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These data are records of all camera trapping observations during the 2016 Litchfield survey. A total of 220 permanent monitoring plots were established between 1994-2002 across three parks (Kakadu, Litchfield and Nitmiluk) in the Top End of the Northern Territory, representing the Three Parks Savanna Fire-effects Plot Network. A detailed flora and fauna survey has been conducted at each plot on a 5-6 year cycle to monitor biotic changes. Plots represent a variety of landforms and vegetation types. Litchfield National Park contains 40 plots. In 2016, 20 plots were surveyed for terrestrial vertebrate fauna using a range of survey methods. A 5 camera array was installed during the 4 day fauna survey, operational for a 5 week period. Current methodology has been adopted to balance maximising detection of feral cats and native mammals, including dogs, in an integrated fashion. A synopsis of related data packages which have been collected as part of the Three Park Savanna Fire-effects Plot Network’s full program is provided at
These data are records of all vertebrates trapped at a set of sites within Nitmiluk National Park surveyed in either 2017 or 2018. A total of 20 sites were surveyed for terrestrial vertebrate fauna using a range of survey methods. Thirteen sites have prior monitoring through the Three Parks (Kakadu, Litchfield and Nitmiluk) Savanna Fire-effects Plot Network which involved sampling at 5-6 year intervals at 220 plots established from 1996 – 2002. Seven sites have no prior monitoring. In 2017/18 a paired plot design was implemented at all sites, involving the duplication of some but not all survey methods at a second plot directly adjacent to the traditional plot. Cage and Elliott traps were operated at plot 1 (the traditional plot at those sites with prior sampling). Three pit traps were installed and operated within both plot 1 and plot 2. In addition, two funnel traps were installed on each pit trap. A synopsis of related data packages which have been collected as part of the Three Park Savanna Fire-effects Plot Network’s full program is provided at
These data are records of all vertebrates trapped at a set of sites within Nitmiluk National Park surveyed in either 2017 or 2018. A total of 20 sites were surveyed for terrestrial vertebrate fauna using a range of survey methods. Thirteen sites have prior monitoring through the Three Parks (Kakadu, Litchfield and Nitmiluk) Savanna Fire-effects Plot Network which involved sampling at 5-6 year intervals at 220 plots established from 1996 – 2002. Seven sites have no prior monitoring. In 2017/18 a paired plot design was implemented at all sites, involving the duplication of some but not all survey methods at a second plot directly adjacent to the traditional plot. Cage and Elliott traps were operated at plot 1 (the traditional plot at those sites with prior sampling). Three pit traps were installed and operated within both plot 1 and plot 2. In addition, two funnel traps were installed on each pit trap. A synopsis of related data packages which have been collected as part of the Three Park Savanna Fire-effects Plot Network’s full program is provided at
These data are records of all vertebrates trapped during the 2015 Nitmiluk survey. A total of 220 permanent monitoring plots were established between 1994-2002 across three parks (Kakadu, Litchfield and Nitmiluk) in the top end of the Northern Territory, representing the Three Parks Savanna Fire-effects Plot Network. A detailed flora and fauna survey has been conducted at each plot on a 5-6 year cycle to monitor biotic changes. Plots represent a variety of landforms and vegetation types. Nitmiluk National Park contains 46 plots, each with a paired plot located within 1 km of the primary plot. In 2015, 23 paired plots were surveyed for terrestrial vertebrate fauna using a range of survey methods. A synopsis of related data packages which have been collected as part of the Three Park Savanna Fire-effects Plot Network’s full program is provided at
These data comprise a systematic search for all vertebrate fauna on each of the surveyed plots in Nitmiluk National Park in 2015. A total of 220 permanent monitoring plots were established between 1994-2002 across three parks (Kakadu, Litchfield and Nitmiluk) in the Top End of the Northern Territory, representing the Three Parks Savanna Fire-effects Plot Network. A detailed flora and fauna survey has been conducted at each plot on a 5-6 year cycle to monitor biotic changes. Nitmiluk National Park contains 46 plots, each with a paired plot located within 1 km of the primary plot. In 2015, 23 paired plots were surveyed for terrestrial vertebrate fauna using a range of survey methods. At each paired plot 3 x 15 minute active searches were conducted within the standard 50 x 50 m trapping grid during daylight hours at different times of the day (morning, midday and late afternoon) during the 4 day period. A synopsis of related data packages which have been collected as part of the Three Park Savanna Fire-effects Plot Network’s full program is provided at
These data are records of all nocturnal spotlighting observations at a set of sites within Nitmiluk National Park surveyed in either 2017 or 2018. A total of 20 sites were surveyed for terrestrial vertebrate fauna using a range of survey methods. Thirteen sites have prior monitoring through the Three Parks (Kakadu, Litchfield and Nitmiluk) Savanna Fire-effects Plot Network which involved sampling at 5-6 year intervals at 220 plots established from 1996 – 2002. Seven sites have no prior monitoring. In 2017/18 a paired plot design was implemented at all sites, involving the duplication of some but not all survey methods at a second plot directly adjacent to the traditional plot. At each 100 x 100 m plot 6 x 10 minute meander walking searches were performed after dark using a spotlight. A synopsis of related data packages which have been collected as part of the Three Park Savanna Fire-effects Plot Network’s full program is provided at
