Robson Creek Site, Bird Capture Data, 2011
The record is on the bird capture data from the Robson Creek Site in 2011. Data set contains information related to the bird capture details such as, the Australian Bird & Bat Banding Scheme (ABBBS) band number, field species identification, the Royal Australasian Ornithologists Union (RAOU) Species Number, age and sex of the bird. There are details of morphometric measurements such as weight, bill length, tarsus length, wing length, wing moult and tail moult. In addition information on re-capture, breeding status and blood collection details have been recorded.
Identification info
- Date (Creation)
- 2011-07-01
- Date (Publication)
- 2014-06-30
- Date (Revision)
- 2024-12-16
- Edition
- 1
CSIRO Land and Water (2014-2022) - McKeown, Adam (Senior Experimental Scientist)
147 Underwood Avenue, Floreat, 6014, Western Australia, Australia
Western Australia
CSIRO Land and Water (2014-2022) - Westcott, David (Research Scientist)
147 Underwood Avenue, Floreat, 6014, Western Australia, Australia
Western Australia
- Website
- Purpose
- The aim of the bird surveys at Robson Creek are to provide a description of the bird community, including its richness and composition, and having established a baseline description to monitor the dynamics and phenology of the community over time. The aim is to be able to link this data to environmental drivers of dynamics. <br></br> Ideally the monitoring could also be used as means of estimating and monitoring abundance of individual species. Unfortunately, most if not all species at the site can move rapidly between transects and within transects. This means that the survey transects are not independent of each other and it cannot be assumed that the observations of individual birds or groups of birds encountered are independent of each other on a transect or even at a point on a transect. Given that that most detections are by ear and not by eye means there is no guarantee that new detections at a point are not simply a bird moving.<br></br> Bird surveys at Robson Creek are conducted using walked transects and are largely in line with the Transect Method used in the Birdlife Australia Atlas Project.
- Credit
- We at TERN acknowledge the Traditional Owners and Custodians throughout Australia, New Zealand and all nations. We honour their profound connections to land, water, biodiversity and culture and pay our respects to their Elders past, present and emerging.
- Status
- Completed
Point of contact
CSIRO Land and Water (2014-2022) - McKeown, Adam (Senior Experimental Scientist)
147 Underwood Avenue, Floreat, 6014, Western Australia, Australia
147 Underwood Avenue
Western Australia
- Topic category
- Biota
- Description
- The Robson Creek 25-ha rainforest site is located in the Danbulla National Park within the Wet Tropics World Heritage Area in the Atherton Tablelands in Far North Queensland.
Temporal extent
- Time period
- 2011-07-01 2014-06-30
- Maintenance and update frequency
- Not planned
- GCMD Science Keywords
- ANZSRC Fields of Research
- TERN Platform Vocabulary
- TERN Parameter Vocabulary
- QUDT Units of Measure
- GCMD Horizontal Resolution Ranges
- GCMD Temporal Resolution Ranges
- Keywords (Discipline)
- Bird Survey
- Robson Creek
- Far North Queensland
- Wet Tropics
- Bird morphometrics
- Yellow-throated Scrubwren
- Pale-yellow Robin
- Grey Fantail
- Lewin's Honeyeater
- Fernwren
- Atherton Scrubwren
- Spotted Catbird
- Rufous Fantail
- Bower's Shrike-thrush
- Tooth-billed Bowerbird
- Spectacled Monarch
Resource constraints
- Use limitation
- The Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) license allows others to copy, distribute, display, and create derivative works provided that they credit the original source and any other nominated parties. Details are provided at
- File name
- 88x31.png
- File description
- CCBy Logo from
- File type
- png
- Title
- Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International Licence
- Alternate title
- Edition
- 4.0
- Access constraints
- License
- Use constraints
- Other restrictions
- Other constraints
- TERN services are provided on an "as-is" and "as available" basis. Users use any TERN services at their discretion and risk. They will be solely responsible for any damage or loss whatsoever that results from such use including use of any data obtained through TERN and any analysis performed using the TERN infrastructure. <br />Web links to and from external, third party websites should not be construed as implying any relationships with and/or endorsement of the external site or its content by TERN. <br /><br />Please advise any work or publications that use this data via the online form at
- Other constraints
- Please cite this dataset as {Author} ({PublicationYear}). {Title}. {Version, as appropriate}. Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Network. Dataset. {Identifier}.
- Other constraints
- <br>Please note: This data has been migrated “as is” from TERN’s SuperSite data portal. Minimal quality assessment has been applied to this data. Please contact the dataset authors for queries regarding the data.</br>
Resource constraints
- Classification
- Unclassified
Distribution Information
- Distribution format
- NetCDF
- OnLine resource
- Robson_Creek_Bird_Capture_Data_2011
Distribution Information
- Distribution format
- NetCDF
- OnLine resource
- Robson_Creek_Site_Bird_Capture_Data_Dictionary
Distribution Information
- Distribution format
Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Network
Building 1019, 80 Meiers Rd, Indooroopilly, QLD, Australia, 4068
- OnLine resource
- ro-crate-metadata.json
Resource lineage
- Statement
- Surveys were conducted monthly at a minimum but usually fortnightly. They are conducted in all weather conditions except those which would seriously impact detection ability, i.e. during very heavy rain or wind. Should heavy rain or wind occur after the commencement of a survey the survey is paused until those conditions end. If this seems unlikely the survey is abandoned until a later date.<br></br> Where ever possible surveys are conducted by the same two observer, though over time this, inevitably, cannot always be achieved.<br></br> Surveys begun between 0600 and 0800 with later start times occurring in the cooler months when days are shorter. Survey duration was two and a half to three hours. Observers walk five set sections of trail on and around the Robson Creek plot. They moved at such a pace that they spend a minimum of, and as close as possible, to 30 minutes on each section. With each survey the observer records: Date, Time, Weather, Observer. <br></br> Encounters with birds were either visual or aural. At each encounter the following data is collected: species, number of individuals, whether the bird was seen or heard, sex (if possible), age (if possible), time since start of the survey.
- Hierarchy level
- Dataset
Reference System Information
- Reference system identifier
- EPSG/EPSG:4326
- Reference system type
- Geodetic Geographic 2D
- Metadata identifier
- Title
- TERN GeoNetwork UUID
- Language
- English
- Character encoding
- UTF8
Point of contact
Type of resource
- Resource scope
- Dataset
- Metadata linkage
Point-of-truth metadata URL
- Date info (Creation)
- 2023-04-12T00:00:00
- Date info (Revision)
- 2024-12-16T00:00:00
Metadata standard
- Title
- ISO 19115-1:2014/AMD 1:2018 Geographic information - Metadata - Fundamentals
- Edition
- 1
Metadata standard
- Title
- ISO/TS 19115-3:2016
- Edition
- 1.0
Metadata standard
- Title
- ISO/TS 19157-2:2016
- Edition
- 1.0
- Title
- Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Network (TERN) Metadata Profile of ISO 19115-3:2016 and ISO 19157-2:2016
- Date (published)
- 2021
- Edition
- 1.0
Spatial extent
Provided by

Associated resources
Not available