Calperum Mallee Leaf Functional Trait Data, 2013
This dataset contains leaf functional trait measurements describing leaf structure, chemistry and metabolism collected from the Calperum Mallee site, in 2013.
Identification info
- Date (Creation)
- 2022-06-08
- Date (Publication)
- 2022-06-22
- Date (Revision)
- 2024-12-16
- Edition
- 1
Australian National University - Atkin, Owen ()
10 East Road, Acton, 2601, Australian Capital Territory, Australia
Australian Capital Territory
Imperial College London - Bloomfield, Keith ()
Exhibition Road, South Kensington, London, SW7 2BX, United Kingdom
South Kensington
United Kingdom
- Website
- Purpose
- Assessing infraspecific and seasonal variability in leaf traits can help develop our understanding of both vegetation distribution and providing Dynamic Global Vegetation Models with an accurate representation of carbon, water and energy budgets.
- Credit
- We at TERN acknowledge the Traditional Owners and Custodians throughout Australia, New Zealand and all nations. We honour their profound connections to land, water, biodiversity and culture and pay our respects to their Elders past, present and emerging.
- Credit
- This work was funded by the Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Network (TERN), an Australian Government National Collaborative Research Infrastructure Strategy (NCRIS) project.
- Status
- Completed
Point of contact
Australian National University - Atkin, Owen ()
10 East Road, Acton, 2601, Australian Capital Territory, Australia
10 East Road
Australian Capital Territory
Point of contact
Imperial College London - Bloomfield, Keith ()
Exhibition Road, South Kensington, London, SW7 2BX, United Kingdom
Exhibition Road
South Kensington
United Kingdom
- Topic category
- Biota
- Environment
- Description
- The Calperum Mallee site is in a mallee semi-arid ecosystem, fringing the River Murray floodplains on Calperum Station, near Renmark, South Australia. The area comprises undulating mallee woodlands and riverine vegetation alongside the river.
Temporal extent
- Time period
- 2013-03-07 2013-08-11
- Title
- Bloomfield, KJ, Cernusak, LA, Eamus, D, et al. A continental-scale assessment of variability in leaf traits: Within species, across sites and between seasons. Functional Ecology. 2018; 32: 1492– 1506.
- Website
Bloomfield, KJ, Cernusak, LA, Eamus, D, et al. A continental-scale assessment of variability in leaf traits: Within species, across sites and between seasons. Functional Ecology. 2018; 32: 1492– 1506.
Related documentation
- Title
- Bloomfield, K.J., Prentice, I.C., Cernusak, L.A., Eamus, D., Medlyn, B.E., Rumman, R., Wright, I.J., Boer, M.M., Cale, P., Cleverly, J., Egerton, J.J.G., Ellsworth, D.S., Evans, B.J., Hayes, L.S., Hutchinson, M.F., Liddell, M.J., Macfarlane, C., Meyer, W.S., Togashi, H.F., Wardlaw, T., Zhu, L. and Atkin, O.K. (2019), The validity of optimal leaf traits modelled on environmental conditions. New Phytologist, 221: 1409-1423.
- Maintenance and update frequency
- Not planned
- GCMD Science Keywords
- ANZSRC Fields of Research
- TERN Platform Vocabulary
- TERN Parameter Vocabulary
- plant functional type
- Unitless
- mean leaf light saturated net photosynthesis
- Micromoles per square metre second
- mean leaf dark respiration rate
- Micromoles per square metre second
- mean leaf transpiration rate
- Millimoles per square metre second
- mean leaf dark transpiration rate
- Millimoles per square metre second
- mean leaf temperature
- degree Celsius
- mean leaf temperture in the dark
- degree Celsius
- mean vapour pressure deficit based on leaf temperature
- Kilopascal
- mean leaf stomatal conductance
- Moles per square metre second
- ratio of mean intercellular to atmospheric carbon dioxide concentration
- Percent
- intercellular carbon dioxide concentration
- Micromoles per mole
- leaf area
- Square Centimetre
- mean photosynthetic active radiation
- Micromoles per square metre second
- mean leaf dry mass per leaf fresh mass trait
- Gram per Square Meter
- mean leaf dry mass per leaf area trait
- Gram per Square Meter
- mean leaf fresh mass per leaf area trait
- Gram per Square Meter
- mean leaf nitrogen content
- Milligram per Gram
- mean leaf phosphorus content
- Milligram per Gram
- ratio of mean leaf nitrogen to leaf phosphorus
- Unitless
- mean leaf photosynthetic rate per leaf dry mass
- Nanomoles per gram second
- mean leaf dark respiration per dry mass
- Nanomoles per gram second
- mean leaf nitrogen content per leaf area
- Milligram per Square Meter
- mean leaf phosphorus content per leaf area
- Milligram per Square Meter
- mean leaf net photosynthesis per unit nitrogen
- Micromoles per gram second
- mean leaf net photosynthesis per unit phosphorus
- Micromoles per gram second
- mean water use efficiency
- Millimoles per mole
- atmospheric pressure
- Kilopascal
- air carbon dioxide concentration
- Parts per million
- QUDT Units of Measure
- Unitless
- Micromoles per square metre second
- Micromoles per square metre second
- Millimoles per square metre second
- Millimoles per square metre second
- degree Celsius
- degree Celsius
- Kilopascal
- Moles per square metre second
- Percent
- Micromoles per mole
- Square Centimetre
- Micromoles per square metre second
