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This data contains biomass from sub-tropical pasture vegetation within the Samford Peri-Urban Site between 2011 - 2013
The LTERN Tropical Rainforest Plot Network Rainforest Tree Demographic Data contains stem measurement data for 1 of 20, 0.5 ha (100 m x 50 m) permanent rainforest plots in Northern Queensland, Australia from 2011 to 2013. This is part of a much larger dataset that spans from 1971 to 2013 that is managed by CSIRO. This data publication refers specifically to observations made at Plot EP9, and this data is accessible as a composite data package at the following location: Metcalfe, D; Murphy, H; Bradford, M; Hogan, D; Ford, A (2014): Tropical Rainforest Plot Network: Rainforest Tree Demographic Data, Northern Queensland, Australia, 2011-2013. Long Term Ecological Research Network. The CSIRO permanent rainforest plots are located within 60 km of the north Queensland coast between Mackay (21.5ºS, 149ºE) and the Iron Range on Cape York Peninsula (12.5ºS, 143ºE). The plots have a rainfall range of 1200 to 3500 mm, represent eleven vegetation types, six parent materials, and range from 15 m to 1200 m above sea level. Except for minor disturbances associated with selective logging on two plots, the plots were established in old growth forest and all plots have thereafter been protected. Plots were regularly censused and at each census the diameter at breast height (DBH) of all stems ≥10 cm DBH is recorded. Due to the wide geographical range of the plots, no species dominate, although the families Lauraceae, Rutaceae and Myrtaceae contribute a large number of species. The data collected from the 20 plots provides an insight into the floristical composition, structure and long term forest dynamics of Australian tropical rainforests and allows direct comparisons to be made with long-term monitoring plots at a global scale (Bradford, M.G., Murphy, H.T., Ford, A.J., Hogan, D. and Metcalfe, D.J. (2014). Long term stem inventory data from tropical rainforest plots in Australia. Ecology 95:2362. This is part of a much larger dataset that spans from 2004 to 2014; a synopsis of related data packages which have been collected as part of the Tropical Rainforest Plot Network’s full program is provided at
The LTERN Tropical Rainforest Plot Network Rainforest Tree Demographic Data contains stem measurement data for 1 of 20, 0.5 ha (100 m x 50 m) permanent rainforest plots in Northern Queensland, Australia from 2011 to 2013. This is part of a much larger dataset that spans from 1971 to 2013 that is managed by CSIRO. This data publication refers specifically to observations made at Plot EP43, and this data is accessible as a composite data package at the following location: Metcalfe, D; Murphy, H; Bradford, M; Hogan, D; Ford, A (2014): Tropical Rainforest Plot Network: Rainforest Tree Demographic Data, Northern Queensland, Australia, 2011–2013. Long Term Ecological Research Network. The CSIRO permanent rainforest plots are located within 60 km of the north Queensland coast between Mackay (21.5ºS, 149ºE) and the Iron Range on Cape York Peninsula (12.5ºS, 143ºE). The plots have a rainfall range of 1200 to 3500 mm, represent eleven vegetation types, six parent materials, and range from 15 m to 1200 m above sea level. Except for minor disturbances associated with selective logging on two plots, the plots were established in old growth forest and– all plots have thereafter been protected. Plots were regularly censused and at each census the diameter at breast height (DBH) of all stems ≥10 cm DBH is recorded. Due to the wide geographical range of the plots, no species dominate, although the families Lauraceae, Rutaceae and Myrtaceae contribute a large number of species. The data collected from the 20 plots provides an insight into the floristical composition, structure and long term forest dynamics of Australian tropical rainforests and allows direct comparisons to be made with long-term monitoring plots at a global scale (Bradford, M.G., Murphy, H.T., Ford, A.J., Hogan, D. and Metcalfe, D.J. (2014). Long term stem inventory data from tropical rainforest plots in Australia. Ecology 95:2362. This is part of a much larger dataset that spans from 2004 to 2014; a synopsis of related data packages which have been collected as part of the Tropical Rainforest Plot Network’s full program is provided at
