Hopkins Creek (Nature Conservation Society) Survey
The fauna and flora survey of the Hopkins Creek area was conducted in Nov/Dec 2003. The area had been recently purchased by the Department of Environment & Heritage and had not been surveyed before, even though it supports a large area of native habitat that requires documenting. Surrounding land parcels are heavily impacted by grazing and tourism respectively. By identifying the most suitable/sustainable location for a walking trail sensitive breeding, foraging and plant recruitment habitat may be left undisturbed and the area may be enjoyed by the public without adverse effect. Significant expertise from specialist groups was utilised to lead the bird, fish, mammal, herpetology and plant components of the field survey at 7 different sites with different habitats.
Rouse, K.J. (2004) Biodiversity of Hopkins Creek, South Australia: A biological survey of flora and fauna. Nature Conservation Society of SA Inc. The Hopkins Creek (Nature Conservation Society) Survey is part of the Biological Survey of South Australia Program which is a series of systematic surveys conducted across the state between 1971 and the present with the broad aim of providing a baseline inventory of South Australia's flora and fauna biodiversity.
Identification info
- Date (Publication)
- 2012-01-01
- Date (Revision)
- 2012-01-01
- Edition
- 5/2017
Point of contact
- Keywords (Discipline)
- Avena barbata Pott ex Link
- Petrorhagia dubia (Raf.) G.Lopez & Romo
- Chamaesyce drummondii (Boiss.) D.C.Hassall
- Medicago truncatula Gaertn.
- Austrostipa elegantissima (Labill.) S.W.L.Jacobs & J.Everett
- Catapodium rigidum (L.) C.E.Hubb.
- Rumex brownii Campd.
- Samolus repens (J.R.Forst. & G.Forst.) Pers.
- Acacia pycnantha Benth.
- Disturbance
- Vittadinia megacephala (Benth.) J.M.Black
- Chenopodium desertorum subsp. microphyllum Paul G.Wilson
- Lamium amplexicaule L. var. amplexicaule
- Bromus diandrus Roth
- Medicago minima (L.) L. ex Bartal. var. minima
- Myoporum montanum R.Br.
- Carduus tenuiflorus Curtis
- Craspedia glauca (Labill.) Spreng.
- Cotula coronopifolia L.
- Urospermum picroides (L.) Scop. ex F.W.Schmidt
- Senna artemisioides (Gaudich. ex DC.) Randell subsp. artemisioides
- Lomandra multiflora subsp. dura (F.Muell.) T.D.Macfarl.
- Stenopetalum lineare R.Br. ex DC.
- Vicia monantha Retz.
- Juncus bufonius L.
- Einadia nutans (R.Br.) A.J.Scott subsp. nutans
- Hyalosperma semisterile (F.Muell.) Paul G.Wilson
- Austrostipa scabra subsp. falcata (Hughes) S.W.L.Jacobs & J.Everett
- Brachyscome lineariloba (DC.) Druce
- Pogonolepis muelleriana (Sond.) P.S.Short
- Nicotiana maritima H.-M.Wheeler
- Daviesia benthamii subsp. humilis Crisp
- Echium plantagineum L.
- Amyema miquelii (Lehm. ex Miq.) Tiegh.
- Clematis microphylla DC. var. microphylla
- Melilotus indicus (L.) All.
- Wurmbea dioica (R.Br.) F.Muell. subsp. dioica
- Helichrysum leucopsideum DC.
- Sonchus oleraceus L.
- Apium prostratum Labill. ex Vent. var. prostratum
- Arthropodium strictum R.Br.
- Acacia calamifolia Sweet ex Lindl.
- Austrostipa platychaeta (Hughes) S.W.L.Jacobs & J.Everett
- Soil
- Cassinia laevis R.Br.
- Senecio anethifolius A.Cunn. ex DC.
- Callitris gracilis R.T.Baker
- Wahlenbergia luteola P.J.Sm.
- Fumaria bastardii Boreau
- Fauna
- Bartsia trixago L.
- Flora
- Dodonaea baueri Endl.
- Galium murale (L.) All.
- Carex divisa Huds.
- Convolvulus sp.
- Eucalyptus camaldulensis Dehnh. subsp. camaldulensis
- Bromus rubens L.
- Filago pyramidata L.
- Trifolium angustifolium L.
- Trifolium scabrum L.
- Melaleuca lanceolata Otto
- Minuartia mediterranea (Ledeb. ex Link) K.Maly
- Sagina apetala Ard.
- Goodenia albiflora Schltdl.
- Comesperma volubile Labill.
- Centaurea melitensis L.
- Vittadinia blackii N.T.Burb.
