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    <p>This data set provides the photosynthetic pathways for 2428 species recorded across 541 plots surveyed by Australia’s Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Network (TERN) between 2011 and 2017 (inclusive). TERN survey plots are 1 ha (100 x 100 m) permanently established sites located in a homogeneous area of terrestrial vegetation. At each plot, TERN survey teams record vegetation composition and structural characteristics and collect a range of plant samples using a point-intercept method. Species were assigned a photosynthetic pathway using literature and carbon stable isotope analysis of bulk tissue collected by TERN at the survey plots. </p><p>The data set is comprised of two data tables and one data descriptor that defines the values in the two data tables. The first table contains a list of each species and its photosynthetic pathway. The second table includes a list of all the peer-reviewed sources used to create this data set. </p><p>This data set will be updated on an annual basis as TERN’s plot network expands and new information becomes available. </p>

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    This data contains stem diameter, height measurement and above ground living biomass calculations for a Eucalyptus dominated woodland from 2012 - present. Diameter and height measurements for stems ≥10cm diameter at breast height were sampled within the core 1 ha plot within the Whroo Dry Eucalypt site.

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    The dataset comprises data from the first survey of ~24,000 large trees (>10 cm diameter at breast height; DBH) within 48 1 ha forest monitoring plots established across Australia between 2011 and 2015. Data includes: [1] Site identifiers (ID and Site Name); [2] Plot Establishment Dates; [3] Tree identifiers and descriptors (ID, Species, Status, Growth Stage, Crown Class); [4] Tree measurements (Diameter, Point of Measurement, Height, Location, above-ground biomass); [5] Comments and ancillary information; and [6] List of Metagenomic Sample Identifiers.