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    Microsatellite genotype data for 3 eucalypt species. Data include progeny and adults from across a gradient of habitat fragmentation. These microsatellite data could be further used in additional analyses, e.g. genetic diversity. Samples collected from stands on eucalypts as follows: non-neighbouring adult trees had leaf and seeds collected. Leaf was used to genotype the adults. Seeds were germinated, tissue then collected, and the same microsatellites genotyped - i.e. open-pollinated progeny arrays. The dataset is possibly useful for meta-analysis or review of effects of habitat fragmentation on plants (e.g. mating system, genetic diversity etc).

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    This is a collated plant survey data from the Fleurieu Peninsula wetlands (version.2). There is a biological and a spatial component to the dataset. [1] Biological data: This was collated from several sources, collected over the period 2000-2009 and used in the analyses for the paper <i>Diversity patterns of seasonal wetland plant communities mainly driven by rare terrestrial species</i> (Deane et al - Biodiversity and Conservation, DOI: <em>10.1007/s10531-016-1139-1</em>). Biological data were pre-processed to remove sampling bias (the method is described in the paper). Data are presence-absence of 215 native plant species (i.e., exotic species removed) from 76 seasonal wetlands (size range 0.5 - 35 ha) located on the Fleurieu Peninsula, South Australia (centred on latitude 35.5 °S). [2] Spatial data: For each of the 76 wetlands a small amount of spatial data is also provided. Area, centroids, elevation and catchment. The data could be of interest for any typical community data analysis (e.g. beta diversity, similarity, assembly), provided only native wetland plant species were of interest. Data were used to model extinction risk, species-area relationships, occupancy distributions and so on.

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    There are presence absence records for vegetation and matched hydrological data from 687 1 x 1 m quadrats recorded from 11 wetlands and wetland complexes (28 sampled hydrological gradients (referred to as transects) across the upper and lower southeast of South Australia. Plant data were collected in spring 2013. Hydrological monitoring data at each site consisted of continuous (6 hourly) surface water level data from a state agency monitoring network. Observed water levels at the monitoring instrument on the day of monitoring were related to the observed depth of water at each quadrat, assuming a flat, level water surface and obtain a datum for each quadrat relative to the monitoring instrument. The continuous monitoring record was then used to calculate a range of different hydrological predictors indicating the variation at each quadrat. The hydrological dataset provided are the univariate summary statistics recording different aspects of surface water dynamics for each quadrat. Hydrological predictors (sum-exceedance value, hydroperiod and maximum inundation depth) were calculated for annual and seasonal periods in the three-years prior to plant data collection. See metadata and relevant publication for additional details on calculation. Hydrological predictors for each quadrat are provided in a single matrix of sites by predictors, with relevant location details for the quadrat (xy coordinates, site, transect). Included is a single electrical conductivity class for each transect (ordinal variable - low moderate, high - see metadata). Vegetation data are provided as a single matrix (quadrats x plant functional group) showing presence absence of each functional group in each quadrat. There is also a lookup table giving the assignment of each plant species to a plant functional group.

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    The dataset comprises of a biological and a spatial component. Biological data: This was collated from several sources, collected over the period 2000-2009. Data are lists of presence-absence of 215 native plant species (i.e., exotic species removed) from 76 seasonal wetlands (size range 0.5 - 35 ha) located on the Fleurieu Peninsula, South Australia (centred on latitude 35.5 °S). After data were collated into a single dataset, sampling bias was removed to create a dataset of near-complete census wetlands. Spatial data: For each of the 76 wetlands a small amount of spatial data is also provided, i.e., area, centroids, catchment etc. The dataset could be of interest for any typical community data analysis (e.g. beta diversity, similarity, assembly)- provided only native wetland plant species are of interest. Data presented here were used to model extinction risk, species-area relationships, occupancy distributions and so on.

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    The dataset contains information from the first initial trial of the AusPlots Fauna Protocol conducted at Calperum Station, Renmark, South Australia. Selected proposed methodologies and fauna survey techniques were trialled for logistical purposes. After the field trials, the proposed methodologies and techniques were refined. The dataset contains species information on fauna species captures, observations, and specimen collections from the April-May 2015 field trials. The data can be used to review the outcomes of the survey methodologies, presence data of the species recorded, morphological details of the animals recorded, and relate field data to the whole specimen and tissue specimens collected. The Enhancing Long-term Surveillance Monitoring Across Australia Programme will enhance the breadth and depth of Australia's terrestrial ecosystem condition monitoring and reporting at national and regional scales through building on the Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Network (TERN) AusPlots Facility. Specifically, this will be achieved by increasing the range and type of AusPlots field sites and monitoring, and through providing guidelines, protocols manuals or standards that will enhance environmental data quality.