- Carrichtera annua (L.) DC.
- Cyperus gymnocaulos Steud.
- Pittosporum angustifolium Lodd., G.Lodd. & W.Lodd.
- Leontodon rhagadioloides (L.) Enke & Zidorn
- Brachypodium distachyon (L.) P.Beauv.
- Sida petrophila F.Muell.
- Vulpia muralis (Kunth) Nees
- Millotia tenuifolia Cass. var. tenuifolia
- Prasophyllum odoratum R.S.Rogers
- Moraea setifolia (L.f.) Druce
- Galium migrans Ehrend. & McGill.
- Parietaria debilis G.Forst.
- Juncus kraussii Hochst.
- Gahnia trifida Labill.
- Triodia scariosa N.T.Burb.
- Anagallis arvensis L.
- Adriana quadripartita (Labill.)Gaudich.
- Arctotheca calendula (L.) Levyns
- Isolepis cernua (Vahl) Roem. & Schult.
- Lepidium papillosum F.Muell.
- Picnomon acarna (L.) Cass.
- Actinobole uliginosum (A.Gray) H.Eichler
- Olearia picridifolia (F.Muell.) Benth.
- Crassula sieberiana subsp. tetramera Toelken
- Briza maxima L.
- Vulpia myuros (L.) C.C.Gmel. f. myuros
- Trifolium campestre Schreb.
- Sonchus hydrophilus Boulos
- Eucalyptus porosa F.Muell. ex Miq.
- Polypogon monspeliensis (L.) Desf.
- Hypochaeris glabra L.
- Brachyscome ciliaris (Labill.) Less. var. ciliaris
- Asperula conferta Hook.f.
- Parapholis incurva (L.) C.E.Hubb.
- Olearia ramulosa (Labill.) Benth.
- Boerhavia dominii Meikle & Hewson
- Gonocarpus elatus (A.Cunn. ex Fenzl) Orchard
- Valerianella discoidea (L.) Loisel.
- Salvia verbenaca var. verbenaca
- Reichardia tingitana (L.) Roth
- Erodium crinitum Carolin
- Dodonaea viscosa subsp. spatulata (Sm.) J.G.West
- Zygophyllum aurantiacum (Lindl.) F.Muell. subsp. aurantiacum
- Microseris lanceolata (Walp.) Sch.Bip.
- Glischrocaryon flavescens (J.Drumm.) Orchard
- Carthamus lanatus L.
- Acacia hakeoides A.Cunn. ex Benth.
- Calostemma purpureum R.Br.
- Sebaea ovata (Labill.) R.Br.
- Poa crassicaudex Vickery
- Sisymbrium orientale L.
- Lepidosperma viscidum R.Br.
- Avellinia michelii (Savi) Parl.
- Alectryon oleifolius subsp. canescens S.T.Reynolds
- Glycine clandestina var. (NC)
- Triptilodiscus pygmaeus Turcz.
- Lithology
- Rhodanthe pygmaea (DC.) Paul G.Wilson
- Geranium retrorsum L'Her. ex DC.
- Rhagodia parabolica R.Br.
- Phyllanthus saxosus F.Muell.
- Daucus glochidiatus (Labill.) Fisch., C.A.Mey. & Ave-Lall.
- Convolvulus remotus R.Br.
- Eremophila alternifolia R.Br.
- Bromus hordeaceus L. subsp. hordeaceus
- Tricoryne elatior R.Br.
- Plantago hispida R.Br.
- Bupleurum semicompositum L.
- Lythrum hyssopifolia L.
- Epilobium billardiereanum Ser. subsp. billardiereanum
- Scaevola humilis R.Br.
- Cymbopogon ambiguus (Hack.) A.Camus
- Oxalis perennans Haw.
- Austrostipa nodosa (S.T.Blake) S.W.L.Jacobs & J.Everett
- Chrysocephalum apiculatum (Labill.) Steetz
- Dodonaea viscosa subsp. angustissima (DC.) J.G.West
- Trifolium arvense L. var. arvense
- Senecio glossanthus (Sond.) Belcher
- Thysanotus baueri R.Br.
- Thysanotus patersonii R.Br.
- Podolepis tepperi (F.Muell.) D.A.Cooke
- Pimelea stricta Meisn.
- Pomaderris paniculosa F.Muell. ex Reissek subsp. paniculosa
- Rytidosperma caespitosum (Gaudich.) Connor & Edgar
- Sisymbrium erysimoides Desf.
- Melaleuca lanceolata Otto subsp. lanceolata
- Olearia decurrens (DC.) Benth.
- Calandrinia eremaea Ewart
- Bursaria spinosa Cav. subsp. spinosa
- Ptilotus obovatus (Gaudich.) F.Muell.