The LTERN Tropical Rainforest Plot Network Rainforest Tree Demographic Data contains stem measurement data for 1 of 20, 0.5 ha (100 m x 50 m) permanent rainforest plots in Northern Queensland, Australia from 2011 to 2013. This is part of a much larger dataset that spans from 1971 to 2013 that is managed by CSIRO. This data publication refers specifically to observations made at Plot EP31, and this data is accessible as a composite data package at the following location: Metcalfe, D; Murphy, H; Bradford, M; Hogan, D; Ford, A (2014): Tropical Rainforest Plot Network: Rainforest Tree Demographic Data, Northern Queensland, Australia, 2011–2013. Long Term Ecological Research Network. The CSIRO permanent rainforest plots are located within 60 km of the north Queensland coast between Mackay (21.5ºS, 149ºE) and the Iron Range on Cape York Peninsula (12.5ºS, 143ºE). The plots have a rainfall range of 1200 to 3500 mm, represent eleven vegetation types, six parent materials, and range from 15 m to 1200 m above sea level. Except for minor disturbances associated with selective logging on two plots, the plots were established in old growth forest and all plots have thereafter been protected. Plots were regularly censused and at each census the diameter at breast height (DBH) of all stems ≥10 cm DBH is recorded. Due to the wide geographical range of the plots, no species dominate, although the families Lauraceae, Rutaceae and Myrtaceae contribute a large number of species. The data collected from the 20 plots provides an insight into the floristical composition, structure and long term forest dynamics of Australian tropical rainforests and allows direct comparisons to be made with long-term monitoring plots at a global scale (Bradford, M.G., Murphy, H.T., Ford, A.J., Hogan, D. and Metcalfe, D.J. (2014). Long term stem inventory data from tropical rainforest plots in Australia. Ecology 95:2362. This is part of a much larger dataset that spans from 2004 to 2014; a synopsis of related data packages which have been collected as part of the Tropical Rainforest Plot Network’s full program is provided at
The LTERN Tropical Rainforest Plot Network Rainforest Tree Demographic Data contains stem measurement data for 1 of 20, 0.5 ha (100 m x 50 m) permanent rainforest plots in Northern Queensland, Australia from 2011 to 2013. This is part of a much larger dataset that spans from 1971 to 2013 that is managed by CSIRO. This data publication refers specifically to observations made at Plot EP35, and this data is accessible as a composite data package at the following location: Metcalfe, D; Murphy, H; Bradford, M; Hogan, D; Ford, A (2014): Tropical Rainforest Plot Network: Rainforest Tree Demographic Data, Northern Queensland, Australia, 2011-2013. Long Term Ecological Research Network. The CSIRO permanent rainforest plots are located within 60 km of the north Queensland coast between Mackay (21.5ºS, 149ºE) and the Iron Range on Cape York Peninsula (12.5ºS, 143ºE). The plots have a rainfall range of 1200 to 3500 mm, represent eleven vegetation types, six parent materials, and range from 15 m to 1200 m above sea level. Except for minor disturbances associated with selective logging on two plots, the plots were established in old growth forest and all plots have thereafter been protected. Plots were regularly censused and at each census the diameter at breast height (DBH) of all stems ≥10 cm DBH is recorded. Due to the wide geographical range of the plots, no species dominate, although the families Lauraceae, Rutaceae and Myrtaceae contribute a large number of species. The data collected from the 20 plots provides an insight into the floristical composition, structure and long term forest dynamics of Australian tropical rainforests and allows direct comparisons to be made with long-term monitoring plots at a global scale (Bradford, M.G., Murphy, H.T., Ford, A.J., Hogan, D. and Metcalfe, D.J. (2014). Long term stem inventory data from tropical rainforest plots in Australia. Ecology 95:2362. This is part of a much larger dataset that spans from 2004 to 2014; a synopsis of related data packages which have been collected as part of the Tropical Rainforest Plot Network’s full program is provided at
The LTERN Tropical Rainforest Plot Network Rainforest Tree Demographic Data contains stem measurement data for 1 of 20, 0.5 ha (100 m x 50 m) permanent rainforest plots in Northern Queensland, Australia from 2011 to 2013. This is part of a much larger dataset that spans from 1971 to 2013 that is managed by CSIRO. This data publication refers specifically to observations made at Plot EP3, and this data is accessible as a composite data package at the following location: Metcalfe, D; Murphy, H; Bradford, M; Hogan, D; Ford, A (2014): Tropical Rainforest Plot Network: Rainforest Tree Demographic Data, Northern Queensland, Australia, 2011-2013. Long Term Ecological Research Network. The CSIRO permanent rainforest plots are located within 60 