- Gram per Square Meter
- Gram per Square Meter
- Gram per Square Meter
- Milligram per Gram
- Milligram per Gram
- Unitless
- Nanomoles per gram second
- Nanomoles per gram second
- Milligram per Square Meter
- Milligram per Square Meter
- Micromoles per gram second
- Micromoles per gram second
- Millimoles per mole
- Kilopascal
- Parts per million
- GCMD Horizontal Resolution Ranges
- GCMD Temporal Resolution Ranges
- Keywords (Discipline)
- Leaf traits
- Photosynthesis
- Respiration
- Nitrogen
- Phosphorus
- Water efficiency
Resource constraints
- Use limitation
- The Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) license allows others to copy, distribute, display, and create derivative works provided that they credit the original source and any other nominated parties. Details are provided at
- File name
- 88x31.png
- File description
- CCBy Logo from
- File type
- png
- Title
- Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International Licence
- Alternate title
- Edition
- 4.0
- Access constraints
- License
- Use constraints
- Other restrictions
- Other constraints
- TERN services are provided on an "as-is" and "as available" basis. Users use any TERN services at their discretion and risk. They will be solely responsible for any damage or loss whatsoever that results from such use including use of any data obtained through TERN and any analysis performed using the TERN infrastructure. <br />Web links to and from external, third party websites should not be construed as implying any relationships with and/or endorsement of the external site or its content by TERN. <br /><br />Please advise any work or publications that use this data via the online form at
- Other constraints
- Please cite this dataset as {Author} ({PublicationYear}). {Title}. {Version, as appropriate}. Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Network. Dataset. {Identifier}.
Resource constraints
- Classification
- Unclassified
Distribution Information
- Distribution format
- NetCDF
- OnLine resource
- Calperum_Mallee_functional_trait_data_dictionary
Distribution Information
- Distribution format
- NetCDF
- OnLine resource
- Calperum_Mallee_functional_leaf_traits_data
Distribution Information
- Distribution format
Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Network
80 Meiers Road, Indooroopilly, Queensland, 4068, Australia
- OnLine resource
- TERN EcoPlots Portal
- OnLine resource
- ro-crate-metadata.json
Resource lineage
- Statement
- Sampling description<br> Leaf samples were collected from the same individual plants at two time points during 2013: summer and winter. <br> Leaf gas exchange <br> At each visit, young, fully developed leaves from two sun exposed branches were chosen from each selected tree. Leaf gas exchange measurements were concentrated in the morning. Sun exposed branches were excised and the cut end of the branches immediately placed in a bucket and then recut under water to re-establish the xylem water column. For each leaf, approximately light-saturated (1500 µmol photons m-2 s-1) measures of net photosynthesis were taken at ambient CO2 concentration, 400 µmol mol-1 (ppm) and then at 1500 ppm. The leaf was next wrapped in aluminium foil for 30 minutes before respiration in darkness was measured, still at 400 ppm CO2. Air flow was held constant and a constant chamber block temperature was adopted, set marginally (ca. 1°C) higher than expected morning air temperatures to counter the effect of transpirational cooling and to ensure leaf and ambient air temperatures were similar. Gas exchange measurements were recorded using a portable photosynthesis system (Li-Cor 6400, Li-Cor, Lincoln, NE, USA), using a 6 cm2 chamber fitted with a red-blue light source (Li-Cor 6400-02B LED) <br> Leaf area and dried mass <br> On completion of the gas exchange measurements leaves were weighed for fresh mass and scanned for leaf area before being dried in an oven at 70 °C for a minimum of 48 hours, after which their dry mass was recorded.<br> Leaf chemistry <br> Oven-dried leaf material was used for determination of total leaf nitrogen and phosphorus: dried ground leaf material was hot-digested in acid-peroxide before colorimetric analysis using a flow injection system.<br> All leaf trait data are mean values of leaves collected from the same branch.
- Hierarchy level
- Dataset
Reference System Information
- Reference system identifier
- EPSG/EPSG:4326
- Reference system type
- Geodetic Geographic 2D
- Metadata identifier
- Title
- TERN GeoNetwork UUID
- Language
- English
- Character encoding
- UTF8
Point of contact
Type of resource
- Resource scope
- Dataset
- Metadata linkage
Point-of-truth metadata URL
- Date info (Creation)
- 2022-06-08T00:00:00
- Date info (Revision)
- 2024-12-16T00:00:00
Metadata standard
- Title
- ISO 19115-1:2014/AMD 1:2018 Geographic information - Metadata - Fundamentals
- Edition
- 1
Metadata standard
- Title
- ISO/TS 19115-3:2016
- Edition
- 1.0
Metadata standard
- Title
- ISO/TS 19157-2:2016
- Edition
- 1.0
- Title
- Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Network (TERN) Metadata Profile of ISO 19115-3:2016 and ISO 19157-2:2016
- Date (published)
- 2021
- Edition
- 1.0
Spatial extent
Provided by

Associated resources
Not available