
Landscape Ecology

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    This dataset contains UAV multispectral imagery collected as part of a field trial to test the Unmanned Aerial System to be used for the TERN Drone project. The UAS platform is DJI Matrice 300 RTK with 2 sensors: Zenmuse P1 (35 mm) RGB mapping camera and Micasense RedEdge-MX (5-band multispectral sensor). P1 imagery were geo-referenced using the onboard GNSS in M300 and the D-RTK 2 Mobile Station. P1 Camera positions were post-processed using <a href="">AUSPOS</a>. The flights took place between 14:58 and 03:08 at a height of 80m with a flying speed set to 5 m/s. Forward and side overlaps of photographs were set to 80%. <br><br> Micasense multispectral sensor positions were interpolated using P1, following which a standard workflow was followed in Agisoft Metashape to generate this orthomosaic (resolution 5 cm). Reflectance calibration was performed using captures of the MicaSense Calibration Panel taken before the flight. The orthomosaic raster has the relative reflectance (no unit) for the 5 bands (B, G, R, RedEdge, NIR). This cloud optimised (COG) GeoTIFF was created using rio command line interface. The coordinate reference system of the COG is EPSG 7855 - GDA2020 MGA Zone 55. <br><br> In the raw data RedEdge-MX image file suffixes correspond to bands like so - 1: Blue, 2: Green, 3: Red, 4: NIR, 5: Red Edge. However, in the processed Orthomoasic GeoTIFF, the bands are ordered in the wavelength order (Blue, Green, Red, Red Edge, NIR).

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    This dataset contains UAV RGB imagery collected as part of a field trial to test the Uncrewed Aerial System to be used for the TERN Drone project. The UAS platform is DJI Matrice 300 RTK with 2 sensors: Zenmuse P1 (35 mm) RGB mapping camera and Micasense RedEdge-MX (5-band multispectral sensor). P1 imagery were georeferenced using the onboard GNSS in M300 and the D-RTK 2 Mobile Station. Camera positions were post-processed using <a href="">AUSPOS</a>. The flight took place between 14:00 and 14:08 at a height of 80m with a flying speed set to 5 m/s. Forward and side overlaps of photographs were set to 80%. <br><br> Agisoft Metashape was used to generate this RGB orthomosaic (resolution 1 cm). This cloud optimised GeoTIFF was created using rio command line interface. The coordinate reference system of the orthomosaic is EPSG 7855 - GDA2020 MGA Zone 55.

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    This dataset consists of images of fauna, flora, fungi or general scenery or events captured at the site on an ad-hoc basis and may provide the researcher with information regarding the species that occupy, frequent or traverse this site.<br /> <br /> The Litchfield Savanna SuperSite was established in 2013 in Litchfield National Park. Site selection was influenced by the history of long-term monitoring work undertaken in this area by the Darwin Centre for Bushfire Research (formerly Bushfires NT). The core 1ha plot is dominated by <em>Eucalyptus miniata</em>. The site is representative of the dominant ecosystem type across northern Australia: frequently burnt tropical savanna in high rainfall areas. For additional site information, see . <br /> Phenocam images and photopoints are also collected at the site.

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    This dataset consists of images of fauna, flora, fungi or general scenery or events captured at the site on an ad-hoc basis and may provide the researcher with information regarding the species that occupy, frequent or traverse this site.<br /> <br /> Gingin Banksia Woodland SuperSite was established in 2011 and is located in a natural woodland of high species diversity with an overstorey dominated by Banksia species. For additional site information, see <br /> Other images collected at the site include digital cover photography, phenocam time-lapse images taken from fixed under and overstorey cameras and photopoints.

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    This dataset contains UAV multispectral imagery collected as part of a field trial to test the Uncrewed Aerial System to be used for the TERN Drone project. The UAS platform is DJI Matrice 300 RTK with 2 sensors: Zenmuse P1 (35 mm) RGB mapping camera and Micasense RedEdge-MX Dual (10-band multispectral sensor). P1 imagery were geo-referenced using the onboard GNSS in M300 and the D-RTK 2 Mobile Station. P1 Camera positions were post-processed using <a href="">AUSPOS</a>. Flight conducted between 10:26 am and 10:47 am AEDT at flying height 80 m, forward and side overlaps for Zenmuse P1 set to 80%. MicaSense RedEdge-MX Dual triggered using timer mode (every second). <br><br> Micasense multispectral sensor positions were interpolated using P1, following which a standard workflow was followed in Agisoft Metashape to generate this orthomosaic (resolution 5 cm). Reflectance calibration was performed using captures of the MicaSense Calibration Panel taken before the flight. The orthomosaic raster has the relative reflectance (no unit) for the 10 bands (Coastal Blue, Blue, Green 531, Green, Red 650, Red, RedEdge 705, RedEdge, RedEdge 740, NIR). The cloud optimised (COG) GeoTIFF was created using rio command line interface. The coordinate reference system of the COG is EPSG 7855 - GDA2020 MGA Zone 55. <br><br> In the raw data RedEdge-MX image file suffixes correspond to bands like so - 1: Blue, 2: Green, 3: Red, 4: NIR, 5: Red Edge, 6: Coastal Blue, 7: Green 531, 8: Red 650, 9: RedEdge 705, 10: RedEdge 740. However, in the processed Orthomoasic GeoTIFF, the bands 1-10 are ordered as per the Central Wavelength (Coastal Blue, Blue, Green 531, Green, Red 650, Red, RedEdge 705, RedEdge, RedEdge 740, NIR).

