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    This data contains a list of all vascular plants surveyed in the Daintree Rainforest, Cape Tribulation site in 2014.

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    High quality digital images are captured using a digital SLR camera at the plot (core 1 hectare vegetation plot) at the Daintree Rainforest Observatory Site using the panoramic photopoint method. The panoramic photopoint method may be the most informative in open forests/woodlands and rangelands. Three photopoints are established configured in an equilateral triangle (2.5m sides) with the center marked with a star dropper and the location recorded with DGPS. At each photopoint take photographic sequences in a 360° panorama, with up to 40 photographs with a minimum 50% overlap between consecutive photographs. For more information about the method, see <a href= ''>White, el al. (2012) AusPlots Rangelands Survey Protocols Manual Version 1.2.9.</a> <br> The site is located at the Daintree Rainforest Observatory in Lowland Complex Mesophyll Vine Forest near Cape Tribulation. Flux monitoring was established in 2001 with additional monitoring capabilities added over time. The site has more than 80 species including canopy trees belonging to the <em>Arecaceae, Euphorbiaceae, Rutaceae, Meliaceae, Myristicaceae and Icacinaceae</em> families. For additional site information, see <br /> Other images collected at the site include digital hemispherical photography, phenocam time-lapse images taken from fixed under and overstorey cameras, five-photopoint images, and ancilliary images of fauna and flora.

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    This data contains ant abundance and incidence collected in the core 1 ha plot within the Daintree Rainforest, Cape Tribulation site.

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    This data contains stem diameter, height measurement and above ground living biomass calculations for an Australian tropical rainforest. Diameter and height measurements for stems ≥10cm diameter at breast height were sampled between 2001 - 2010 in the canopy crane plot and in 2014 within the core 1 ha plot within the Daintree Rainforest, Cape Tribulation site.

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    This data contains leaf area index calculated from Digital Hemispheric Photography images taken at the core 1-ha plot in the Daintree Rainforest, Cape Tribulation site between 2014 - 2016

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    Plant material decomposition in soil was investigated using two types of tea bags (Green and Rooibos) buried to 8 cm for 80-90 days across seven TERN Ecosystem Process monitoring sites between 2016 - 2017. The sites included: Great Western Woodlands, Robson Creek Rainforest, Samford Peri-Urban, Cumberland Plain, Cape Tribulation, Warra Tall Eucalypt and Tumbarumba Wet Eucalypt sites. Weight loss of tea bags was determined and contextual data collected.

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    This data contains soil physico-chemical characteristics collected at the Daintree Rainforest, Cape Tribulation site between 2007 - 2015.

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    This data contains a once-off general structural description according to the National Vegetation Information System (NVIS) level 5 for the core 1 hectare plot in the Daintree Rainforest, Cape Tribulation site in 2014. Dominant growth form, cover, height and species (up to 5 species in order of dominance) for up to 3 sub-stratum per traditional strata (Ground, Mid and Upper).

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    This record contains data on the leaf level physiology, chemistry and structural traits from the Daintree Rainforest Observatory, Cape Tribulation Site, Far North Queensland measured in 2010.

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    Soil collection and analysis of chemical and physical attributes was carried out at the Daintree Rainforest, Cape Tribulation site to provide contextual data for the Biomes of Australian Soil Environments (BASE) soil microbial diversity project.