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    This dataset contains bird occurrence data collected at the Cumberland Plain site from 2015 - 2017.

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    Seedling surveys were conducted at the Cumberland Plain site in 2014. The identity and height of all seedlings were recorded along six 20 m x 1 m transects in the core 1 ha plot.

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    Wood block decomposition assessment at the Cumberland Plain site is part of a global program looking at the influence of microbes and invertebrates on wood decay. A common protocol was developed exposing small (~400 cm3) pieces of a wood-substrate (untreated Pinus radiata) to the environment excluding and not-excluding macroinvertebrates (e.g. termites) by the use of a plastic mesh.

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    This data contains a list of all vascular plants surveyed in the Cumberland Plain site in 2014.

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    This terrestrial LiDAR dataset captures detailed vegetation structural information at the Cumblerland Plain Woodland SuperSite in Western Sydney, Australia. The purpose of this data is to enhance understanding of vegetation dynamics and ecosystem function in the region. The dataset is part of a broader collection of Terrestrial LiDAR data acquired from all TERN SuperSites, aimed at achieving a standardized and highly detailed capture of 3D vegetation structure across Australia.

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    This data contains ant abundance and incidence collected in the core 1 ha plot within the Cumberland Plain site.

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    Gentry transects and quadrats were established to monitor the vegetation abundance, cover and structure of the mid-stratum and subordinate stratum of the core 1 ha plot in the Cumberland Plain site in 2014.

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    <p>Digital Cover Photography (DCP) upward-looking images are collected twice per year to capture vegetation cover within the core hectare at Cumberland Plain SuperSite. These images can be used to estimate Leaf area index (LAI), Crown Cover or Foliage Projective Cover (FPC). The images are captured at the times of estimated maximum and minimum LAI. In addition, DCP images have been taken on a monthly basis from 2018-2020 at a subset of sites in the core hectare, co-located with litterfall traps and under-canopy radiation sensors, to evaluate more detailed seasonal dynamics of LAI and other aspects of canopy growth. </p><p>The Cumberland Plain SuperSite was established in 2012 in endangered remnant Eucalyptus woodland and is subject to pressure from invasive weeds, altered fire regimes, urban development, conversion to agriculture and extreme climate events. However, the woodland is in excellent condition with the exception of edge effects. The site is located on the Hawkesbury Campus of the University of Western Sydney in New South Wales. For additional site information, see . </p><p>Other images collected at the site include photopoints, phenocam time-lapse images taken from fixed overstorey cameras, and ancillary images of fauna and flora. </p>

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    <p>This dataset contains audio files for Cumberland Plain Woodland SuperSite. was established in 2012 in a protected remnant of Shale Gravel Transition Forest, located on the Hawkesbury Campus of the University of Western Sydney in New South Wales. The vegetation at the site is dominated by <em>Eucalyptus moluccana</em> and <em>E. fibrosa</em>, which have hosted a population of mistletoe (<em>Amyema miquelii</em>); a subcanopy of <em>Melaleuca decora</em> is visible in some gaps. The ecosystem is subject to pressure from altered fire regimes, urban development, conversion to agriculture and extreme climate events. However, the forest patch at the site is in excellent condition with the exception of edge effects. For additional site information, see <a href="">Cumberland Plain Woodland SuperSite</a></p> <p>In 2019 four acoustic recorders were set up to collect audio data continuously as part of the Australian Acoustic Observatory (A2O) project. Two recorders were placed in relatively wet habitats and two in relatively dry habitats.</p>

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    High quality digital site reference images are captured for the core 1 hectare vegetation plot of the site on an annual basis to provide context for researchers to understand the general layout and vegetation of the study site, and as a visual reference to monitor any changes over time. Photopoints will be taken annually using the five point photopoint method. The set of images for each year usually consists of twenty images: four images taken at each corner of the plot facing each of the four cardinal points, and four images taken from the centre of the plot facing each corner. <br /><br /> The Cumberland Plain SuperSite was established in 2012 in endangered remnant Eucalyptus woodland and is subject to pressure from invasive weeds, altered fire regimes, urban development, conversion to agriculture and extreme climate events. However, the woodland is in excellent condition with the exception of edge effects. The site is located on the Hawkesbury Campus of the University of Western Sydney in New South Wales. For additional site information, see . <br /> </p><p>Other images collected at the site include digital cover photography, phenocam time-lapse images taken from fixed overstorey cameras, and ancillary images of fauna and flora.