots in Northern Queensland, Australia. This data publication refers specifically to observations made at Plot WOUR09. The CSIRO permanent plots are situated in Tropical Ironbark Woodlands, and extend across four leasehold cattle properties that lie within an area approximately 50km by 50km. The plots represent three vegetation management strategies, namely: 1) clearing (where all trees and shrubs are removed); 2) thinning (where ground and midstorey vegetation is removed); and 3) unmodified native woodlands where significant thinning or clearing has not occurred. Within each 1 ha site, eight five-minute diurnal bird counts are conducted over a four day period. Two counts are completed per day at each site: one count in the morning within three hours of sunrise and the other a minimum of three hours after this period and before sunset. This is part of a much larger dataset that spans from 2004 to 2014. Note that previous studies were undertaken at 60 permanent 1 hectare plots and that this data is accessible as a composite data package: Metcalfe, D; Vanderduys, E (2015): Desert Uplands Plot Network, Bird Count Data and Notes, Northern Queensland, Australia, 2014. Long Term Ecological Research Network. The spatial coordinates for this plot are provided in the following data publication: Metcalfe, D; Vanderduys, E (2014): Desert Uplands Plot Network: Plot Details - Spatial Coordinates, Northern Queensland, Australia. Long Term Ecological Research Network. The Desert Uplands research plots commenced in 2004, and have been revisited in 2005, 2006, 2008, 2013 and 2014. A synopsis of related data packages which have been collected as part of the Desert Uplands Plot Network’s full program is provided at
This package represents all data from surveys of vegetation within the Alpine Long Term Monitoring — Community Changes project. The surveys began in 1947, and the most recent is from 2013. As further surveys are conducted the new data will be added to this package. The Victorian Alpine Plot Network vegetation data package contains vegetation data collected at a sub-set of the 481 long term monitoring plots which have been established in Australian Alps and in Tasmania. The sampling regime within the Victorian Network generally consists of multiple randomly positioned transects within sites, (rather than ‘plots’ sensu stricto), with each site, and/or transect geo-located. Point quadrats are taken at fixed intervals along each transect. The number of transects within sites, and sampling frequency varies from annual to decadal, depending on site and purpose. This general array of sampling transects, point quadrats along transects and floristic quadrats is consistent between grassland and snowpatch monitoring sites, although the number of transects and floristic quadrats needed to detect change in key variables (vegetation cover, bare ground, etc) at each site varies over time. There are also long-term monitoring sites in wetlands. The Victorian Alpine Plot Network research plots are revisited on a 2–10 years basis. A synopsis of related data packages which have been collected as part of the Victorian Alpine Plot Network’s full program is provided at
This vegetation data package comprises structure and floristic data for selected points across grids described in related data packages. Vegetation attributes were recorded in an area occupying 2.5 m radius around six traps on each trapping grid and have been aggregated to grid level data. Percentage cover of all plant species, flowering index and seeding index (from 0-5, where 0 is no flowering or seeding and 5 is maximal flowering/seeding) were recorded and are presented here as plot averages which represent the mean amount of flowering or seeding per species. The network program uses a core of 12 sites which are sampled every April-May. The trapping survey aims to quantitatively track long-term shifts in biodiversity and ecological processes in relation to key drivers, including unpredictable rainfall and droughts, fire, feral predators and grazing. A synopsis of related data packages which have been collected as part of the Desert Ecology's full program is provided at
This vegetation data package comprises structure and floristic data for selected points across grids described in related data packages. Vegetation attributes were recorded in an area occupying 2.5 m radius around six traps on each trapping grid and have been aggregated to grid level data. Percentage cover of all plant species, flowering index and seeding index (from 0-5, where 0 is no flowering or seeding and 5 is maximal flowering/seeding) were recorded and are presented here as plot averages which represent the mean amount of flowering or seeding per species. The network program uses a core of 12 sites which are sampled every April-May. The trapping survey aims to quantitatively track long-term shifts in biodiversity and ecological processes in relation to key drivers, including unpredictable rainfall and droughts, fire, feral predators and grazing. A synopsis of related data packages which have been collected as part of the Desert Ecology's full program is provided at
This vegetation data package comprises structure and floristic data for selected points across grids described in related data packages. Vegetation attributes were recorded in an area occupying 2.5 m radius around six traps on each trapping grid and have been aggregated to grid level data. Percentage cover of all plant species, flowering index and seeding index (from 0-5, where 0 is no flowering or seeding and 5 is maximal flowering/seeding) were recorded and are presented here as plot averages which represent the mean amount of flowering or seeding per species. The network program uses a core of 12 sites which are sampled every April-May. The trapping survey aims to quantitatively track long-term shifts in biodiversity and ecological processes in relation to key drivers, including unpredictable rainfall and droughts, fire, feral predators and grazing. A synopsis of related data packages which have been collected as part of the Desert Ecology's full program is provided at
This data package comprises data from a series of hemispherical photographs taken in July 2013 and May 2015 at the Connell Rainforest Plot near O’Reilly’s Guest House, 85 km south of Brisbane, Queensland. The 2.0 ha site consists of separate 1.0 ha plots separated by 600 m, but they have always been treated as a single entity. The site consists of mapped and tagged trees in all size classes from tiny seedlings to large canopy trees. Rates of recruitment, growth and mortality have been measured at intervals of 1-6 years with records extending back to 1963. The primary determinant of growth rate in the understory is light. Gaps created by the death of large canopy trees have been systematically surveyed many times over the decades until 2002, with the boundaries of the gaps being noted on hand drawn maps. These maps have never been digitized, and the originals are held at the University of California. Copies of some later maps are held by Green at La Trobe University. A digital camera with a fish-eye lens was used for the first time in 2013 to measure understory light environments along the seedling transects. A synopsis of related data packages which have been collected as part of the Connell Rainforest Plot Network’s full program is provided at