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    The dataset contains information from the first initial trial of the AusPlots Fauna Protocol conducted at Calperum Station, Renmark, South Australia. Selected proposed methodologies and fauna survey techniques were trialled for logistical purposes. After the field trials, the proposed methodologies and techniques were refined. The dataset contains species information on fauna species captures, observations, and specimen collections from the April-May 2015 field trials. The data can be used to review the outcomes of the survey methodologies, presence data of the species recorded, morphological details of the animals recorded, and relate field data to the whole specimen and tissue specimens collected. The Enhancing Long-term Surveillance Monitoring Across Australia Programme will enhance the breadth and depth of Australia's terrestrial ecosystem condition monitoring and reporting at national and regional scales through building on the Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Network (TERN) AusPlots Facility. Specifically, this will be achieved by increasing the range and type of AusPlots field sites and monitoring, and through providing guidelines, protocols manuals or standards that will enhance environmental data quality.

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    This dataset consists of measurements of the exchange of energy and mass between the surface and the atmospheric boundary-layer in open-forest savanna using eddy covariance techniques.<br /><br /> Located in a 5 square kilometre block of relatively uniform open-forest savanna, the site is representative of high rainfall, frequently burnt tropical savanna. <br /><br />Tropical savanna in Australia occupies 1.9 million square km across the north and given the extent of this biome, understanding biogeochemical cycles, impacts of fire on sequestration, vegetation and fauna is a national priority. In the NT, savanna ecosystems are largely intact in terms of tree cover, with only modest levels of land use change. Despite this, there is evidence of a loss of biodiversity, most likely due to shifts in fire regimes and a loss of patchiness in the landscape. Approximately 40% of the savanna burn every year and understanding fire impacts on fauna and flora is essential for effective land management. <br /><br />This data is also available at .

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    <br>This release consists of flux tower measurements of the exchange of energy and mass between the surface and the atmospheric boundary-layer using eddy covariance techniques. Data were processed using PyFluxPro (v3.4.7) as described by Isaac et al. (2017). PyFluxPro produces a final, gap-filled product with Net Ecosystem Exchange (NEE) partitioned into Gross Primary Productivity (GPP) and Ecosystem Respiration (ER). <br /> <br /> Located in a 5 km<sup>2</sup> block of relatively uniform open-forest savanna, the site is representative of high rainfall, frequently burnt tropical savanna. <br /><br /> Tropical savanna in Australia occupies 1.9 million km<sup>2</sup> across the north and given the extent of this biome, understanding biogeochemical cycles, impacts of fire on sequestration, vegetation and fauna is a national priority. In the NT, savanna ecosystems are largely intact in terms of tree cover, with only modest levels of land use change. Despite this, there is evidence of a loss of biodiversity, most likely due to shifts in fire regimes and a loss of patchiness in the landscape. Approximately 40 % of the savanna burn every year and understanding fire impacts on fauna and flora is essential for effective land management. <br /><br />

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    This data set is the result of the investigation on the response of littoral and floodplain vegetation and soil moisture flux to weir pool raising in 2015. The data was collected over 18 months between August 2015 and December 2016- before, during and after the weir pool levels were raised. The data set contains information on Tree Condition including crown extent and density, bark form, epicormic growth and state, reproduction, crown growth, leaf die off and damage, and mistletoe. Leaf Water Potential, taken predawn and in the middle of the day. Plant Area Index/Canopy Cover measurements using hemispherical photos. Soil Chemistry measurements- total soil moisture (gravimetric water content; %), soil suction (or soil matric potential), Electrical Conductivity and soil pH.

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    This is a data set on the prescence of Salmonella and the exposure of flavivirus in the Australian White Ibis. The data is presented in an excel file that lists, band numbers, sample dates, age, sex, bill lengths, presence of Salmonella in gut samples, and evidence of exposure to flavivirus for 72 birds sampled in the years 2002, 2003 and 2015 in Sydney, Australia. Detailed results listed in our open accessible manuscript published in the Journal of Urban Ecology in 2019. <em></em>.

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    This dataset contains bird occurrence data collected at the Wombat Stringybark Eucalypt site in 2015.

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    High quality digital images are captured using a digital SLR camera at the plots (core 1 hectare vegetation plot) at the Samford Peri-Urban SuperSite using the panoramic photopoint method. The panoramic photopoint method may be the most informative in open forests/woodlands and rangelands. Three photopoints are established configured in an equilateral triangle (2.5m sides) with the centre marked with a star dropper and the location recorded with DGPS. At each photopoint take photographic sequences in a 360° panorama, with up to 40 photographs with a minimum 50% overlap between consecutive photographs. For more information about the method, see <a href= ''>White, el al. (2012) AusPlots Rangelands Survey Protocols Manual Version 1.2.9.</a> <br> The Samford Peri-Urban SuperSite was established in 2010 in remnant fringe eucalypt forest, near urban development in the Samford Valley. The upper storey is dominated by <em>Corymbia intermedia</em>, <em>Eucalyptus siderophloia</em> and <em>Lophostemon suaveolens</em>. For additional site information, see . <br /><br /> Other images collected at the site include digital cover photography, phenocam time-lapse images taken from fixed overstorey cameras, five-photopoint images, and ancillary images of fauna and flora.

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    Seedling surveys were conducted at the Tumbarumba Wet Eucalypt site in 2015. The identity and height of all seedlings were recorded along six 20 m x 1 m transects in the core 1 ha plot.

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    This is Version 2 of the Depth of Regolith product of the Soil and Landscape Grid of Australia (produced 2015-06-01).<br><br> The Soil and Landscape Grid of Australia has produced a range of digital soil attribute products. The digital soil attribute maps are in raster format at a resolution of 3 arc sec (~90 x 90&nbsp;m pixels).<br><br> <ul style="list-style-type: disc;"><li>Attribute Definition: The regolith is the in situ and transported material overlying unweathered bedrock;</li> <li>Units: metres;</li> <li>Spatial prediction method: data mining using piecewise linear regression;</li> <li>Period (temporal coverage; approximately): 1900-2013;</li> <li>Spatial resolution: 3 arc seconds (approx 90&nbsp;m);</li> <li>Total number of gridded maps for this attribute: 3;</li> <li>Number of pixels with coverage per layer: 2007M (49200 * 40800);</li> <li>Data license : Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 (CC BY);</li> <li>Variance explained (cross-validation): R^2 = 0.38;</li> <li>Target data standard: GlobalSoilMap specifications;</li> <li>Format: Cloud Optimised GeoTIFF;</li></ul>

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    This data contains a list of all vascular plants surveyed in the Tumbarumba Wet Eucalypt site in 2015.