km of the north Queensland coast between Mackay (21.5ºS, 149ºE) and the Iron Range on Cape York Peninsula (12.5ºS, 143ºE). The plots have a rainfall range of 1200 to 3500 mm, represent eleven vegetation types, six parent materials, and range from 15 m to 1200 m above sea level. Except for minor disturbances associated with selective logging on two plots, the plots were established in old growth forest and all plots have thereafter been protected. Plots were regularly censused and at each census the diameter at breast height (DBH) of all stems ≥10 cm DBH is recorded. Due to the wide geographical range of the plots, no species dominate, although the families Lauraceae, Rutaceae and Myrtaceae contribute a large number of species. The data collected from the 20 plots provides an insight into the floristical composition, structure and long term forest dynamics of Australian tropical rainforests and allows direct comparisons to be made with long-term monitoring plots at a global scale (Bradford, M.G., Murphy, H.T., Ford, A.J., Hogan, D. and Metcalfe, D.J. (2014). Long term stem inventory data from tropical rainforest plots in Australia. Ecology 95:2362. This is part of a much larger dataset that spans from 2004 to 2014; a synopsis of related data packages which have been collected as part of the Tropical Rainforest Plot Network’s full program is provided at
The LTERN Tropical Rainforest Plot Network Rainforest Tree Demographic Data contains stem measurement data for 1 of 20, 0.5 ha (100 m x 50 m) permanent rainforest plots in Northern Queensland, Australia from 2011 to 2013. This is part of a much larger dataset that spans from 1971 to 2013 that is managed by CSIRO. This data publication refers specifically to observations made at Plot EP4, and this data is accessible as a composite data package at the following location: Metcalfe, D; Murphy, H; Bradford, M; Hogan, D; Ford, A (2014): Tropical Rainforest Plot Network: Rainforest Tree Demographic Data, Northern Queensland, Australia, 2011-2013. Long Term Ecological Research Network. The CSIRO permanent rainforest plots are located within 60 km of the north Queensland coast between Mackay (21.5ºS, 149ºE) and the Iron Range on Cape York Peninsula (12.5ºS, 143ºE). The plots have a rainfall range of 1200 to 3500 mm, represent eleven vegetation types, six parent materials, and range from 15 m to 1200 m above sea level. Except for minor disturbances associated with selective logging on two plots, the plots were established in old growth forest and all plots have thereafter been protected. Plots were regularly censused and at each census the diameter at breast height (DBH) of all stems ≥10 cm DBH is recorded. Due to the wide geographical range of the plots, no species dominate, although the families Lauraceae, Rutaceae and Myrtaceae contribute a large number of species. The data collected from the 20 plots provides an insight into the floristical composition, structure and long term forest dynamics of Australian tropical rainforests and allows direct comparisons to be made with long-term monitoring plots at a global scale (Bradford, M.G., Murphy, H.T., Ford, A.J., Hogan, D. and Metcalfe, D.J. (2014). Long term stem inventory data from tropical rainforest plots in Australia. Ecology 95:2362. This is part of a much larger dataset that spans from 2004 to 2014; a synopsis of related data packages which have been collected as part of the Tropical Rainforest Plot Network’s full program is provided at
The LTERN Tropical Rainforest Plot Network Rainforest Tree Demographic Data contains stem measurement data for 1 of 20, 0.5 ha (100 m x 50 m) permanent rainforest plots in Northern Queensland, Australia from 2011 to 2013. This is part of a much larger dataset that spans from 1971 to 2013 that is managed by CSIRO. This data publication refers specifically to observations made at Plot EP33, and this data is accessible as a composite data package at the following location: Metcalfe, D; Murphy, H; Bradford, M; Hogan, D; Ford, A (2014): Tropical Rainforest Plot Network: Rainforest Tree Demographic Data, Northern Queensland, Australia, 2011-2013. Long Term Ecological Research Network. The CSIRO permanent rainforest plots are located within 60 km of the north Queensland coast between Mackay (21.5ºS, 149ºE) and the Iron Range on Cape York Peninsula (12.5ºS, 143ºE). The plots have a rainfall range of 1200 to 3500 mm, represent eleven vegetation types, six parent materials, and range from 15 m to 1200 m above sea level. Except for minor disturbances associated with selective logging on two plots, the plots were established in old growth forest and all plots have thereafter been protected. Plots