0406 - Physical Geography and Environmental Geoscience
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Digital Elevation Model (DEM) with horizontal resolution of 0.01 degrees to support spatial modelling of surface climate and related earth surface processes for the Australian continent. Used in ANUClimate and ANUCLIM for generating the climate and bioclimatic surfaces. Derived by forming 0.01 degree local averages of grid values from the GEODATA 9 second DEM version 3 (Hutchinson et al. 2008).
Monthly runoff for the Australian continent between 1970-2012. The monthly surface runoff was modelled using a modified version of the two parameter XG monthly runoff model. The model was separately calibrated for each of ten meta-classes of a national ecohydrological environment classification (Pusey et al. 2009) using eMAST monthly precipitation and pan evaporation data and monthly streamflow data for 347 streamflow gauges . Raw monthly runoff grids were then calculated using the calibrated runoff model and input monthly precipitation and pan evaporation grids as provided by eMAST_ANUClimate_mon_prec_v1m0_1970_2012 and eMAST_ANUClimate_mon_evap_v1m0_1970_2012. These runoff grids were made consistent with the ecohydrological classification by resampling at 9 second resolution and reassembling at 0.01 degree resolution. The runoff outputs are in terms of mm per month for each grid cell. These outputs are accumulated downstream in eMAST_ANUClimate_mon_acrf_v1m0_1970_2012. A full description of these runoff grids is in preparation.
Digital Elevation Model (DEM) locally averaged to 0.05 degree resolution and resampled to 0.01 degree resolution. This is used to support spatial modelling of precipitation and related surface processes that have a coarser resolution interaction with surface topography (Sharples et al. 2005). Derived by calculating a 0.05 degree DEM consisting of 0.05 degree local averages of values from the GEODATA 9 second DEM version 3 (Hutchinson et al. 2008). These 0.05 degree grid values were then smoothly resampled to 0.01 degree resolution using biquadratic spline interpolation.
Monthly downstream accumulated runoff for the Australian continent between 1970-2012. The raw monthy gridded runoff values provided by eMAST_ANUClimate_mon_orof_v1m0_1970_2012 were converted to volumes in ML per month and resampled to 9 second resolution. These volumes were accumulated downstream according to the multiple flow direction grid associated with the GEODATA 9 second DEM version 3 (Hutchinson et al. 2008). The final outflow volume for each 0.01 degree grid cell, each consisting of sixteen 9 second grid cells, was then calculated by adding the accumulated downstream volume for each 9 second cell that had a flow direction out of the 0.01 grid cell. A full description of this analysis is in preparation.
Distance to the generalised coastline can be used to support spatial modelling of daily maximum temperature and coastal windspeed profiles. The coastline was generalised by generalising the coverage of the GEODATA 9 second Australian digital elevation model (Hutchinson et al. 2008) to a spatial resolution of 0.025 degrees (longitude and latitude) and by further generalising the coastline where it is associated with the sheltering Facing Island off Gladstone on the Queensland coast and the deep coastal embayment at Hamelin Pool in Western Australia. A full description is in preparation.
Proportion of the local area that is ocean is used to support spatial modelling of daily minimum temperature. The local area is defined by a circle with radius 5 km centred on each 0.01 degree grid point. The portion of the circle that is ocean was determined by intersecting the circle with the 1:00,000 scale digital Australian coastline. A full description is in preparation.