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    This geostationary land surface temperature (LST) collection was retrieved using Himawari/AHI observations and calibrated against MODerate-resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) best-quality retrievals for Australia. It was developed under an academic collaboration between the Australian National University (ANU) and the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO). It has a spatial resolution of 2 km and temporal frequency of 10 min, and has been periodically updated since its inception in July 2015. This record has a temporal length of 8.5 years (i.e., Jul 2015 - Dec 2023) and the subsequent updates will be published annually.

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    The dataset describes the occurrence of bird species at sites within a burnt woodland. These sites comprise the following design: 5 replicate block. each with 2 large patch sites, 2 small patch sites and 2 matrix sites. One site of each pair was relatively more isolated than the other (surrounded by a higher proportion of unburnt vegetation). In addition, there are also 6 sites located beyond the extent of the fire. The data-set also lists vegetation attributes at each of these sites.