were regularly censused and at each census the diameter at breast height (DBH) of all stems ≥10 cm DBH is recorded. Due to the wide geographical range of the plots, no species dominate, although the families Lauraceae, Rutaceae and Myrtaceae contribute a large number of species. The data collected from the 20 plots provides an insight into the floristical composition, structure and long term forest dynamics of Australian tropical rainforests and allows direct comparisons to be made with long-term monitoring plots at a global scale (Bradford, M.G., Murphy, H.T., Ford, A.J., Hogan, D. and Metcalfe, D.J. (2014). Long term stem inventory data from tropical rainforest plots in Australia. Ecology 95:2362. This is part of a much larger dataset that spans from 2004 to 2014; a synopsis of related data packages which have been collected as part of the Tropical Rainforest Plot Network’s full program is provided at
The LTERN Tropical Rainforest Plot Network Rainforest Tree Demographic Data contains stem measurement data for 1 of 20, 0.5 ha (100 m x 50 m) permanent rainforest plots in Northern Queensland, Australia from 2011 to 2013. This is part of a much larger dataset that spans from 1971 to 2013 that is managed by CSIRO. This data publication refers specifically to observations made at Plot EP37, and this data is accessible as a composite data package at the following location: Metcalfe, D; Murphy, H; Bradford, M; Hogan, D; Ford, A (2014): Tropical Rainforest Plot Network: Rainforest Tree Demographic Data, Northern Queensland, Australia, 2011-2013. Long Term Ecological Research Network. The CSIRO permanent rainforest plots are located within 60 km of the north Queensland coast between Mackay (21.5ºS, 149ºE) and the Iron Range on Cape York Peninsula (12.5ºS, 143ºE). The plots have a rainfall range of 1200 to 3500 mm, represent eleven vegetation types, six parent materials, and range from 15 m to 1200 m above sea level. Except for minor disturbances associated with selective logging on two plots, the plots were established in old growth forest and all plots have thereafter been protected. Plots were regularly censused and at each census the diameter at breast height (DBH) of all stems ≥10 cm DBH is recorded. Due to the wide geographical range of the plots, no species dominate, although the families Lauraceae, Rutaceae and Myrtaceae contribute a large number of species. The data collected from the 20 plots provides an insight into the floristical composition, structure and long term forest dynamics of Australian tropical rainforests and allows direct comparisons to be made with long-term monitoring plots at a global scale (Bradford, M.G., Murphy, H.T., Ford, A.J., Hogan, D. and Metcalfe, D.J. (2014). Long term stem inventory data from tropical rainforest plots in Australia. Ecology 95:2362. This is part of a much larger dataset that spans from 2004 to 2014; a synopsis of related data packages which have been collected as part of the Tropical Rainforest Plot Network’s full program is provided at
The Tropical Rainforest Plot Network Rainforest Understorey Floristic Data contains understorey floristic data from all 20 of its 0.5 ha (100 m x 50 m) permanent rainforest plots in Northern Queensland, Australia. Data was collected for all plots at the time of establishment before 1981 and data was again collected for half of the plots post-2000. The CSIRO permanent rainforest plots are located within 60 km of the north Queensland coast between Mackay (21.5ºS, 149ºE) and the Iron Range on Cape York Peninsula (12.5ºS, 143ºE). The plots have a rainfall range of 1200 to 3500 mm, represent eleven vegetation types, six parent materials, and range from 15 m to 1200 m above sea level. Except for minor disturbances associated with selective logging on two plots, the plots were established in old growth forest and all plots have thereafter been protected. In conjunction with the Tree Demographic Data packages which have been collected by the Tropical Rainforest Plot Network, the data collected from these 20 plots provides an insight into the floristical composition, structure and long term forest dynamics of Australian tropical rainforests and allows direct comparisons to be made with long-term monitoring plots at a global scale. For further background data please refer to Bradford, M.G., Murphy, H.T., Ford, A.J., Hogan, D. and Metcalfe, D.J. (2014) "Long-term stem inventory data from tropical rain forest plots in Australia", Ecology, 95(8): 2362. Ecological Archives E095-209-D1. A synopsis of related data packages which have been collected as part of the Tropical Rainforest Plot Network’s full program is provided at Data can be sourced from: or