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    This data contains stem diameter, height measurement and above ground living biomass calculations for a Eucalyptus dominated woodland from 2012 - present. Diameter and height measurements for stems ≥10cm diameter at breast height were sampled within the core 1 ha plot within the Whroo Dry Eucalypt site.

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    This data contains stem diameter, height measurement and above ground living biomass calculations for an open Eucalypt and notophyll vine forest. Diameter and height measurements for stems ≥10cm diameter at breast height were sampled within a 1 ha plot within the Samford Peri-Urban site.

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    This data contains stem diameter, height measurement and above ground living biomass calculations for a Eucalyptus dominated woodland from 2015 - present. Diameter and height measurements for stems ≥10cm diameter at breast height were sampled within the core 1 ha plot within the Tumbarumba Wet Eucalypt site.

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    This data contains stem diameter, height measurement and above ground living biomass calculations for a Eucalyptus dominated woodland in 2015. Diameter and height measurements for stems ≥10cm diameter at breast height were sampled within the core 1 ha plot within the Karawatha Peri-urban site.

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    This data contains stem diameter, height measurement and above ground living and dead woody biomass calculations for a remnant Eucalyptus Wandoo woodland from 2018 - present. Diameter and height measurements for stems were sampled within the core 1 ha plot within the Boyagin Wandoo Woodlands site.

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    This data contains stem diameter, height measurement and above ground living biomass calculations for a Stringybark Eucalypt dominated woodland. Diameter and height measurements for stems ≥10cm diameter at breast height were sampled in 2014 and 2018 within the core 1 ha plot within the Wombat Stringybark Eucalypt site.

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    The dataset comprises calculations of diameter, height, volume, biomass (total and carbon) of all stems (dead or alive) > 10cm diameter at breast height in the Core 1-ha plot at the Warra Tall Eucalypt site

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    <p>The Biomass Plot Library is a collation of stem inventory data across federal, state and local government departments, universities, private companies and other agencies. It was motivated by the need for calibration/validation data to underpin national mapping of above-ground biomass from integration of Landsat time-series, ICESat/GLAS lidar, and ALOS PALSAR bacscatter data under the auspices of the JAXA Kyoto & Carbon (K&C) Initiative (Armston et al., 2016). At the time of Version 1.0 publication 1,073,837 hugs of 839,866 trees across 1,467 species had been collated. This has resulted from 16,391 visits to 12,663 sites across most of Australia's bioregions. Data provided for each project by the various source organisation were imported to a PostGIS database in their native form and then translated to a common set of tree, plot and site level observations with explicit plot footprints where available.</p> <p>Data can be downloaded from by selecting the combinations Tree biomass and Site Level, Tree Biomass and Tree Level.</p>

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    This data package comprises fire severity scores from Kakadu in 2014. A total of 220 permanent monitoring plots (40&nbsp;m x &nbsp;20 m) were established across three parks (Kakadu, Litchfield and Nitmiluk) in 1994-1995 to monitor biotic change. Of these, 132 plots are located in Kakadu. These sample a variety of landform and vegetation type/habitat conditions. A substantial proportion of plots were positioned deliberately at sites likely to reveal environmental dynamics, especially at ecotones and in patches of fire-sensitive vegetation. For example stands of <i>Callitris</i>, sandstone heaths. As well, many plots are located at, or in the near vicinity of, intensively managed sites such as camp-grounds and other tourist destinations. A synopsis of related data packages which have been collected as part of the Three Park Savanna Fire-effects Plot Network’s full program is provided at <a href=" ">LTERN</a>

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    The dataset comprises data from the first survey of ~24,000 large trees (>10 cm diameter at breast height; DBH) within 48 1 ha forest monitoring plots established across Australia between 2011 and 2015. Data includes: [1] Site identifiers (ID and Site Name); [2] Plot Establishment Dates; [3] Tree identifiers and descriptors (ID, Species, Status, Growth Stage, Crown Class); [4] Tree measurements (Diameter, Point of Measurement, Height, Location, above-ground biomass); [5] Comments and ancillary information; and [6] List of Metagenomic Sample Identifiers.