The Three Parks Savanna Fire-effects Network was established in 1994 with the primary aim of training management staff and assisting with the development of adaptive approaches to conservation-based fire management in regional savanna systems. The full program assesses fire regimes and their impacts on plant and vertebrate biodiversity components. The program comprises two complementary elements - mapping of fire histories based upon interpretation of satellite imagery, and assessment of vegetation and faunal components at a large series of permanent monitoring plots located across respective parks. The vegetation data comprises quantitative assessment of all species in three major strata within 800 square metre plots. Faunal assessments are undertaken in the immediate vicinity of respective plots. The occurrence of fire is assessed bi-annually on-ground and satellite derived fire mapping is conducted three times a year. A full inventory of vegetation is undertaken every five years. Terrestrial vertebrates are monitored systematically but on an irregular and less frequent basis. This dataset comprises on-ground assessment of fire occurrence and severity conducted at 132 plots located in Kakadu National Park. Fire occurrence is recorded based on on-ground plot visits, and from aerial ground-truthing assessments of the park’s satellite-based fire mapping programme. Fire severity scores (ordinal values 1–3) are assessed from field photographs. Fire occurrence and severity is assessed in three seasonal periods: early dry season (e), late dry season (L) and wet season (w) for each year. *Note: Plots are located within a National Park and physical access to the plots is restricted. **Note: This package used to be called "Monitoring the impacts of fire regimes on vegetation in northern Australia: Plot based fire severity monitoring data, Kakadu National Park, Northern Territory Australia, 1994–2011", but was relabelled for consistency.
These data are records of all nocturnal spotlighting observations during the 2016 Litchfield survey. A total of 220 permanent monitoring plots were established between 1994-2002 across three parks (Kakadu, Litchfield and Nitmiluk) in the Top End of the Northern Territory, representing the Three Parks Savanna Fire-effects Plot Network. A detailed flora and fauna survey has been conducted at each plot on a 5-6 year cycle to monitor biotic changes. Plots represent a variety of landforms and vegetation types. Litchfield National Park contains 40 plots. In 2016, 20 plots were surveyed for terrestrial vertebrate fauna using a range of survey methods. In addition, at all plots sampling also occurred at a second plot directly adjacent to the traditional plot. At each paired plot 2 x 15 minute surveys was conducted at night using head-torches, on any of the 4 nights available during the 4 day fauna survey period. The spotlight survey area encompassed the standard 50 x 50 m trapping grid and an additional 25 m around all sides. A synopsis of related data packages which have been collected as part of the Three Park Savanna Fire-effects Plot Network’s full program is provided at
Geotiff Images of fire affected areas in Kakadu National Park for the years 2013 based on the NASA Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS). These Images are clipped from geotiff images of fire affected areas in far northern Australia available from North Australian Fire Information (NAFI) website. The images have a resolution of 250 m (pixel size) and each burnt pixel is tagged with the month that covers the largest part of the date interval in which the burnt pixel was detected. These data cover Kakadu National Park, but are part of a larger data set that extends across far northern WA down to 21 degrees S, across the entire NT (down to 26 degrees S) and all of Qld (down to 29 degrees S). The NAFI mapping covers the years 2000 to present and since 2012, the mapping also includes northern SA down to 29 degrees S. Mapping landscapes north of 20 degrees S in WA, NT and Qld has been validated by aerial and on-ground transects across northern Australia.
These data are records of all nocturnal spotlighting observations during the 2015 Nitmiluk survey. A total of 220 permanent monitoring plots were established between 1994-2002 across three parks (Kakadu, Litchfield and Nitmiluk) in the Top End of the Northern Territory, representing the Three Parks Savanna Fire-effects Plot Network. A detailed flora and fauna survey has been conducted at each plot on a 5-6 year cycle to monitor biotic changes. Plots represent a variety of landforms and vegetation types. Nitmiluk National Park contains 46 plots, each with a paired plot located within 1 km of the primary plot. In 2015, 23 paired plots were surveyed for terrestrial vertebrate fauna using a range of survey methods. At each paired plot 2 x 15 minute surveys was conducted at night using head-torches, on any of the 4 nights available during the 4 day fauna survey period. The Spotlight survey area encompassed the standard 50 x 50 m trapping grid and an additional 25 m around all sides. A synopsis of related data packages which have been collected as part of the Three Park Savanna Fire-effects Plot Network’s full program is provided at