mean leaf dark respiration per dry mass
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This dataset contains leaf functional trait measurements describing leaf structure, chemistry and metabolism collected from the Daintree Rainforest, Cape Tribulation site, in the dry season 2012 and wet season 2014.
This dataset contains leaf functional trait measurements describing leaf structure, chemistry and metabolism collected from the Robson Creek Rainforest site, in the dry season 2012 and wet season 2014.
This dataset contains leaf functional trait measurements describing leaf structure, chemistry and metabolism collected from the Alice Mulga site in 2014
This dataset contains leaf functional trait measurements describing leaf structure, chemistry and metabolism collected from the Calperum Mallee site, in 2013.
This dataset contains leaf functional trait measurements describing leaf structure, chemistry and metabolism collected from the Great Western Woodlands site in 2013.
This dataset contains leaf functional trait measurements describing leaf structure, chemistry and metabolism collected from the Cumberland Plain site in 2014.
This dataset contains leaf functional trait measurements describing leaf structure, chemistry and metabolism collected from the Warra Tall Eucalypt site, in summer 2012 and winter 2013.