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    <p>This database contains occurrence data for vertebrates across the Australian Wet Tropics. Species occurrence point data has been collected during field intensive surveys using a variety of sampling methods as well as from the literature and institutional databases. The records are divided into two tables: Misc_records and STD_records. The first contains records collated opportunistically, as well as records collected from literature. The latter is a collection of standardized surveys conducted by Steve E. Williams (JCU). </p> <p> All occurrences were vetted for positional and taxonomic accuracy, and for sensitivity at the state and national levels. Sensitive species records are withheld or have their location generalised following sensitive species rules for processing these records. </p>

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    This data set contains information on the Lizard Assemblages in Karawatha Peri-Urban site, South East Queensland. Site details, sampling methods and total number of individual animals is listed for each plot location.

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    This data set contains the count data of reptiles captured through pitfall and funnel trapping in surveys of grazing agricultural properties in the Central Tablelands of NSW, Australia. Experimental treatments were examined and additional environmental variables were recorded. Each of the 12 sites (farms) was surveyed five times, once between January and March 2014 and four times between October 2014 and March 2015. Each survey consisted of five trap nights. In total 5,040 traps were surveyed giving a combined total of 25,200 trapping nights. 1,242 captures were recorded from 28 species of reptiles. The majority of the species (19) were from the family Scincidae.

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    <p>The Biological Databases of South Australia (BDBSA) is South Australia's flora and fauna database that stores and manages specimen and observation records. This record is the fauna component that contains over 2.3 million measurements collected from over 200,000 sites, across 726 species since 1976. This dataset includes occurrence data and morphometric information for invertebrates, fish, mammals, birds, reptiles and amphibians. The resulting database provides a comprehensive record of biodiversity across sites visited during a diverse range of biodiversity projects undertaken in South Australia and provides a basis for future monitoring or other relevant work such as species modelling.</p> <p>Only validated BDBSA data is made publicly available and all records of sensitive taxa have been masked from the dataset. Data is accessible from the TERN EcoPlots portal, which provides the ability to extract subsets of fauna data across multiple data collections and bioregions for more than 27 variables including animal body size, body length, head length, number of individual animals, and number of individual plants. </p>