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A collection of high-frequency echolocation calls of Australian bats.<br><br> It contains calls from previously available collections such as Pennay et al. (2004), Bat Calls of NSW and Milne (2002), Key to the bat calls of the top end of the Northern Territory, calls collected by members of the Australasian Bat Society during conferences and Bat Blitz's held in Tasmania, Queensland, Northern Territory and South Australia as well as those donated by individual bat researchers.<br><br> The collection also includes long-term monitoring (funded by TERN) at a number of Queensland sites: Cape Hillsborough National Park, Kings Plains, Fanning River, Fletcherview Research Station, Carnarvon Station Reserve and Bunya Mountains / Dalby.<br><br> This collection includes zc, wav, identified and unidentified calls, with call meta data such as location (GPS), call collector, call identifier (where relevant), how a call was identified etc noted in the metadata associated with each sound file.<br><br> Perhaps most significantly, this collection includes over 100,000 calls recorded by Chris Corben, many of which are identified to species. We thank him for his incredible generosity and contribution to bat work internationally. The earliest calls date to 1989, prior to Titley's involvement, and probably involved Chris with his laptop and an ultrasonic microphone plugged into it!