- Vegetation Structure
- Lamarckia aurea (L.) Moench
- Poranthera microphylla Brongn.
- Hordeum marinum Huds.
- Lobelia anceps L.f.
- Species Presence/Abundance
- Enchylaena tomentosa R.Br. var. tomentosa
- Convolvulus erubescens Sims
- Cirsium vulgare (Savi) Ten.
- Dodonaea hexandra F.Muell.
- Vittadinia cervicularis N.T.Burb. var. cervicularis
- Tetragonia eremaea Ostenf.
- Baumea juncea (R.Br.) Palla
- Crepis foetida L. subsp. foetida
- Maireana enchylaenoides (F.Muell.) Paul G.Wilson
- Acrotriche patula R.Br.
- Leptorhynchos tetrachaetus (Schltdl.) J.M.Black
- Calotis hispidula (F.Muell.) F.Muell.
- Pentameris airoides Nees subsp. airoides
- Arthropodium fimbriatum R.Br.
- Typha domingensis Pers.
- Dianella revoluta R.Br. var. revoluta
- Cheilanthes lasiophylla Pic.Serm.
- Solanum nigrum L.
- Wahlenbergia stricta (R.Br.) Sweet subsp. stricta
- Eucalyptus socialis F.Muell. ex Miq.
- Einadia nutans subsp. eremaea
- Pterostylis biseta Blackmore & Clemesha
- Landscape
- Lolium rigidum Gaudin
- Goodenia pinnatifida Schltdl.
- Wahlenbergia gracilenta Lothian
- Silene nocturna L.
- Austrostipa eremophila (Reader) S.W.L.Jacobs & J.Everett
- Beyeria lechenaultii (DC.) Baill.
- Triglochin striata Ruiz & Pav.
- Stackhousia monogyna Labill.
- Polypogon viridis (Gouan) Breistr.
- Acacia spilleriana J.E.Br.
- Gahnia lanigera (R.Br.) Benth.
- Neatostema apulum (L.) I.M.Johnst.
- Rorippa nasturtium-aquaticum (L.) Hayek
- Pleurosorus rutifolius (R.Br.) Fee
- Calytrix tetragona Labill.
- Arthropodium minus R.Br.
- Ptilotus spathulatus (R.Br.) Poir.
- ANZSRC Fields of Research
- ANZSRC Socio-economic Objective
- Description
- Hopkins Creek (Nature Conservation Society)
Temporal extent
- Time period
- 2003-11-08 2003-11-11
Resource constraints
- Use limitation
- The Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) license allows others to copy, distribute, display, and create derivative works provided that they credit the original source and any other nominated parties. Details are provided at https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
- File name
- 88x31.png
- File description
- CCBy Logo from creativecommons.org
- File type
- png
- Title
- Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International Licence
- Alternate title
- Edition
- 4.0
- Access constraints
- License
- Use constraints
- Other restrictions
- Other constraints
- These data can be freely downloaded via the TERN AEKOS and used subject to the null licence. Attribution and citation is required as described under Licence and Citation. We ask you to send citations of publications arising from work that use these data to esupport@tern.org.au and citation and copies of publications to DEWNRBioDataRequests@sa.gov.au.
Resource constraints
- Classification
- Unclassified
- Title
- A georeferenced implementation of weighted endemism
- Website
A georeferenced implementation of weighted endemism
A georeferenced implementation of weighted endemism
Distribution Information
- Distribution format
- OnLine resource
- http://aekos.org.au/collection/sa.gov.au/bdbsa_veg/survey_168
Reference System Information
- Reference system identifier
- EPSG/EPSG:3577
- Reference system type
- Geodetic Geographic 2D
- Metadata identifier
- Title
- TERN GeoNetwork UUID - Advanced Ecological Knowledge and Observation System
- Language
- English
- Character encoding
- UTF8
Point of contact
Type of resource
- Resource scope
- Dataset
- Metadata linkage
Point of truth URL of this metadata record
- Date info (Creation)
- 2012-06-30T00:00:00
- Date info (Revision)
- 2017-05-01T00:00:00
Metadata standard
- Title
- ISO 19115-1:2014/AMD 1:2018 Geographic information - Metadata - Fundamentals
- Edition
- 1
Metadata standard
- Title
- ISO/TS 19115-3:2016
- Edition
- 1.0
Metadata standard
- Title
- ISO/TS 19157-2:2016
- Edition
- 1.0
- Title
- Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Network (TERN) Metadata Profile of ISO 19115-3:2016 and ISO 19157-2:2016
- Date (published)
- 2021
- Edition
- 1.0