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    Fruit phenology and abundance was sampled at the Samford Per-urban site between 2015 - 2016.

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    Fruit phenology and abundance was sampled at the Robson Creek Rainforest site between 2011 - 2017.

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    The record contains information on the moth assemblages at canopy and ground level at five sites within a 25 ha plot, at Robson Creek Site, Far North Queensland. Data on moth taxonomic information and the number of individuals sampled from the ground and canopy are provided for the sampling years, 2009, 2010 and 2011.

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    Mating system and fitness data for families of <em>Eucalyptus socialis</em> grown in common garden experiments. Families collected across a fragmentation gradient. Open-pollinated progeny arrays were collected and reared in the common garden experiments. These open-pollinated progeny arrays were also genotyped at microsatellite loci to generate the mating system data. Data showed association between fragmentation on mating system, which in turn impacted fitness. Please contact owner prior to use.

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    The dataset comprises vegetation occurrence along a point intercept survey at the Calperum Mallee site in 2012

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    The dataset comprises vegetation occurrence along a point intercept survey of foliar canopy cover in the Core 1 ha plot at the Warra Tall Eucalypt site in 2013.

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    This data set is a collection of Highly Important Papers in Ecology (HIPE). Three files are included: : a comma-delimited text file with the vote assessments on the relative quality of the submitted papers (Top 10, Between 11-25, Between 26-100 or Not in the top "100") and an indication of how well each voter knew the paper (Read it, Know it or Don't know it) HIP.refs.txt : tab-delimited text file with all paper bibliographic information citation.csv : a comma-delimited text file with the citation data (Google Scholar, Web of Knowledge) for each paper and each journal (Impact Factor).

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    The record contains information on litterfall data from four 1-hectare plots from the Great Western Woodlands site collected in 2014. Data on total litter weights from fifteen litter traps in each of four 1-ha study plots and crown canopy cover percent is provided.

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    The dataset comprises vegetation cover and shrub occurrence along a point intercept survey in two 1 ha plots at the Great Western Woodlands site between 2013 - 2015

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    The dataset contains biological data collected 2005, 2012 as part of the Tanami Regional Biodiversity Monitoring (Tanami RBM) program. The Tanami RBM program uses 89 sites across the Tanami region, central-west Northern Territory. At these sites, flora and fauna are surveyed during the late-dry (usually November-December) or late-wet (usually February-March) seasons. Each site comprises a 200 m x 300 m survey plot from which the data are recorded using various survey methods: site descriptions, vegetation transects, bird surveys, small vertebrate trapping, and tracking surveys. This dataset contains the data from eight surveys undertaken between 2005 and 2012: six in the late-dry and two in the late-wet seasons. The precision of site locations has been reduced to 0.1 decimal degree, which is approximately 10 km at the study region. This denaturing is because some sites contain threatened and/or sensitive species that might be at risk from collection or disturbance. The dataset contains species information from vegetation surveys and fauna species captures and observations. The data can be used to: [1] Review the outcomes of the survey methodologies [2] Presence data of the species recorded [3] Impacts of mining on the region's flora and fauna e.g. what is the spatial and temporal impact of mining activities on biota? [4] Conservation and biodiversity e.g. what are the spatial and temporal trends in the occurrence of key/threatened species? How do land units/systems change over time?