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    The record contains information on rainfall data recorded between 1995-2011 from 17 rain gauges across the Calperum Mallee Site, Calperum Station, South Australia. Data on mean monthly and annual rainfall and standard deviation is provided for each site, along with annual rainfall totals.

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    Data on weather conditions at the Daintree Rainforest, Cape Tribulation site collected between 2006 - 2014. Weather station data includes daily records of air temperature, wind speed, solar radiation, relative humidity and rainfall.

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    Data on weather conditions at the Robson Creek Rainforest site collected between 2010 - 2014. Weather station data includes daily records of air temperature, wind speed, solar radiation, relative humidity and rainfall.

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    Data on weather conditions at the Daintree Rainforest, Cow Bay site collected between 2008 - 2014. Weather station data includes daily records of air temperature, wind speed, solar radiation, relative humidity and rainfall.

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    Data on weather conditions at the Warra Tall Eucalypt site collected between 2004 - 2012. Data includes daily maximum and minimum temperatures, wind speed, wind direction, rainfall and humidity.

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    Data on weather conditions at the Great Western Woodlands site collected between 2012 - 2016. Data includes half-hourly records of radiation and net radiation at 3 m (2012) and 36 m (2013 - 2016), mean wind speed and wind direction at 3 m (2012) and 36 m (2013 - 2016), air temperature and relative humidity at 3 m (2012) and 36 m (2013 - 2016), atmospheric pressure at 3 m (2012) and 36 m (2013 - 2016), ground heat flux at -8cm, and rainfall at 0.5m