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    The dataset comprises data from the first survey of ~24,000 large trees (>10 cm diameter at breast height; DBH) within 48 1 ha forest monitoring plots established across Australia between 2011 and 2015. Data includes: [1] Site identifiers (ID and Site Name); [2] Plot Establishment Dates; [3] Tree identifiers and descriptors (ID, Species, Status, Growth Stage, Crown Class); [4] Tree measurements (Diameter, Point of Measurement, Height, Location, above-ground biomass); [5] Comments and ancillary information; and [6] List of Metagenomic Sample Identifiers.

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    The dataset includes two main components: (1) Tree survey - data on the species, diameter and height of individual trees, along with a count of seedlings and saplings; and (2) Coarse woody debris - data on the size and decay class of downed coarse woody debris encountered in the plots.

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    The forest fuel survey dataset comprises site-level summary data from the well-designed fuel load surveys across 48 AusPlots Forests- 1-ha monitoring plots across Australia. Data presented here includes data on the surface, near-surface, and elevated fuel loads for each of the Forest Ausplots. It includes iButton data on 1) temperature and humidity, 2) data on litterfall and 3) decomposition rates. We also provide additional information on soil nutrient data, species composition of the understorey and midstorey, and panorama photos from the plot centre. This dataset is the second version of the <i> AusPlots Forest Fuel Survey site-level data summary, 2014 - 2015. Version 1.0.0. Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Network.</i> (dataset). <em></em>

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    <p>The dataset comprises well-designed survey data from the first fuel load survey across 192 transects within the 48 AusPlots Forests, 1-ha monitoring plots across Australia. Data includes: [1] Site identifiers (ID and Site Name) and site- or transect- specific notes from the fuel survey campaign; [2] Transect survey dates; [3] Transect photograph numbers and attributes (Bearing, Slope and Aspect); [4] Fuel measurements (Grass and Litter height; Duff depth; Fine Woody fuel counts and Coarse Woody fuel counts and diameter; Projective cover for biomass components (Grass, Litter, Herbs, Vines and Shrubs), and Mass of biomass components (Grass, Litter, Herbs and Vines)); [5] Moisture content for biomass components (Grass, Litter, Herbs and Vines).</p> Descriptions of the data and coding protocols used in the database are explained in (a) the database itself; (b) the explanatory file attached to this dataset and (c) the Ausplots Forest Monitoring Network Manual. The protocols and coding used in this module are drawn directly from international forest fuel survey protocols and are consistent with other Australian forest fuel inventory methodologies.</p> For site-level aggregation of the data, please see the following record: &nbsp;<a data-fr-linked="true" href=""></a></p>

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    River sites were sampled during the summers of 2008/09 and 2009/10 in a survey designed to identify correlations between commonly used river condition variables and grazing land-use. Potential stream sites in northern Tasmania were screened by catchment size, northing and slope, and according to attributes aimed at minimising confounding variables, maintaining broad consistency in landscape and geomorphological context, and promoting independence among sites. A set of 27 survey sites was selected across a gradient from low to high proportion of land under grazing in their upstream catchments. Catchment sizes varied from 20-120 km2 and proportion grazing from 0-80%. Macroinvertebrates were sampled using Surber sampler. All macroinvertebrates within a 20% sub-sample identified to family and counted, with individuals from the insect orders Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera and Trichoptera identified to genus/species (by Laurie Cook, UTAS). Algal abundance was estimated at each site as the proportion of algal cover and as areal density of benthic chlorophyll a. Physical data variables collected were: water temperature, conductivity, turbidity, pH, total alkalinity, nitrate+nitrate, dissolved reactive phosphorus, total nitrogen, total phosphorus, overhead shading, the proportion of fine sediments within the sampled riffle zone, accumulated abstraction index and accumulated regulation index. For more information see: See Magierowski RH, Read SM, Carter SJB, Warfe DM, Cook LS, Lefroy EC and Davies PE. Inferring landscape-scale land-use impacts on rivers using data from mesocosm experiments and artificial neural networks. PLOS ONE.