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    This record is a comprehensive list of vascular plant species from the Biological Survey of South Australia. Preparation from raw data obtained via the Advanced Ecological Knowledge and Observation System (AEKOS; now deprecated) data portal involved the selection of data fields, the removal of intraspecific taxa (only genus and species used to define individual taxa) and removal of duplicate records and those not determined to species.

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    This record is on the beetle survey conducted at the Warra Site, as part of the Southern Forests Experimental Forest Landscape (SFEFL). The data set contains information on beetle sample and species identification details, the number of individual specimens sampled, the age class of individuals and any relevant comments for each observation in the data set.

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    The record contains information on the five-minute, point-count, bird survey data conducted in the Southern Forests Experimental Forest Landscape (SFEFL), Warra Site for the period between 2010 to 2011. Data such as age class of study plots, Landscape Disturbance Index (LDI), bird survey period, bird species identification details, observation distance, number of individuals, height and direction of observation at a minimum distance of 25 meters are provided.

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    This is a collated plant survey data from the Fleurieu Peninsula wetlands (version.2). There is a biological and a spatial component to the dataset. [1] Biological data: This was collated from several sources, collected over the period 2000-2009 and used in the analyses for the paper <i>Diversity patterns of seasonal wetland plant communities mainly driven by rare terrestrial species</i> (Deane et al - Biodiversity and Conservation, DOI: <em>10.1007/s10531-016-1139-1</em>). Biological data were pre-processed to remove sampling bias (the method is described in the paper). Data are presence-absence of 215 native plant species (i.e., exotic species removed) from 76 seasonal wetlands (size range 0.5 - 35 ha) located on the Fleurieu Peninsula, South Australia (centred on latitude 35.5 °S). [2] Spatial data: For each of the 76 wetlands a small amount of spatial data is also provided. Area, centroids, elevation and catchment. The data could be of interest for any typical community data analysis (e.g. beta diversity, similarity, assembly), provided only native wetland plant species were of interest. Data were used to model extinction risk, species-area relationships, occupancy distributions and so on.

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    The record contains information on beetle succession in decaying <i>Eucalyptus obliqua</i> logs, from 1999-2009. Data on beetle species identification, field sampling notes, and collection details from eucalyptus logs across the decade range from 1999 - 2009 are provided.

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    This dataset lists plant species vouchered for identification from Rangeland sites across Australia by the TERN Surveillance Monitoring team, using standardised AusPlots methodologies. <br /> Plant specimens are methodologically collected at each site as part of the AusPlots Vegetation vouchering method. Recorded information includes the site, date of collection and a voucher barcode. The specimen data is updated with the identification date and authority details when species identification is confirmed by the Herbaria. <br /> Plant population and community, soil, basal area and structural information are also assessed at each site. See AusPlots Vegetation vouchering and Rangelands Vocabularies for a list of parameters collected. </br>

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    This record contains information on the Plant Functional Type Classification, Richness and Cover in <i>Eucalyptus salubris</i> Woodlands, Great Western Woodland site. The data were generated across time since fire chronosequence, 2010-2011.

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    The dataset comprises of a biological and a spatial component. Biological data: This was collated from several sources, collected over the period 2000-2009. Data are lists of presence-absence of 215 native plant species (i.e., exotic species removed) from 76 seasonal wetlands (size range 0.5 - 35 ha) located on the Fleurieu Peninsula, South Australia (centred on latitude 35.5 °S). After data were collated into a single dataset, sampling bias was removed to create a dataset of near-complete census wetlands. Spatial data: For each of the 76 wetlands a small amount of spatial data is also provided, i.e., area, centroids, catchment etc. The dataset could be of interest for any typical community data analysis (e.g. beta diversity, similarity, assembly)- provided only native wetland plant species are of interest. Data presented here were used to model extinction risk, species-area relationships, occupancy distributions and so on.

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    The record contains information on mammal captures from the Karawatha forest park in South East Queensland, Karawatha in the year 2010. Data on the number of captures of mammal species and the type of trap used for captures are provided.

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    The data set contains information on plant diversity indices, species composition, vegetation cover and edaphic properties from the <i>Eucalyptus salubris</i> woodlands, Great Western Woodlands site. The data represents changes in plant diversity due to disturbance with time since fire in a chronosequence.