Litchfield Savanna Acoustic Data Collection - TERN
<p>This dataset contains audio files for Litchfield Savanna SuperSite. Litchfield Savanna SuperSite was established in 2013 in Litchfield National Park. Site selection was influenced by the history of long-term monitoring work undertaken in this area by the Darwin Centre for Bushfire Research (formerly Bushfires NT). The core 1 ha plot is dominated by <em>Eucalyptus miniata</em> and <em>Eucalyptus tetrodonta</em>. The site is representative of the dominant ecosystem type across northern Australia: frequently burnt tropical savanna in high rainfall areas. For additional site information, see <a href=" ">Litchfield Savanna SuperSite</a></p>
<p>In 2015 an acoustic recorder was set up on the main flux tower. In 2016 a second record was set up on mini tower N. 5. The two recorders collected audio data for a total of 12 hours per day, split between six hours around dawn and six hours around dusk. The recording schedule aimed at capturing morning and evening bird choruses while minimizing memory and battery requirements. A long-term spectrogram has been generated for each audio file to aid in data exploration. The sensors also recorded temperature, minimum- maximum- and mean-sound pressure levels.</p>
<p>Data are made available through the data link. For downloading large amount of data, please follow these instructions <a href=" ">How to download TERN's acoustic data in bulk</a></p>
Identification info
- Date (Creation)
- 2015-08-24
- Date (Publication)
- 2022-02-04
- Date (Revision)
- 2024-12-16
- Edition
- 1.0
- Website
- Purpose
- Long-term acoustic recordings are collected to characterise the acoustic sources in the ecosystem. Recordings can be used to estimate biodiversity, monitor temporal changes in the soundscape, compare the acoustic characteristics of different locations, and assess the effect of particular events such as bushfires and floods.
- Credit
- We at TERN acknowledge the Traditional Owners and Custodians throughout Australia, New Zealand and all nations. We honour their profound connections to land, water, biodiversity and culture and pay our respects to their Elders past, present and emerging.
- Credit
- <p></p> <p>Research collaborators at the Litchfield Savanna SuperSite include: Charles Darwin University, Maitec (Dr Stefan Maier), CSIRO (Dr Shaun Levick), OzFlux, TERN, Darwin Centre for Bushfire Research, Northern Territory Department of Environment, Parks and Water Security and the University of Western Australia. The SuperSite is managed by Charles Darwin University and The University of Western Australia.</p> <p>This work was funded by the Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Network (TERN), an Australian Government National Collaborative Research Infrastructure Strategy (NCRIS) project.</p>
- Status
- Completed
Point of contact
- Topic category
- Environment
- Description
- Litchfield Savanna SuperSite is within Litchfield National Park, Northern Territory.
Temporal extent
- Time period
- 2015-08-24 2019-06-03
- Title
- Litchfield Savanna SuperSite
- Website
Litchfield Savanna SuperSite
Related documentation
- Maintenance and update frequency
- Not planned
- GCMD Science Keywords
- ANZSRC Fields of Research
- TERN Platform Vocabulary
- TERN Instrument Vocabulary
- TERN Parameter Vocabulary
- QUDT Units of Measure
- GCMD Horizontal Resolution Ranges
- GCMD Temporal Resolution Ranges
- Australian Faunal Directory
- Keywords (Discipline)
- Acoustic recordings
- lfld
Resource constraints
- Use limitation
- The Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) license allows others to copy, distribute, display, and create derivative works provided that they credit the original source and any other nominated parties. Details are provided at
- File name
- 88x31.png
- File description
- CCBy Logo from
- File type
- png
- Title
- Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International Licence
- Alternate title
- Edition
- 4.0
- Access constraints
- License
- Use constraints
- Other restrictions
- Other constraints
- TERN services are provided on an “as-is” and “as available” basis. Users use any TERN services at their discretion and risk. They will be solely responsible for any damage or loss whatsoever that results from such use including use of any data obtained through TERN and any analysis performed using the TERN infrastructure.<br /><br />Web links to and from external, third party websites should not be construed as implying any relationships with and/or endorsement of the external site or its content by TERN.<br /><br />Please advise any work or publications that use this data via the online form at
- Other constraints
- Please cite this dataset as {Author} ({PublicationYear}). {Title}. {Version, as appropriate}. Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Network. Dataset. {Identifier}.
Resource constraints
- Classification
- Unclassified
Distribution Information
- Distribution format
- OnLine resource
- Data
- OnLine resource
- Data dictionaries
- OnLine resource
- Deployment information
- OnLine resource
- ro-crate-metadata.json
Resource lineage
- Statement
- <p>Two acoustic sensors were set up to collect audio data as part of a continent wide long term monitoring project. The sensors were Wildlife Acoustics Song Meter 2. Each sensor had two microphones. According to manufacturer's specifications the microphones sensitivity was -36±4 dB (0 dB=1 V/Pa at 1 kHz). One sensor was mounted on the main flux tower, while the other was mounted on mini tower N. 5. Data were recorded for a total of 12 hours per day, split between six hours around dawn and six hours around dusk. Recordings were made as dual channel, three-hour long wac files, and were later converted into flac format. They had a sampling rate of 22,050 Hz or 44,100 Hz and a depth of 16 bits. Long-term spectrograms have been created for the audio files and are avaialble through the data link.</p> <p>The sensors also recorded 'ancillary data' such as temperature, minimum- maximum- and mean-sound pressure levels.</p>
- Hierarchy level
- Dataset
- Title
- TERN SuperSites monitoring protocol
Reference System Information
- Reference system identifier
- EPSG/EPSG:4326
- Reference system type
- Geodetic Geographic 2D
- Metadata identifier
- Title
- TERN GeoNetwork UUID
- Language
- English
- Character encoding
- UTF8
Point of contact
Type of resource
- Resource scope
- Dataset
- Metadata linkage
Point-of-truth metadata URL
- Date info (Creation)
- 2015-08-24T00:00:00
- Date info (Revision)
- 2024-12-16T00:00:00
Metadata standard
- Title
- ISO 19115-1:2014/AMD 1:2018 Geographic information - Metadata - Fundamentals
- Edition
- 1
Metadata standard
- Title
- ISO/TS 19115-3:2016
- Edition
- 1.0
Metadata standard
- Title
- ISO/TS 19157-2:2016
- Edition
- 1.0
- Title
- Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Network (TERN) Metadata Profile of ISO 19115-3:2016 and ISO 19157-2:2016
- Date (published)
- 2021
- Edition
- 1.0
Spatial extent
Provided by