Port Broughton to Kulpara TSA (March 2001), Biological Survey of South Australia - Roadside Vegetation Survey, Biological Database of South Australia
The project systematically surveys the extent and condition of remnant native vegetation on railway corridors / roadsides . A standard drive-by survey methodology is used to record dominant species (overstorey, understorey, emergent, threatened and alien species), structural type, density/distribution and understorey vegetation type in roadside vegetation. Mapping outputs are used to inform roadside vegetation management by Local and State Governments.
Identification info
- Date (Publication)
- 2012-01-01
- Date (Revision)
- 2012-01-01
- Edition
- 5/2017
Department of Environment and Natural Resources (2010-2012), South Australian Government
81-95 Waymouth Street, Adelaide, South Australia, 5000, Australia
South Australia
Department of Environment and Natural Resources (2010-2012), South Australian Government
81-95 Waymouth Street, Adelaide, South Australia, 5000, Australia
South Australia
Point of contact
Department of Environment, Water and Natural Resources (2012-2018), South Australian Government
81-95 Waymouth Street, Adelaide, South Australia, 5000, Australia
South Australia
- Keywords (Discipline)
- Geijera parviflora
- Bromus catharticus
- Acacia victoriae subsp. arida
- Beyeria lechenaultii
- Disturbance
- Dianella revoluta var. brevicaulis
- Zygophyllum apiculatum
- Scaevola spinescens
- Eucalyptus calycogona subsp. calycogona
- Casuarina pauper
- Pultenaea hispidula R.Br. ex Benth.
- Tetragonia implexicoma
- Eucalyptus cladocalyx
- Brachyscome angustifolia A.Cunn. ex DC. var. angustifolia
- Lonicera japonica Thunb.
- Dianella revoluta var. revoluta
- Exocarpos aphyllus
- Callitris gracilis
- Melaleuca lanceolata subsp. lanceolata
- Helipterum albicans (A.Cunn.) DC.
- Rhagodia parabolica
- Eucalyptus sp.
- Vegetation Structure
- Templetonia rossii
- Danthonia sp.
- Species Presence/Abundance
- Elytrophorus spicatus (Willd.) A.Camus
- Philotheca difformis (A.Cunn. ex Endl.) Paul G.Wilson subsp. difformis
- Xanthosia dissecta Hook.f. var. dissecta
- Eucalyptus brachycalyx
- Eucalyptus gracilis
- Pittosporum angustifolium
- Myoporum platycarpum subsp. perbellum
- Piptatherum miliaceum
- Pultenaea involucrata Benth.
- Olearia floribunda
- Leucopogon cordifolius Lindl.
- Polycarpaea corymbosa var. minor Pedley
- Santalum acuminatum
- Avena barbata
- Acacia ligulata
- Genoplesium nigricans (R.Br.) D.L.Jones & M.A.Clem.
- Paraserianthes lophantha (Willd.) I.C.Nielsen
- Lactuca serriola
- Flora
- Austrostipa sp.
- Brachyloma daphnoides (Sm.) Benth.
- Echium plantagineum
- Specimens
- Epacris obtusifolia Sm.
- Lepidosperma gladiatum Labill.
- Eucalyptus calycogona var. calycogona
- Schinus molle
- Brassica × juncea (L.) Czern.
- Carrichtera annua
- Hibbertia crispula J.M.Black
- Salvia verbenaca var. verbenaca
- Glossostigma elatinoides (Benth.) Hook.f.
- Marrubium vulgare
- Agave americana var. (NC)
- Senna artemisioides subsp. petiolaris
- ANZSRC Fields of Research
- ANZSRC Socio-economic Objective
- Description
- Port Broughton to Kulpara TSA (March 2001)
Temporal extent
- Time period
- 2001-03-22 2001-03-22
Resource constraints
- Use limitation
- The Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) license allows others to copy, distribute, display, and create derivative works provided that they credit the original source and any other nominated parties. Details are provided at https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
- File name
- 88x31.png
- File description
- CCBy Logo from creativecommons.org
- File type
- png
- Title
- Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International Licence
- Alternate title
- Edition
- 4.0
- Access constraints
- License
- Use constraints
- Other restrictions
- Other constraints
- These data can be freely downloaded via the TERN AEKOS and used subject to the null licence. Attribution and citation is required as described under Licence and Citation. We ask you to send citations of publications arising from work that use these data to esupport@tern.org.au and citation and copies of publications to DEWNRBioDataRequests@sa.gov.au.
Resource constraints
- Classification
- Unclassified
Distribution Information
- Distribution format
- OnLine resource
- http://aekos.org.au/collection/sa.gov.au/DEWNR_ROADSIDEVEG/35
Reference System Information
- Reference system identifier
- EPSG/EPSG:3577
- Reference system type
- Geodetic Geographic 2D
- Metadata identifier
- Title
- TERN GeoNetwork UUID - Advanced Ecological Knowledge and Observation System
- Language
- English
- Character encoding
- UTF8
Point of contact
Type of resource
- Resource scope
- Dataset
- Metadata linkage
Point of truth URL of this metadata record
- Date info (Creation)
- 2015-02-02T00:00:00
- Date info (Revision)
- 2017-05-01T00:00:00
Metadata standard
- Title
- ISO 19115-1:2014/AMD 1:2018 Geographic information - Metadata - Fundamentals
- Edition
- 1
Metadata standard
- Title
- ISO/TS 19115-3:2016
- Edition
- 1.0
Metadata standard
- Title
- ISO/TS 19157-2:2016
- Edition
- 1.0
- Title
- Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Network (TERN) Metadata Profile of ISO 19115-3:2016 and ISO 19157-2:2016
- Date (published)
- 2021
- Edition
- 1.0
Spatial extent
Provided by
Associated resources
Not available