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    We generated a total of 2,313,977 16S archaeal raw reads across the 36 replicates (64,277 ± 23,335 SD per replicate). A total of 2,299,955 archaeal sequences (63,888 ± 23,473 SD per replicate) and 1,937 archaeal OTUs (54 ± 20 SD per replicate) remained for further analysis after quality filtering. The OTU data provide information on archaeal flux at an active restoration site at Mt Bold, a water catchment reserve of the Mt Lofty Ranges in South Australia, through a stagger of years and can be used accordingly.

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    We present a High-throughput eDNA dataset of fungi to track functional recovery in ecological restoration in the form of an OTU raw data matrix. We generated a total of 4,993,144 ITS fungal raw reads (118,884 ± 42,210 SD per replicate) across the 42 replicates. A total of 4,955,680 fungal sequences (117,430 ± 42,164 SD per replicate) remained for further analysis after quality filtering. The OTU data provide information on fungal flux at this restoration site through a stagger of years and can be used accordingly.

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    The forest fuel survey dataset comprises site-level summary data from the well-designed fuel load surveys across 48 AusPlots Forests- 1-ha monitoring plots across Australia. Data presented here includes data on the surface, near-surface, and elevated fuel loads for each of the Forest Ausplots. It includes iButton data on 1) temperature and humidity, 2) data on litterfall and 3) decomposition rates. We also provide additional information on soil nutrient data, species composition of the understorey and midstorey, and panorama photos from the plot centre. This dataset is the second version of the <i> AusPlots Forest Fuel Survey site-level data summary, 2014 - 2015. Version 1.0.0. Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Network.</i> (dataset). <em></em>

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    A total of 53 native Australian species (52x C3, 1x C4) were sampled from 22 plant families and 7 growth forms along a transect in WA spanning 9.56 degrees latitude and 6.85 degrees longitude. Samples were collected using the nationally-accepted AusPlots Rangelands methodology. Samples were stored to preserve isotopic signatures and analysed using standard techniques for mass spectroscopy, including internationally-calibrated standards. Technical replicates of 13% showed very low drift (0.07).

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    <p>The dataset contains raw records on the frequency and % cover of Australian plant species stored in TERN's AEKOS as at 23 February 2017. There is information on basal area data in addition.The data includes plant records for the following datasets: [1] Australian Ground Cover Reference Sites Database, [2] Biological Survey of South Australia - Vegetation Survey - Biological Database of South Australia, [3] Atlas of NSW database: VIS flora survey module, [4] Queensland CORVEG Database, [5] TERN AusPlots Rangelands, [6] Transects for Environmental Monitoring and Decision Making (TREND) (2013-present) and the [7] TREND-Biome of Australia Soil Environments (BASE). </p> Soil samples for physical structure and chemical analysis (14 sites) throughout Australia were also incorporated in addition (starting 2013). The sites were: [1] AusCover Supersites SLATS Star Transects, [2] Biological Survey of the Ravensthorpe Range (Western Australia), [3] Biological Survey of South Australia - Roadside Vegetation Survey, [4] Biological Database of South Australia, [5] South-Western Australian Transitional Transect (SWATT), [6] Koonamore Vegetation Monitoring Project (1925-present), [7] Desert Ecology Research Group Plots (1990-2011) and Long Term Ecological Research Network (2012-2015), Simpson Desert, [8] Western Queensland, Australia (plants only) and [9] the TERN AusPlots Forest Monitoring Network - Large Tree Survey - 2012-2015. In total, 97,035 sites were extracted and downloaded for individual and population levels. The download package contains site location files, separate data files for individual and population levels, citation details for individual surveys and notes on how to interpret the download.

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    In 2013 the scope of the Island-wide Survey was expanded to gather data at each survey site about scale insect assemblages. This involves a vegetation survey of twelve key tree species that play a role in YCA-scale insect mutualism. These tree species are an effective proxy for the scale species present in an area. The dataset contains vegetation transect survey data on the target twelve key tree species that play a role in YCA-scale insect mutualism, collected during the Island-wide Survey.

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    <p>The dataset comprises well-designed survey data from the first fuel load survey across 192 transects within the 48 AusPlots Forests, 1-ha monitoring plots across Australia. Data includes: [1] Site identifiers (ID and Site Name) and site- or transect- specific notes from the fuel survey campaign; [2] Transect survey dates; [3] Transect photograph numbers and attributes (Bearing, Slope and Aspect); [4] Fuel measurements (Grass and Litter height; Duff depth; Fine Woody fuel counts and Coarse Woody fuel counts and diameter; Projective cover for biomass components (Grass, Litter, Herbs, Vines and Shrubs), and Mass of biomass components (Grass, Litter, Herbs and Vines)); [5] Moisture content for biomass components (Grass, Litter, Herbs and Vines).</p> Descriptions of the data and coding protocols used in the database are explained in (a) the database itself; (b) the explanatory file attached to this dataset and (c) the Ausplots Forest Monitoring Network Manual. The protocols and coding used in this module are drawn directly from international forest fuel survey protocols and are consistent with other Australian forest fuel inventory methodologies.</p> For site-level aggregation of the data, please see the following record: &nbsp;<a data-fr-linked="true" href=""></a></p>

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    The authors analyzed a total of 3,002,411 quality-filtered bacterial 16S rRNA gene sequences in the 48 technical replicates across 8 revegetation chronosequence sites, consisting of 3,316 OTUs. Nine bacterial phyla dominated this dataset, including Acidobacteria, Actinobacteria, Bacteroidetes, Chloroflexi, Firmicutes, Gemmatimonadetes, Planctomycetes, Proteobacteria and Verrucomicrobia.The OTU data provide information on bacterial flux at this restoration site through a stagger of years and can be used accordingly.

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    This dataset contains information on vegetation at a set of field sites along with associated environmental data extracted from spatial layers and selected ecological statistics. Measurements of vascular plants include species, growth form, height and cover from 1010 point intercepts per plot as well as systematically recorded absences, which are useful for predictive modelling and validation of remote sensing applications. The derived cover estimates are robust and repeatable, allowing comparisons among environments and detection of modest change. The field plots span a rainfall gradient of 129-1437 mm Mean Annual Precipitation ranging from aseasonal to highly seasonal. The dataset consists of a processed version the AusPlots Rangelands dataset with three components: 1) a site table with locality, environmental and summary ecology statistics for each plot; 2) a set of compiled point intercept records identified by individual hits, site visits and plots and; 3) a processed species percent cover against site/visit matrix for ecological analysis. The data have re-use potential for studies on vegetation properties in the Australian rangelands or as a species presence/absence dataset for testing ecological models. The dataset also provides opportunities for generic application such as testing community ecology theories or developing or demonstrating community ecology software, whether using the raw point by point intercept data or the derived percent cover matrix.

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    The forest fuel survey dataset comprises site-level summary data from the well-designed fuel load surveys across 48 AusPlots Forests- 1-ha monitoring plots across Australia. Data presented here includes: [1] Site identifiers (ID and Site Name) and site location and site-specific notes from fuel survey campaign; [2] site survey dates (start date and end date); [3] Site climatic information (air temperature and relative humidity); [4] Average height of plants and the stem densities in those sites; [5] Fuel bed biomass measurements that include live or dead grass, shrub, vines cover; [6] Litter, Fine Woody and Coarse Woody Debris stocks and production; [7] Soil Nutrient concentration (Soil Carbon, Soil Hydrogen and Soil Nitrogen contents); [8] Duff depth and cover.