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    Vegetation Survey of Washpool NP (some sites within this reserve are stored in JTH_GRP survey). The JTH_WP(Vegetation Survey of Washpool NP (some sites within this reserve are stored in JTH_GRP survey)) Survey is part of the Vegetation Information System Survey Program of New South Wales which is a series of systematic vegetation surveys conducted across the state between 1970 and the present.

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    Southern Murray Mallee Landscape Assessment Framework (LAF). Biodiversity planning for key species and habitats in the Murray Mallee. Models of carefully chosen species, communities and ecosystems within three landscapes of the MMLAP produced. The models will document reasoning to suggest appropriate on-ground actions within appropriate areas of the trial landscapes. Survey work to determine the current distribution and status of species, communities and ecosystems in the trial landscapes. Survey started in 2005 and is still going. The Southern Murray Mallee Landscape Assessent Framework Fieldwork (LAF) Survey is part of the Biological Survey of South Australia Program which is a series of systematic surveys conducted across the state between 1971 and the present with the broad aim of providing a baseline inventory of South Australia's flora and fauna biodiversity.

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    Targeted surveys for threatened flora within the Growth Centres of Kemps Creek, Maroota Ridge and Heath Road. Survey did not use a standard plot size, but was based on size of target-species population.. The GCOFFSET06(Targeted surveys for threatened flora within the Growth Centres of Kemps Creek, Maroota Ridge and Heath Road. Survey did not use a standard plot size, but was based on size of target-species population.) Survey is part of the Vegetation Information System Survey Program of New South Wales which is a series of systematic vegetation surveys conducted across the state between 1970 and the present.

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    The LTERN Desert Uplands Plot Network Vegetation Survey Data contains presence data, species richness data and structural data for 1 of 60 (50 after 2008) permanent 1 hectare plots in Northern Queensland, Australia. This data publication refers specifically to observations made at Plot WOUR15, and this data is accessible as a composite data package at the following location: Metcalfe, D; Vanderduys, E (2014): Desert Uplands Plot Network: Vegetation Survey (Presence Data, Species Richness and Stem and Hollow Counts), Northern Queensland, Australia, 2013. Long Term Ecological Research Network. The CSIRO permanent plots are situated in Tropical Ironbark Woodlands, and extend across four leasehold cattle properties that lie within an area approximately 50km by 50km. The plots represent three vegetation management strategies, namely: 1) clearing (where all trees and shrubs are removed); 2) thinning (where ground and midstorey vegetation is removed); and 3) unmodified native woodlands where significant thinning or clearing has not occurred. The Desert Uplands research plots commenced in 2004, and have been revisited in 2005, 2006, 2008 and 2013. A synopsis of related data packages which have been collected as part of the Desert Uplands Plot Network’s full program is provided at

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    The LTERN Desert Uplands Plot Network Vegetation Survey Data contains presence data, species richness data and structural data for 1 of 60 (50 after 2008) permanent 1 hectare plots in Northern Queensland, Australia. This data publication refers specifically to observations made at Plot WOUR14, and this data is accessible as a composite data package at the following location: Metcalfe, D; Vanderduys, E (2014): Desert Uplands Plot Network: Vegetation Survey (Presence Data, Species Richness and Stem and Hollow Counts), Northern Queensland, Australia, 2013. Long Term Ecological Research Network. The CSIRO permanent plots are situated in Tropical Ironbark Woodlands, and extend across four leasehold cattle properties that lie within an area approximately 50km by 50km. The plots represent three vegetation management strategies, namely: 1) clearing (where all trees and shrubs are removed); 2) thinning (where ground and midstorey vegetation is removed); and 3) unmodified native woodlands where significant thinning or clearing has not occurred. The Desert Uplands research plots commenced in 2004, and have been revisited in 2005, 2006, 2008 and 2013. A synopsis of related data packages which have been collected as part of the Desert Uplands Plot Network’s full program is provided at

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    Wollemi Heli Sites 1998. The WOLHELI(Wollemi Heli Sites 1998) Survey is part of the Vegetation Information System Survey Program of New South Wales which is a series of systematic vegetation surveys conducted across the state between 1970 and the present.

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    We conducted a study comparing the recovery of vascular plants in the Mountain ash forests of Victoria’s Central Highlands after various disturbances. Prior to disturbance, all sites had a dominant overstorey of Mountain Ash that had regenerated from the 1939 wildfire. Our sites covered four disturbance treatment types – two severities of wildfire (low and high severity) and two types of logging treatment (clearfell and salvage logging). Comparisons were made between the treated sites with undisturbed forest which were unlogged and unburnt since 1939. The data were collected from long term monitoring sites in 2011 following the large 2009 Black Saturday wildfire. All vascular plant species were recorded along a 100 metre transect that extended centrally down the middle of each 1.0 hectare (100 x 100 metre) study sites. Plant species presence was recorded within 5 metres either side of the transect, and in three 10 x 10 metres plots situated 10–20 metres, 50–60 metres and 90–100 metres along the central transect. Clearfelled sites were logged in 2009 as well as cut unburnt forest. Slashed areas were subsequently burnt in a regeneration burn, typically 6 months post-harvest. Salvage logging also involved clearfelling, undertaken within 12 months of the 2009 Black Saturday bushfire. Forest that was salvage logged was burned at high severity. The study concluded there were important differences in response to fire and logging. Species richness declined across the ‘disturbance gradient’ from low severity burned, high severity burned, clearfell logged to salvage logged forest, and the frequency of certain functional groups (sprouting species, ferns and midstorey trees) declined across the gradient of disturbance. This is part of a much larger dataset that began in 1983 when the Victorian Tall Eucalypt Forest Plot Network research plots commenced. A synopsis of related data packages which have been collected as part of the Victorian Tall Eucalypt Forest Plot Network’s full program is provided at These data were published as a component of the paper Blair et al., in press. Disturbance gradient shows logging affects plant functional groups more than fire. Ecological Applications. DOI:10.1002/eap.1369

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    Vegetation survey of Towarri National Park - Topographical Map -Parkville 1:25000. The TOWARRI NP(Vegetation survey of Towarri National Park - Topographical Map -Parkville 1:25000) Survey is part of the Vegetation Information System Survey Program of New South Wales which is a series of systematic vegetation surveys conducted across the state between 1970 and the present.

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    Vegetation survey of the Gulgong area - Munghorn 1:25000. The GULGONG(Vegetation survey of the Gulgong area - Munghorn 1:25000) Survey is part of the Vegetation Information System Survey Program of New South Wales which is a series of systematic vegetation surveys conducted across the state between 1970 and the present.

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    The AusCover Supersites SLATS Star Transect Dataset represents the data collected during ground cover surveys carried out at seven TERN AusCover Supersites in Queensland, South Australia, Western Australia, New South Wales, Victoria and Northern Territory. The collected data include point intercept ground and woody vegetation cover data and field measurements, vegetation measurement summaries, landscape information and study location photos. Each of the study locations has been visited at least once by TERN AusCover staff between November 2011 and February 2013 to collect the field data.