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    Data is provided from three survey types: nocturnal drive-by monitoring; ground counts; and exit counts. The nocturnal drive-by monitoring dataset provides information on species presence/absence at 124 sites across Christmas Island. The ground count dataset provides information on numbers of bats observed roosting in trees at known camp sites; while the exit count dataset records counts of bats exiting from the respective camp sites.

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    This dataset presents the demographic monitoring (growth and survival) of 81 tree species based on repeated stem measurement data from 20, 0.5 ha (100 m x 50 m) permanent moist forest plots in northern Queensland, Australia from 1971 to 2019, as well as four additional plots of 0.1 to 1 ha whose monitoring began in the 2000s. The plots have a rainfall range of 1200 to over 6000 mm, represent eleven vegetation types, six parent materials, and range from 15 m to 1500 m above sea level. Except for minor disturbances associated with selective logging on two plots, the plots were established in old growth forest and all plots have thereafter been protected. Plots were regularly censused and at each census the diameter at breast height (DBH) of all stems ≥10 cm DBH were recorded. We only report the data for the 81 species studied in Bauman et al. 2022 (Nature), here. We also provide the climatology of these plots as well as the temperature, vapour pressure deficit, and maximum climatological water deficit of all intervals separating consecutive censuses, as used in the analyses of Bauman et al. 2022.

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    The dataset contains passive activity index data used to monitor the distribution and activity of introduced carnivores in the habitat of endangered species within Uluru-Kata Tjuta National Park.

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    The Norfolk Island Green Parrot (Cyanoramphus cookii) Wild Breeding Project (2013-2014) dataset contains records of Green Parrot breeding success and survival rates per nesting site, including number of eggs laid, number of chicks hatched and number of chicks fledged. Records of sex composition are recorded as well as records of parental attendance and any nesting disturbance. For information on study site coordinates (restricted data) for this species, please contact the dataset author.

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    In 2013 the scope of the Island-wide Survey was expanded to gather data at each survey site about scale insect assemblages. This involves a vegetation survey of twelve key tree species that play a role in YCA-scale insect mutualism. These tree species are an effective proxy for the scale species present in an area. The dataset contains vegetation transect survey data on the target twelve key tree species that play a role in YCA-scale insect mutualism, collected during the Island-wide Survey.

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    A fox control program has been in place in Booderee National Park since 1999 with baiting occurring twice a year. From 2003 onwards baiting has been intensified, with baiting occurring once a month. Since 2003 monitoring has been undertaken to track trends in distribution and abundance of small-medium sized mammal species, in response to fox control. The dataset contains data on mammal species and numbers trapped in Booderee National Park, as well as a record of sex, weight, pes length, and presence of pouch young.