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    This dataset contains UAV RGB imagery collected as part of a field trial to test the Uncrewed Aerial System to be used for the TERN Drone project. The UAS platform is DJI Matrice 300 RTK with 2 sensors: Zenmuse P1 (35 mm) RGB mapping camera and Micasense RedEdge-MX Dual (10-band multispectral sensor). P1 imagery were georeferenced using the onboard GNSS in M300 and the D-RTK 2 Mobile Station. Camera positions were post-processed using <a href="">AUSPOS</a>. Flight conducted between 10:26 am and 10:47 am AEDT at flying height 80 m, forward and side overlap set to 80%. <br><br> RGB orthomosaic (resolution: 1 cm. CRS: EPSG 7855 - GDA2020 MGA Zone 55) generated using Agisoft Metashape Professional, and a cloud optimised GeoTIFF was created using rio command line interface.

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    This dataset consists of images of fauna, flora, fungi or general scenery or events captured at the site on an ad-hoc basis and may provide the researcher with information regarding the species that occupy, frequent or traverse this site.<br /> The Alice Mulga SuperSite was established in 2010 at Pine Hill Cattle Station with research plots located in low open woodland Mulga (<em>Acacia aneura</em>) and non-Acacia, hummock grassland, and river red gum forest. The core 1 ha plot is located in a dense Mulga woodland (cover 70–80%). For additional site information, see . <br /> Other images collected at the site include digital cover photography, phenocam time-lapse images taken from fixed under and overstorey cameras, panoramic landscape and photopoint images.

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    This dataset consists of images of fauna, flora, fungi or general scenery or events captured at the site on an ad-hoc basis and may provide the researcher with information regarding the species that occupy, frequent or traverse this site.<br /> <br /> The Mitchell Grass Rangeland SuperSite is located at Rosebank Station approximately 11 km south-east of Longreach in Queensland. The site is arid tussock grassland with a variety of grass species including <em>Astrebla lappacea</em> and <em>Astrebla squarrosa</em> over black vertosol soil that supports sheep and beef cattle grazing. Traditional owners at this site are the Iningai people. For additional site information, see . <br /><br /> Panoramic images and photopoints are also collected at the site.

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    This dataset consists of images of fauna, flora, fungi or general scenery or events captured at the site on an ad-hoc basis and may provide the researcher with information regarding the species that occupy, frequent or traverse this site.<br /> <br /> The Calperum Mallee SuperSite was established in 2011 and is located on Calperum Station with research plots located in mallee woodland (burnt in 2014), Callitris woodland (recovering from extensive grazing) and a river floodplain, consisting of black box, river red gum and lignum. The core 1 ha plot is located in mallee woodland. For additional site information, see . <br /> Other images collected at the site include digital cover photography, phenocam time-lapse images taken from fixed overstorey cameras, panoramic landscape and photopoint images. <br /><br /> <iframe src=";panoid=VNc5-dZcKkoAAAGuqlmVHw&amp;ie=UTF8&amp;source=embed&amp;output=svembed&amp;cbp=13%2C208.3252%2C%2C0%2C0" title="Photosphere view of the mallee at Calperum SuperSite (photo J. Armston 2014)" style="height:248px;width:462px;"></iframe> <br />Photosphere view of the mallee at Calperum SuperSite (photo J. Armston 2014)<br />

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    Data were used to demonstrate fitness impacts caused by fragmentation context. Showed extensive pollination can protect tree fitness from fragmentation. Grew open-pollinated progeny arrays of the bird-pollinated, mallee tree <i>Eucalyptus incrassata</i> in a randomised block design in a common garden experiment at Monarto, South Australia. Progeny arrays were collected from parental trees in either continuous forest or highly fragmented contexts. Data are therefore experimental, for hypothesis testing Data are not descriptive ecological, not plot based and not time-series. Data are not a representative sample of <i>Eucalyptus incrassata</i> and not representative of mallee eucalypts.