
plant height

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    Evaluation of the morphological variation within the genus <em>Polyosma</em> (<em>Escalloniaceae</em>) of Australia, New Caledonia and Papuasia based on herbarium specimens to clarify the taxonomy of the recognized species in this genus. These data also identified several previously unpublished species that are new to science.

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    Vertical plant profiles for the Australian continent were derived through integration of ICESat GLAS waveforms with ALOS PALSAR and Landsat data products. Co-registered Landsat Foliage Projected Cover (FPC) and ALOS PALSAR L-band HH and HV mosaics were segmented to generate objects with similar radar backscatter and cover characteristics. Within these, height, cover, age class and L-band backscatter characteristics were summarised based on the ICESat and Landsat time-series and ALOS PALSAR datasets.

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    Mating system and fitness data for families of <em>Eucalyptus socialis</em> grown in common garden experiments. Families collected across a fragmentation gradient. Open-pollinated progeny arrays were collected and reared in the common garden experiments. These open-pollinated progeny arrays were also genotyped at microsatellite loci to generate the mating system data. Data showed association between fragmentation on mating system, which in turn impacted fitness. Please contact owner prior to use.

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    Data were used to demonstrate fitness impacts caused by fragmentation context. Showed extensive pollination can protect tree fitness from fragmentation. Grew open-pollinated progeny arrays of the bird-pollinated, mallee tree <i>Eucalyptus incrassata</i> in a randomised block design in a common garden experiment at Monarto, South Australia. Progeny arrays were collected from parental trees in either continuous forest or highly fragmented contexts. Data are therefore experimental, for hypothesis testing Data are not descriptive ecological, not plot based and not time-series. Data are not a representative sample of <i>Eucalyptus incrassata</i> and not representative of mallee eucalypts.

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    Seedling surveys were conducted at the Cumberland Plain site in 2014. The identity and height of all seedlings were recorded along six 20 m x 1 m transects in the core 1 ha plot.

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    Seedling surveys were conducted at the Robson Creek Rainforest site between 2010 - 2011. The identity and height of all seedlings were recorded along 98 x 20 m transects.

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    Seedling surveys were conducted at the Tumbarumba Wet Eucalypt site in 2015. The identity and height of all seedlings were recorded along six 20 m x 1 m transects in the core 1 ha plot.

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    Destructive sampling of 47 <em>Eucalyptus obliqua</em> trees was carried out in the Warra Tall Eucalypt site to determine a range of biomass measures that can be used to inform allometric equations.

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    Seedling surveys were conducted at the Samford-Peri-Urban site between 2012 - 2018. The identity and height of all seedlings were recorded along six transects.

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    <br>This dataset lists plant species and their abundance identified at rangeland sites across Australia by the TERN Surveillance Monitoring team, using standardised AusPlots methodologies. <br /> <br>Plant occurrences (i.e. a sample of a plant at a particular point and time) are methodically identified at each site as part of the AusPlots Point intercept method. Plant species are identified at each site as part of the AusPlots Vegetation vouchering and Basal Area methods. In addition to site visit date and location, the information provided includes growth form, vegetative height and whether the plant is dead. In-canopy-sky is also recorded if there is no intercept to foliage or branches when viewing the canopy through the densitometer and can be used to calculate species cover or aerial cover. Other recorded information includes dead plants basal area and the number of sampling points. Species identification is updated once confirmed by Herbaria. Plant occurrences data can be aggregated across the site to calculate relative species abundance, green ground cover, species- growth form- and -community-level basal area.<br /> <br>In addition, at least one specimen is taken from each species at the site, assigned a barcode and provided for vouchering and further analyses. See AusPlots Rangelands Vocabularies for a list of parameters collected. </br>